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Rakata weapons still useless in 1.1

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I'm much more concerned about having 300+ USELESS accuracy on the "best" gear. Even alacrity is pretty awful in TOR. Crit, Surge, and Power are the stats that actually make a difference (after hitting 105% on special attacks).

yeah this is ridiculous, people have argued that columi is actually the "BiS" for most people, ofc they are going to get the rakata too but im sure most including me will swap the 58mods to 56 ones. seriously im a gunner commando with +35% armor pen from form, another +15 or how much it was from grav round spamming and... whoever designed the stats is a total idiot who absolutely hates endgame pve. only useful thing really is the 58 armoring.

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This issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch. (Not 1.1.1)


Items already acquired by players will be upgraded automatically to the fixed versions when that happens.


Why not 1.1.1? It's a simple numbers change. . . Go in, change some code, item "fixed".

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This. And specifically the crafting part. How is it that Synthweaving crafters are able to provide endgame quality items while a person like me unwittingly (apparently) chooses a craft like Artifice, which not only makes sub-endgame crafts, but also sub-daily crafts?? You could have at least allowed us a chance, small though it might have been, to reverse engineer a purple sub-daily craft into the next level green (at least up to the quality of the items/mods provided by the dailies). Would love to hear why this is the way it is.


There really doesn't seem to be any reason to craft anything other than Biochem. I've been 400 for weeks and the only crafted thing I still use is the AOE stun grenade (which got nerfed along with the rest of them)


Which really isn't that useful to be honest. It only works well against weak/standard enemies and at that point a DFA would have done the same thing but better.


Biochem get a free heal for them and their companions, and perma stim/adrenal.


Which do we think is more effective for anyone


1) Free Short range AOE stun for standard/strong enemies.

2) Free 3k heal, 136 aim, 56 power, +565 crit trinket


It's not really close IMO. By the way I chose the AOE stun because I feel it's the strongest grenade. I don't need a crappy AOE when I have excellent ones already.




I'm fine with Biochem being useful at 50, I DO NOT WANT IT NERFED. I just want other crafts to be as useful to level 50's.

Edited by FuzzNasty
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I'm much more concerned about having 300+ USELESS accuracy on the "best" gear. Even alacrity is pretty awful in TOR. Crit, Surge, and Power are the stats that actually make a difference (after hitting 105% on special attacks).


bosses drop enhancements with crit + surge or power + surge... u just have to be damn lucky to get ~6 of them

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Why not 1.1.1? It's a simple numbers change. . . Go in, change some code, item "fixed".


Theres really no excuse for not fixing this in a weekly patch.


I was Q&A tester for SCEE (Sony) for some years and if i submitted a bug for a class B statistics error in a build; the next few days the new build would have the statistics bug fixed.


What is your excuse as to why 1.1.1 won't have this change? seriously that is either just stubborness or sheer laziness. It could be fixed in 1.1.0c and I could come round and do it myself!!


Its a simple simple change that effects everyone in a positive way(the way you wanted it to be originally). You've given the community a few new bosses in KP, which is great..but the rewards that can be obtained from said KP are surely under the same catagory in an update.


Stop pretending that this isnt a priority. Loot is really the only reason people raid the same instance over and over.



Loot Errors for Endgame = Priority


If you cant handle simple errors weekly either get a bigger staff or focus on the weekly patchs atm rather than the monthly until its sorted out.


For the Illum exploit you did an emergency patch (oh noes exploits) so don't tell me you couldnt quickly add this to your to do list for a weekly maint



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Aye George's reply made me more annoyed then relived, It just shows how screwed up theyr priorities are, fixing the t3 weapons is a simple database change, there is basicly nothing else that can be fixed as easily, and with as little potential for followup bugs...


And like someone else mentioned, Biowares fascination with Accuracy on t3 is absurd.

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This issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch. (Not 1.1.1)


Items already acquired by players will be upgraded automatically to the fixed versions when that happens.


hmm, that could be tricky considering the mod system:

Does that include allready removed mods or just the item as a whole?

aka does the game track where a mod has been removed from?


btw speaking of mods - there are a couple of mods that have the exact same name but different stats (eg mods from Tionesse Armor and Mods from T1 Weapons) - i'm guessing the weapon Mods should have been named Masterwork (they are iLv 52) and are mislabled as Advanced (iLv 51)


why not 1.1.1? it's a simple fix and all us raiders are stuck with junk rakata weapons until you do it -.-

see above - replacing the vendor weapons with correct ones should be really easy true - replacing existing ones correctly might be a lil challenging (depending on the exact implementation of the mod system).

Edited by Lyandria
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I also find that statement very disturbing.

metrics must have told them that only a small minority possess rakata tokens and therefore it's not worth looking into anytime soon.


You guys... I'm quoting you macumba, but this equally goes out to the rest stating how easy of a fix this is. Almost all of us are fairly clueless as exactly how BW's internal workings go... but I bet they have some systems in place to ensure all those fancy items you have stay in your bags.


Their system may function in such a way that they must bring the whole system down to modify items already out there. They may need to ensure when they fix your items, that they don't break something else... that whole QA process.


They may have a firm cap on what is going in the next patch, so not to delay it, thus inciting more precious snowflake rage from other snowflakes... It will happen.


I am also quite sure that the gear upgrades you are in such desperate need of are not going to put a hardcap on your progression. Yes there is a bar to get over, but I am quite sure you are past it. Calm down and continue blasting through the content... work on getting these bosses on farm status with your inferior gear and when the fix comes with NEW bosses, you'll be all set to crush through that too.

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for once I did not state how easy this is to fix or not.


so here we go, you created the best gear there is wrong.

I would be so ashamed of myself for doing such an obvious mistake that I'd fix that asap just to save my face (no matter how many people are affected)

that this has carried over so late into the game that we now have people affected by this makes it even worse.

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Well at least this is some kind of answer. Bioware really needs to get there crap together.


It's not like Bioware doesn't want SWTOR to become a success, so they HAVE to fix the bugs and really work at their costumer support. The raids/ops are not that difficult, so there will be a lot of people able to kill Karagga on hard or nightmare difficulty. It is not like in WOW where the heroic mode takes "normal" guilds weeks and months to kill the last boss even once.

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"Why should you pve'ers have better weapons than me!! I have to grind non stop for 2 weeks straight to get BM, then have to pray to the RNG gods that I actually get a weapon in my bag!"


About the only reason I can see them not fixing this 2 weeks ago.

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Tonight i got my 2nd piece of rakata gear, the offhand pistol from the 2nd boss in EV (Hardmode).


First i was like yaaay.


But then i saw the pistol and i was like ... ehm ... im losing aim...

so now i got a lolgun.


Waiting for my next piece of lolgear.

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be glad they do it at all


Be glad? from what I can see we are paying them every month to do exactly this, theyr pace so far however is pityful and barley worthy of the monthly fee.


As content gets older the pace of fixes etc will need to increase considerably, or it will bite them in the ***.. hard.

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They have said they will fix these soon.



The fact that I reported this months ago in BETA...


Perhaps there were more important bugs to fix? Or possibly the fixes for the tough problems are taking up a lot more time and resources than we think they should. I want them fixed as well, but the game is hardly "unplayable" now.

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So that's the weapons, what about poor stat optimization on gear? Why do guardian tanks have surge of all things on their rakata gear? Might as well put presence on them. The weapons definitely need to be addressed. However, there is far too much accuracy across the board, and far too little of the stats we want to see.
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