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10 Good
  1. The biggest problem I see in WZs is you can't do it all. I can't protect the healer, protect the objective and harass the enemy healers, which isn't even my job as a tank, 12 sec interrupt, a knockback, stun and grip on long CDs aren't enough. There's DPS classes that are a lot more effective. They're just all busy running after red targets. Or busy running after the idiot I'm dragging away instead of capturing. Or too busy not using an interrupt. Just give up and go at least partly premade. The only thing you can count on in WZs is that people will behave in a very predictive way, and it goes for the enemy team also.
  2. I never had an issue with smugglers. Just troopers. Kept spamming them. Then on 1.1.2 smth whaddayaknow, one trooper, one sith warrior, alternating during the same try. And the trooper was the trigger. My scoundrel friend couldn't stop laughing.
  3. The big point. They survive better, longer (DMG reduction cooldowns vs defense/hp buffs), can actually lock down a healer, have very good mobility and great dps.
  4. Lol no you don't kill bosses over and over and over the same week. You don't ever switch to normal mode after the 1st week and before Tuesday night (EU). You have some very twisted memories. It was always only the latest content that ever mattered. For a new player the most you did was run him once through attunements then greens are good enough to be carried. Now with added gearing paths and heroics/LFR giving better gear you don't need to have someone dead on the floor cause they don't have enough health, they are not a liability anymore, even though actual participation may be just above the tank. What you are proposing is as useless. If my guildie's new 50 needs to run through all Hard modes before doing ops then trust me he'll finish them in at most 6h, that is including good breaks between each. The enrage timers are so lax that you can carry 1 blue 22 geared player without any issues, it's actually the gear I first did HMs in and the gear one should supposedly have to start HMs (Shadow tank in ~14.5K hp with normal endu stim - the 100 endu one, all 3 others newly dinged themselves).
  5. The enrage is tight if you're only geared in lv 22 blue mods. First time I did it it was newly digned sent/shadow tank, aoe spec gunslinger - dunno what that is and a scoundrel. We only wiped till we figured we needed to break him out of stealth. Sure, dps was really tight but once we ignored turrets he went enrage at around 10% and easilly died. I would say make sure you pack, make sure you aoe and make sure you go with players that have a clue about their DPS rotations, not perfect but a clue.
  6. Unintrusive. Learn the word please, look it up in the dictionary. Please remove the white light Christmas tree. You got the states right but the presentation is not exactly what I would call inspired. It's closer to what I would implement and I run away from any UI work for a reason, I suck at it.
  7. KJ was the best fight in TBC tbh. 250 wipes and one of the few times we stayed till 3 AM were fully worth it. Sunwell overall had very very well done boss fights. I miss that when seeing Dragon Soul now, it's possibly the worst they're done overall, except for a couple of bosses. As a player you literally have nothing to do but press your buttons, no real responsibilities.
  8. It's quite good now also, it just has this parallel game that's designed for people that do not want to put any kind of effort while gaming. You can ignore that I just use it as a sort of amusement, ending up grouping with a random and seeing how they fail at basic movement while at the same time, with all the extra time he gains by not avoiding any of the dangers, failing to do anywhere near potential damage. Let's not even begin to talk about interrupts. Being off the global cooldown in wow, rift and swtor, it should be used on anything with a cast bar, no using it is the 1st sign you should avoid that player like the plague the next time you see them. It's like nobody bothers, or tries, or remembers they have such a button. It's the most important damage reduction skill in this game, when used properly and 9/10 people avoid using it ... Makes the game so much easier. Even specced as dps you can solo so much more stuff (good especially when you're the only person on that planet while leveling).
  9. Erm, sorry but a heavy hitter ability on cooldown is much much better than no cooldown low dmg ability (whirling does the same dmg as one of the hits of double strike). Been there, done that, see Shockwave vs Swipe in WoW on warriors and druids, Shockwave was always a much better ability because it granted you more grace time where you could use other lower hitting AoE abilities and rotate single target abilities between mobs without them running away from you forcing you to drop threat on others to get back the one you lost. With Swipe being low dmg there was a high chance that a DPS would get a big crit on one, or not pay attention and focus one more and you lost it and it started a chain reaction where you had to run from the pack to get the one you lost only to lose others because you dropped threat gen for a bit. Most of the time a solid start is better than somewhat higher sustained aoe threat simply because it allows you to add in some single target abilities on the ones you see are receiving more single target damage.
  10. Most likely should be 100% of current target threat and you become the target. hich means the old target is now on same threat as you but needs to get to 110% to retake aggro. Also means threat doesn't get generated out of thin air or well, without a purpose/requirement.
  11. If you get incapacitated it will have no effect I think. At least force wave does nothing but animation on the ground if you get stunned between pressing button and the actual effect time. They added it in 1.1, the Slow Time to Harnessed Shadows. Makes sense somewhat, would clear up using the execute below 30%.
  12. It's not the time it takes to travel that is annoying, it's the amount of clicks, useless movement and loading screen it has attached. If I only had to take taxi, take shuttle to ship, exit ship to be on planet spaceport/shuttle location then it would be better but at the moment I have to be at the computer all the time because travel is so fragmented. I enjoy being able to go have a snack/drink/toilet while traveling. It's a way to take a break from the game without feeling you afk pointlessly.
  13. Rose tainted glasses. WoW PUGs were as bad from LFG channel as they were from LFD tool. The only thing that spoiled people was cross server LFD because they could bail without fear of ever meeting the other people again. On a same server LFD there's no difference from using chat, you're just not stuck in Fleet, holding your ....... I want to go do something on some planet, not afk in town, I can do that easilly in WoW.
  14. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm sorry but most of the PvPers I've seen try PvE are absolute failures. They just like to brag about their play against humans, humans that are more predictable than that scripted monster once you figure out what level they're on. How do you learn to not pull attention from PvP and how is that comparable to PvE? Getting hit by AoE in PvP can't be helped, it's good when you get hit by AoE, means nobody gets focused. ...................... I've seen plenty of people getting gladiator ranks in WoW a couple of weeks before seasons end and only after they finished clearing PvE content but have yet to see someone that mainly PvPs, has done mostly PvP, just make an easy switch to PvE. Finishing the easier content maybe but not successfully going through the hundreds of wipes to get a HM boss down, before major nerfs or overgearing.
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