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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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Whiners on the Forums.


But then again, if you look at WoW's forums, they are even worse, so I guess its just a fact of life, and a good thing for the games popularity!!!


So Keep it coming!!! Your hate, especially the clowns like the OP that are spending all this time on a game board for a game they have cancelled, just makes SWTOR stronger!!

Edited by Drallbait
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I don't think you comprehend what I'M saying xD


I mean exclusivley in game:




leveling , etc.


Which one of those features to you is the worst one? There has to be one.


Let me give you an example since you don't understand:


*random swtor fanboy ratings:*


Pvp 10/10

Pve 10/10

Leveling 9/10 <--- 9 is less than 10, thus, this would be the worst feature for said fan boy.


Do you understand now?


Honestly, everyone understood you from the start. People are responding like that because they don't like all these threads that aren't constructive and are purely negative.

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The forums. I go on to talk about the game, and am instead spammed with whining threads comparing this game to WoW.


I swear, WoW should be added to the chat filter on this site, or even better have the mods switch it to "The Twilight Series" every time someone mentions it.

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i love how OP did already receive the answer to his question, but how he still tries so hard to i would say troll (i dare to call this a rhetoric exercise) people trying to make them pour some water on his water wheel.


OP, your kind of behavior is the worst thing of this game yet. everything else is fine, game in a whole, as a gestalt, is fine, you do not need to quantize it, just enjoy or not.

you do not enjoy it, why dont you say it once and go on with your life right after?

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For me the worst (most annoying) thing about this game is the extremely long time it takes to switch characters. With a close second place going to the silly auto log out, really why have it? Does swtor servers really fail that bad?
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The problem is the way you approach this subject. If you want people to give you straight forward answers without all the nonsense in between, then you cannot appear biased from the start.


Try Titling it something like:


-- Rate features 1 - 10 and average them out

-- Best and Worst Features. Tell us yours!

-- List out all of the features and have everyone rate them.

-- Create a top ten list in order of importance.

-- Areas you would like fixed


See how those sound less biased? They don't immediately put people on the defensive with you simply by the title.


Secondly, you can't claim that anyone who enjoys this game is a fanboy just because you aren't.


Yes, there are fan boys out there, and there are regular MMO fans that also enjoy this game, not just one or the other, this isn't black and white.


Who is here?

Pre-20th -- Everyone free on forums who spent $5.00, includes those who dislike the game completely.


Post-20th -- Those with enough interest in the game willing to spend the money on subscription.


What does this mean?

It means that those who are still here most likely want this game to succeed. It also means that MOST of the pollution in the forums will disappear. There will still be complaint threads, and people who dislike the game. The sheer volume will drop dramatically though, and that will create a much friendlier environment to play in.


Unbiased, without emotion, constructive threads is what this game needs to build a good community.

Edited by djsmileey
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The problem is the way you approach this subject. If you want people to give you straight forward answers without all the nonsense in between, then you cannot appear biased from the start.


Try Titling it something like:


-- Rate features 1 - 10 and average them out

-- Best and Worst Features. Tell us yours!

-- List out all of the features and have everyone rate them.

-- Create a top ten list in order of importance.

-- Areas you would like fixed


See how those sound less biased? They don't immediately put people on the defensive with you simply by the title.


Secondly, you can't claim that anyone who enjoys this game is a fanboy just because you aren't.


Yes, there are fan boys out there, and there are regular MMO fans that also enjoy this game, not just one or the other, this isn't black and white.


Who is here?

Pre-20th -- Everyone free on forums who spent $5.00, includes those who dislike the game completely.


Post-20th -- Those with enough interest in the game willing to spend the money on subscription.


What does this mean?

It means that those who are still here most likely want this game to succeed. It also means that MOST of the pollution in the forums will disappear. There will still be complaint threads, and people who dislike the game. The sheer volume will drop dramatically though, and that will create a much friendlier environment to play in.


Unbiased, without emotion, constructive threads is what this game needs to build a good community.


Example of a purely constructive post.


What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn


Example of a TOR bashing post.

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the things i don't like:


no petless classes. you have to get a companion or grind out levels to be 6 or so levels higher to complete missions


no offline play. other than the gtn and chat that i rarely even look at - this would have been a great single player game.

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I don't think you comprehend what I'M saying xD


I mean exclusivley in game:




leveling , etc.


Which one of those features to you is the worst one? There has to be one.


Let me give you an example since you don't understand:


*random swtor fanboy ratings:*


Pvp 10/10

Pve 10/10

Leveling 9/10 <--- 9 is less than 10, thus, this would be the worst feature for said fan boy.


Do you understand now?



Yes. I got it the first time. You are trolling the forum, looking to belittle something I and the vats majority of players enjoy.


I don't know why. I've looked at your posting history, and you appeared to love the game for the first three days. Then started posting annoying threads. Like this one.


You clearly have the attention span of a spastic toddler.


But I'll help you out as to why I'm not biting. You're asking a loaded question by looking for 'the worst thing about SW:TOR?'.


It implies that there's bad things, really bad things, and worst things.


This is not the case. Sure, they're are improvements that could be made, but I - and the majority of players- are happy with what we've got.


A more constructive question would be: 'What improvments can be made to SW:TOR?'.


But such positivity is clearly beyond you.


So you troll the forums.


With annoying threads. Like this one.


Which are the worst thing about SW:TOR.

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If I was forced to pick the least favored feature in game, I would probably say lack of Variety in pvp maps. It wouldn't have been that difficult to create another 2 or 3 maps. I also understand why they didn't though, can't release everything right away, if you do what will you have to give people later?


Very good point.

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Worst thing about SWTOR - it was development by a company without any MMO development experience + it seems like its stuff doesn't play MMOs, doesn't know what players really need - thus using set of primitive stereotypes from single player games and ancient/outdated MMOs like WoW.



Edited by Pashgan
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i love how OP did already receive the answer to his question, but how he still tries so hard to i would say troll (i dare to call this a rhetoric exercise) people trying to make them pour some water on his water wheel.


OP, your kind of behavior is the worst thing of this game yet. everything else is fine, game in a whole, as a gestalt, is fine, you do not need to quantize it, just enjoy or not.

you do not enjoy it, why dont you say it once and go on with your life right after?


I have to keep repeating the question because people keep saying "this game is fine". I understand you think that, but that was not the question asked in the OP.


The question is "what is the worst thing about swtor", and it will vary from person to person, but EVERYONE will have something they don't like as much. EVERYONE.

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Yes. I got it the first time. You are trolling the forum, looking to belittle something I and the vats majority of players enjoy.


I don't know why. I've looked at your posting history, and you appeared to love the game for the first three days. Then started posting annoying threads. Like this one.


You clearly have the attention span of a spastic toddler.


But I'll help you out as to why I'm not biting. You're asking a loaded question by looking for 'the worst thing about SW:TOR?'.


It implies that there's bad things, really bad things, and worst things.


This is not the case. Sure, they're are improvements that could be made, but I - and the majority of players- are happy with what we've got.


A more constructive question would be: 'What improvments can be made to SW:TOR?'.


But such positivity is clearly beyond you.


So you troll the forums.


With annoying threads. Like this one.


Which are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


Again, you seem to have problems understanding what I'm talking about. How does worse imply bad things, really bad things, and worst things?


Something could be damn near perfection, but it will always have something slightly worse in one way or another. How can you deny that?


Look through my example, clearly the person likes the game (hence every rating being 9 or above), but there is still a 'worst' rating, being 9. Because it's simply the lowest out of all his ratings.

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I gave it almost 30 days, still laggy as can be, clunky, and not really very fun in general after you get past the cool little story line that gets boring after a couple weeks and it's actually time to play the real game, aka end-game, which is broken and sucks anyway. Waste of $60, which is unfortunate because I badly wanted this game to live up to the hype.


I wish I would have known that it was nearly as instance as Guild Wars. Single player MMO FTL. :(

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Is "worst" a bad word to use? I really don't understand, every game has a "worst thing". The thread title isn't negative towards TOR whatsoever.


It's not the word worst, it's the overall connotation of the entire title and the original post.


Worst thing about SWTOR?


What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


So first off, "I have a HUGE list, personally" does not pertain to the subject at hand. It is not relevant as it in no way reveals what the "Worst thing about SWTOR" is, that also establishes that this person hates a lot of aspects of TOR, make it unwelcoming for a player who likes the game.


then "Your turn :)"... Why did he SMILE after saying it was my turn? It's supposed to somehow be pleasurable that we're talking about the game's biggest fault? That indicates to most people with a brain that he's not here to be constructive, that instead he just wants to bash TOR.


It's not JUST the title, it's everything put together that makes this thread a TOR bashing thread.


Not to mention, he could have named the thread in MANY different ways. He could have made it "What could TOR most improve upon?", which does not have the same negative connotation, then the post... ugh.

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Again, you seem to have problems understanding what I'm talking about. How does worse imply bad things, really bad things, and worst things?


Something could be damn near perfection, but it will always have something slightly worse in one way or another. How can you deny that?


Look through my example, clearly the person likes the game (hence every rating being 9 or above), but there is still a 'worst' rating, being 9. Because it's simply the lowest out of all his ratings.


You shouldn't boast about peoples inability to understand simple concepts. Especially when you've shown a keen lack of it yourself on several occassions.


You ignore posts that have valid points and troll the ones who appear like they are fanboys. I haven't seen this much bias since shadysketch or w/e that guys name is who got banned for his hate posts.

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After making it to 50 the only thing I see wrong with the game is (and in no particular order):


1. No target of target.


2. Mouse over macro


Thats an issue for me as a healer. Sure, I can still heal but I can't always target my tank or anyone else and still interrupt correctly and on time, every time with all the target switching and there are some one shot mechanics that require that interrupt. Anyone that has ran hard mode Esseles will get what I mean fighting Ironfist.


The focus target does not always work correctly either. By that I mean, when I use focus target with my modify key pressed down. Most of the time, it stops the main targets casting bar from even showing. Such as the fight with the last son where interrupting is extremely important.


3. UI Scaling and arrangement


I like to customize to much. Personal choice and all but it's a pretty big one. No reason to not let players adjust the way their UI looks as a preference since so many have varying different views on how they like their UI setup.




NOTE: I know many of these are coming down the road and when they get here I'll be very happy.

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The single biggest issue for me is the game engine. It feels like Age of Conan with worse graphics.


MMO worlds need to have a strong sense of space and distance. And they need to be able to support a persistent game world. SWTOR does neither and those are deal-breaker's for me.

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If saying that you dislike a lot of things about a game is "TOR bashing" then whatever. His post was still constructive.


Serving a useful purpose; tending to build up. - Constructive's definition as it applies to this situation.


Did he intend to build it up? Only he knows, but you can read my other post to find out why I think he did not.


Does it serve a useful purpose? I can demonstrate why I think it does NOT, can you demonstrate why you think that it does?


Listing a complaint about a game is NOT constructive, people need to understand constructive. Constructive means (in simplistic terms) that your intent is to somehow make whatever you're intending to be talk about about overall better, or help it get better quickly.


Now, this can be done by saying what can be done to fix the problem you're listing. This can also be done by making it known which problem or problems need addressed first to the person who can address them, so that it can prioritize.


His post DOES NOT help us get a consensus on what needs to be done first, as we'd need a poll for that (no dev is going to sift through 40 pages numbering what people want done most). His post also does not help us understand what can be done to address the issue because he does not say how he would fix it (likely because -- like most of us -- he does not know how these things work, which isn't his fault).


So, in my opinion, his post and this thread have NOT been constructive. Couple that with the fact that it's uninviting due to the thread name and the original post itself, I can safely conclude that, to me, this is nothing more than a "lets bash TOR :)" thread.

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