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Bioware is killing pvp on voss in 1.1!


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We used to have meaningful objective based dynamic world PVP based around player skill.


Then PVE players rolled on the wrong server types and cried (prime example: this thread).


Now we are stuck with crappy little mini game grinds for rewards, so you can be better at... killing people in crappy little mini games.


But that's fair right? Just as long as the 'unfairness' doesn't happen out in the open world. Yup.


And you know what, getting 'ganked' in SWTOR is FAR more fun than the usual 'ride 10 minutes across the map'.


I wish I got ganked more often. Hell, I'm level 49 on one of the highest pop PVP servers and have never been ganked. IT'S NOT FAIR I TELL YOU!!!!!!



Edited by Jebi
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Have had many a good fights on Voss. Bioware plans to make the city a Sanctuary, so that means no more of these excellent battles. Now, after 1.1, we'll get to stare at each other go off on missions on a PVP SERVER!


Voice your disagreement so that maybe they will keep Voss a PVP planet for PVP servers!


Please say this isn't true. Voss was the one true shining OPvP light in the game. So many good fights on that planet. My favorite by far and the only one BW did right. Now they are going to eff it up??

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There's another Euro MMO called Neocron...


Where other than 1 zone in the city as a sanctuary, everywhere else was open pvp, yes even questing areas. There was death penalty, criminal rating, loot loss, etc. but man that was fun... level 1 running around the sewers to level and getting ganked by a lvl 50 was the norm but people learned to hold grudges and when you yourself becomes 50, you hunt that guy down and grief him until he cries pixelated tears!


And guards were ONLY present in city sectors and none in dungeons... in other words if your clan is leveling in a dungeon and another warring clan finds you in that dungeon, they will attack you... (non-instanced pvp-enabled dungeons FTW)


Anyone here remember Neocron? >_>


Never played Neocron but what you describe pretty much describes Lineage 2, love that gave for it's pvp. I don't even know why people play pve games for pvp, if I can't log in and kill ANYONE not just some person of another faction then to me the game is carebare all the way.


The thrill of anyone at anytime being able to jump you is awesome in those types of games, and being able to pk that annoying sob who is ksing your mobs is a nice addition.


On topic...

Yeah if you play on a pvp server you should kinda expect random, non-fair pvp it is the nature of the beast. Best advice I can give is roll on a pve sever to quest and play the story. Roll another toon on pvp....for pvp.

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Killing lowbies isn't pvp? The ****? PLAYER VS PLAYER. It was a player vs another player. That's the damn definition of PVP!


Just because it was non-consensual does not make it something other than pvp. Stop being a bunch of babies. If you don't want to be ganked, griefed and spat on then roll on a PvE server.


Do I run around ganking lowbies? No. I prefer a challenge but that doesn't mean you are safe from the other 99.9% of the server.

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Maybe I'm missing something....


If you are getting ganked by level 50's such that you can't complete quests and level why aren't you getting your guildies to come and support you? You do realize that on a PVP server that is your resource to resolve this situation.


Quit crying on the forums and go take your beating...It'll make you smarter.

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We used to have meaningful objective based dynamic world PVP based around player skill.


Then PVE players rolled on the wrong server types and cried (prime example: this thread).


Now we are stuck with crappy little mini game grinds for rewards, so you can be better at... killing people in crappy little mini games.


But that's fair right? Just as long as the 'unfairness' doesn't happen out in the open world. Yup.


And you know what, getting 'ganked' in SWTOR is FAR more fun than the usual 'ride 10 minutes across the map'.


I wish I got ganked more often. Hell, I'm level 49 on one of the highest pop PVP servers and have never been ganked. IT'S NOT FAIR I TELL YOU!!!!!!




Then you must have rolled empire.

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Keep messing up Bioware. Keep making decisions like this. GW2 is right around the corner and pretty much every pvp'er that has been screwed over by Bioware is going to jump ship. I can guarantee you this.


No thank you. I left Lotro because it was F2P. At first, they claim it won't affect PvP or give people advantages. Then, they get greedy and they do exactly what they claimed they wouldn't do and it becomes a P2W fest...

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No thank you. I left Lotro because it was F2P. At first, they claim it won't affect PvP or give people advantages. Then, they get greedy and they do exactly what they claimed they wouldn't do and it becomes a P2W fest...


lotro was already a lame pve game, with a wack instance pvp.

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I love how 50s going into a lowbie zone is now considered pvp. What a shame, i would much rather have epic fights with other equally geared people, the last time i had real pvp fun was in tribes2 and that was quite awile ago.


Warhammer online got the concept right but couldnt achieve balance. I dont know what is so hard about giving opposite factions the same powers, same animations, just on a different looking model. Boring yes, but it is practical and works. Get rid of the skill trees and just make some really basic quick animating fighting moves. When you hit 50 you get your full set of gear from your trainer and just let people go at it. Im tired of gear grinds, lag and unbalanced games...

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PVP = Player Vs Player. That's the freaking point of pvp servers. So many of you know nothing other than Battlegrounds that you have lost all concept when it comes to what pk and pkk used to be.


Players fighting players, levels be damned, gear be damned, full out war.


Bioware is a mockery of pvp. The developers are mocking pvp. Gabe Amatangelo has no idea what he is doing and for some reason they have put him in charge.


It makes no sense to me.

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How about BW makes lowbie lvl not attackable until they decide to engage you?




...These servers exist...they are called PVE Servers. If you want that, then go roll on a PVE server.



Herp derp.

Edited by Bestrafe
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lotro was already a lame pve game, with a wack instance pvp.


Lotro has open zone PvP - not instanced. However, it's only one map for 5 years...and really, really not fun to play anymore as they have done zero to develop it.


The PvE in Lotro is still good, though (IMO anyway).




As for the OP, I enjoyed Voss a lot. Nowhere was safe and I was constantly getting ganked, which I expected. I got a couple friends and we had some very fun battles all over the place. If I wanted to actually quest through with few interruptions (or at least manageable ones), I did it early in the morning :)

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