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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do not roll "Need" for companion gear.


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First, realize that there are a lot of new players on here; not everyone knows the "gentleman's rules" of MMOs. So, people don't necessarily have to be jerks about it when someone "Needs" something they themselves don't need; just discuss it with them. They may even do it again, not realizing that the item isn't something they can use "Hey! A Jedi item! I'm a Jedi", "No, it's a Sentinal item and you're a Sage!". If they're mature players, they'll give you the item and appologize, (if it isn't a bind on pickup item).


Second, it's fairly rational to pick up gear for a companion. If you solo a lot, your companion is a part of you. If my companion tanks for me all the time, good armor and weapons for my companion may be far more important than my own gear.


Still, I know it's an unspoken rule, for a lot of people, not to do this. I would suggest that people try not to break this "rule" and simply ask if they can take something for their companion from the whole group. And if you want a particular piece of gear, annonce it. I've started just telling everyone as soon as the group starts up "I'm running this for X piece of gear." and I might say "Hey, my companion really needs X. Is it okay with everyone if I "Need" that if it pops up?"


Someone asked me if they could take a piece of gear for their companion. I said yes, and it worked out to my advantage later when "I" wanted a particular piece of gear.


Very true, and well said. Those discussions are very important to have before doing something potentially hurtful to a group member.


Those people who are new to the game or the Need/Greed system will hopefully see threads like this and others, and learn the unspoken "gentleman's rules" the easy way. To those individuals who do understand the system and just don't care, I just ask that you try to group with like-minded people, out of courtesy for the rest of us sharing this game with you.



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Then you didn't read (or understand) the first part of my post, clearly. If nobody rolls need on a piece of gear and I need it for my companion, you can be damn sure I'm going to need it. However, ultimately until Bioware imposes a system that stops this from happening, any perceived rules or grievances you have with people "ninjaing" your gear are just that; perceived.


So I greed on gear that my companion can use, and you ninja need on that same gear, because your companion can use it? I apologise for forgetting that you have dibs on everything.

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So I greed on gear that my companion can use, and you ninja need on that same gear, because your companion can use it? I apologise for forgetting that you have dibs on everything.


I greed on gear that I don't need. I assume everyone else does the same. If I greed on gear that I need for my companion, and everyone else greeds on it to vendor it, then....?



Think it through.

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When you run a heroic dungeon for the 15th time for that one item then see it get taken by that class who doesn't use it at all "Because it's for his companion" you too will say that.


There are so many items in the game, why do you absolutely need that one item?

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I greed on gear that I don't need. I assume everyone else does the same. If I greed on gear that I need for my companion, and everyone else greeds on it to vendor it, then....?



Think it through.


Do you have a point to make or anything of value to say?

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I'd hope that most people would take the common sense approach to this of:


1) Having enough sense to agree loot rules beforehand with respect to rolling need for companions.


2) Have the courtesy to abide by them.


However, it seems that this is not the majority approach and would still be open to abuse by the more unscrupulous players, so I would propose the following instead (although it would be unlikely to be implemented):


1) Do not allow people to roll "need" unless their character can use a drop.


2) Add an extra tier of rolling: "need for companion", which would fall below "need" but above "greed".


So item rolling would look like the following (in decreasing order of priority):


  1. NEED (only selectable if the character rolling can actually equip/use the item)
  3. GREED
  4. PASS

Much less ninja-ing if this were put in place, in my opinion.

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So I greed on gear that my companion can use, and you ninja need on that same gear, because your companion can use it? I apologise for forgetting that you have dibs on everything.


Your choice in buttons has no bearing on another players choice in buttons. They obviously needed the item for something while you only wanted it. If you needed it, you should have pressed Need.


I Greed 90% of the time, I only press Need when it is really something that helps my character, either through equipping or is an upgrade for my primary companion. No Needing on everything, no Needing for selling, etc. Yes, an upgrade for my primary companion is just like Needing for my Sith Warrior when I'm done with the current group.


Apparently you have decided that your way of playing is right, and anyone who disagrees is a ninja, because then you might not get the lootz that you believe you are entitled to. The real problem is shared loot and the stereotypical mmo grinding format that leads to you caring more about loot than enjoying a challenge with some fellow players.

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...So item rolling would look like the following (in decreasing order of priority):


  1. NEED (only selectable if the character rolling can actually equip/use the item)
  3. GREED
  4. PASS


That is a great idea, better than what I was thinking. Takes Murphy's Law into account, too :)



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Gearing your Companion is pretty irrelevant. Decking them out in greens is more than enough, especially when all they do is heal you.


Thus rolling on something without asking just to give it to your companion is ninjaing and deserves a kick, pure and simple.

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I only press Need when it is really something that helps my character, either through equipping or is an upgrade for my primary companion. No Needing on everything, no Needing for selling, etc. Yes, an upgrade for my primary companion is just like Needing for my Sith Warrior when I'm done with the current group.


No, an upgrade for your pet is not equal to an upgrade for your character.


Apparently you have decided that your way of playing is right, and anyone who disagrees is a ninja, because then you might not get the lootz that you believe you are entitled to.


Yes, I abide by long-standing accepted loot rules. And if a nice glowstick with wp and end drops, I am darned well entitled to it, because I've been keeping you alive to that point.


And if you, Sith Warrior, need on that gear, you just lost all your healing privileges for good. Hope you brought some nice medpacks.


The real problem is shared loot and the stereotypical mmo grinding format that leads to you caring more about loot than enjoying a challenge with some fellow players


No, the real problem is individuals who have no respect for their group members.



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Gearing your Companion is pretty irrelevant. Decking them out in greens is more than enough, especially when all they do is heal you.


Thus rolling on something without asking just to give it to your companion is ninjaing and deserves a kick, pure and simple.


That may be all you use YOUR companions for. Not every limits themselves as much as you do.

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I greed on gear that I don't need. I assume everyone else does the same. If I greed on gear that I need for my companion, and everyone else greeds on it to vendor it, then....?



Think it through.


I have.


So, you greed it. Me? If I don't need it, I roll greed. Why? Because I'll do two things with it. Sell it, or give it to a companion.


We each had equal chance for the piece, and we each had similar ideas for its purpose. Fair enough, that's great.


Now, let's talk about how needing for companions is plain wrong.


Vanguard joins your FlashPoint because he saw... "LF Tank for Cad, and we're good to go". He probably joined for any number of reasons, but all of them (especially when it comes to a PuG) were to enhance his character. You are playing a Commando.


If you'd have told him at the beginning that you were rolling Need on every piece of Aim/Endurance heavy armor solely for Aric Jorgan; because you've already gotten all the pieces? He'd have left the party. You didn't. He spent a good portion of his time, wasted. He joined your party for his own reasons, but he enabled 3 people to enjoy content and get a chance at some loot. And, you screwed him over. Yeah, he MIGHT get that loot he'll roll need on. But, why bother doing it with your group when he could go find another?


Common courtesy goes a long way.


And, for the argument that your companion helps you in 99% of the content, so gearing them is just as important? You can't use your companion in PvP. You can't use your companions when your party is full, like when you are tackling content in a Heroic 4, or FlashPoint... You can't use your companion when gear bonuses are utilized the most.


So, even if you didn't read any of that... Needing for companions can be fine, but if you are the person who is going to do it, tell your party when you start. Watch those party members melt away, unless you do some investigation on who is already geared past the content. Better yet, ask questions when loot is rolled on. You'd be surprised how many people don't mind your companion getting gear, as long as they don't need it.

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Needing for a companion is plain stupid, really.


Gears barely matter for them and, anyways, with some PvP or with enough commendations, you can gear them in Moddable gear that will last all the way to 50 so why would anyone bother rolling need for a Companion?


Not only that but where does Needing for a companion stops? Your primary one? Your favorite one? All of them? If I was going to need for all of my companion, I would roll on pretty much ALL loot but the gears with Aim.


I also think that we can all agree that Players should have the Priority on Companions. Agreeing on that, I honestly find no valuable justification to Need something for your Crappy Companion with whom you cannot do Ops, Flashpoints or PvP no matter how decked out he or she is.


And so, at this point, You should really just go with a Greed roll because what you are doing is just that, a Very Selfish, useless and Greedy roll. (Unless you asked beforehand and people agreed to let you roll need. Then it's okay!)

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No, an upgrade for your pet is not equal to an upgrade for your character.


An upgrade is an upgrade, who said anything about 'equal'?



Yes, I abide by long-standing accepted loot rules. And if a nice glowstick with wp and end drops, I am darned well entitled to it, because I've been keeping you alive to that point.


I killed/tanked the boss while you healed, so how are you more entitled than I am?


And if you, Sith Warrior, need on that gear, you just lost all your healing privileges for good. Hope you brought some nice medpacks.


Aren't you a spoiled little brat?


No, the real problem is individuals who have no respect for their group members.


You have no respect for your group members, since you 'deserve' specific items that drop.


The logic you are following is for weekly raid groups, not PUGs. PUGs are a combination of players with different goals and objectives, what if I am only running the FP/Ops to complete a companion's gear set because my Sith Warrior is fully geared?



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It's bad enough that some people think it is ok to roll Need on gear for their companions while other people who can use the gear are in your group.


What's worse is that the game allows this.


If you EVER roll Need on gear for your comp when someone of that class is in your group, you are a greedy, selfish person who is ruining someone else's experience.


Need for companions = Need for alts



Don't look down


Guess bioware need to remove companions then, as its hard to find anyone to do anything except FP's ( even thats a struggle sometimes) how else are you going to do your normal levelling day to day, as it basically REQUIRES you to have a companion out, and to have them somewhat geared.


Welcome to Swotr. The most innovative game ever made. lulz.

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while i dont do this, its your fault of u dont set loot rules up before hand. if they do it after you set up loot rules then just have them kicked from the grp.


Sine you wanna point fingers, its also the person who wants to roll needs fault for not identifying upfront that he will roll need.


While Questing, you are offered "Companion Specific Gear" as quest rewards. Thats how they designed it for you to gear your companions. Also, I get ALOT of blue /Green Drops while questing, they are perfectly fine for my companions, they dont need raid gear.

Edited by Holron
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Guess bioware need to remove companions then, as its hard to find anyone to do anything except FP's ( even thats a struggle sometimes) how else are you going to do your normal levelling day to day, as it basically REQUIRES you to have a companion out, and to have them somewhat geared.


Welcome to Swotr. The most innovative game ever made. lulz.


Well, I keep myself fully geared, and I toss my comp a bone now and then, and I have no problem doing the solo content. "Somewhat geared" companion is right - my comps don't need to have the best of the best. They overpowered the companions anyway - greens work fine.


Again, this thread is primarily for people who are confused about what Need and Greed actually mean. For people like snuggles or whatever who keep posting here: I'm not going to change your mind, and you certainly aren't going to change mine. Let's agree to disagree. Make your own thread urging new players to Need on gear they can't equip.



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Within context, that sounds like you are ordering me about.


It's bad enough that some people think it is ok to roll Need on gear for their companions while other people who can use the gear are in your group.


Why is it not ok? What I do with my roll decision is none of your business.


What's worse is that the game allows this.


If you don't like what the game provides for, maybe you should seek another rgame more to your liking.


If you EVER roll Need on gear for your comp when someone of that class is in your group, you are a greedy, selfish person


This is conjecture, not fact, so is entirely without merit.


who is ruining someone else's experience.


What about *my* experience? I pay a sub too, just like all the other group members.


Need for companions = Need for alts


Again, more conjecture on your part which does not make it fact. If we take your example the next time I roll an alt, I will in fact be rolling a companion?




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wether in Pve or in battle I have geared my companion as good as I have geared myself, infact if I feel I fall behind in the slightest, I get myself to the Commendations vendors and the PVP vendors or the GTN and spend aload of cash on my companion to ensure it is geared up.



You cannot deny that your main companion is the fingers to your hand, as you also rely on them so much at times ( 99% of the time), You should treat their gear as if it is your own.

If this annoys people SO much then they need to have a word with bioware for making them pretty much ESSENTIAL to use.

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An upgrade is an upgrade, who said anything about 'equal'?

I killed/tanked the boss while you healed, so how are you more entitled than I am?

Don't look down


For his character, which he uses 100% of the time, it was an upgrade. For your companion, which you may use 99% of the time, it was an upgrade.


That 1% percent? Well, let's just say it's not equal anymore. And that makes him truly more entitled to it.

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You cannot deny that your main companion is the fingers to your hand, as you also rely on them so much at times ( 99% of the time), You should treat their gear as if it is your own.


Show me one person playing this game who spends 99% of their time in combat with a companion.


Personally, I would estimate that the percentage of my playtime with a companion who is fighting is closer to 25% than 99%. And even so, greens are fine for my comps, anything better is a bonus.



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