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Do not roll "Need" for companion gear.


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Wow, you're absolutely right. The rich guy should give the $20 that's rightfully his to the guy who needs it more.


By the way, do you have a job? I am currently unemployed so why don't you give me your address so I can stop by an pick up my cash. I think we can start at a months pay. I'll probably be bringing along a moving truck for all of the things in your house that I need more than you.


But don't worry, once I take all our stuff, we can both find some guy who has more than us, then we will take all his stuff. It's like a reverse pyramid scheme.


I posted this in another thread, but maybe I need to put it here as well.



Now, see, the difference is I'm not rolling on items in your inventory. If I were, valid comparison.

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Poor wording then, or a different connotation. My apologies.


I, myself, think the solution to this issue is to add another tier. Need/Companion/Greed - with Need only being unlocked if it actually has your class's stats on it.


That would be a perfect solution, actually.

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and i would see anyone who wants to BAN SOMEONE FROM A VIDEO GAME, just because they're a jerk, kicked in the junk.


Doesn't mean either of us get our way.


Yea, hes a jerk. But he paid for the game just the same. If you don't like him being a jerk, report him(if he breaks a rule), and ignore him. But its his RIGHT to be a jerk.


I only feel that way because my playstyle helps his game. And his playstyle ruins it for groups.. we all pay money for a "massivly multiplayer game" im not telling him not to mod or use cheats in his single player game. ruin it to your hearts desire. But mess with my game (and dont show remorse or understanding) then we have a problem

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I roll need on every group I am in...there is no way I am gonna be nice in an mmo..no way. It doesn't pay to be nice in an mmo...always always always roll need when given the option,..because if you do not....someone else will


Law of the MMO Jungle...always roll Need

Why don't you post your character name(s) and server so that we can all see you putting this into practice?


You're free to do whatever you want, but so are the other people on your server. They're free to blacklist you and never group with you again because of your greed.

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I only feel that way because my playstyle helps his game. And his playstyle ruins it for groups.. we all pay money for a "massivly multiplayer game" im not telling him not to mod or use cheats in his single player game. ruin it to your hearts desire. But mess with my game (and dont show remorse or understanding) then we have a problem


No, your playstyle doesn't really do squat for this game. Sorry to say, but your playstyle may help YOU, but not the actual game.


Look, someone rolling for items for their comp isn't "messing with your game". It's just making you mad because it makes it a little more difficult for you to get what you want. Well, to be quite frank, I like it this way. You may not, but that doesn't mean your ideals are any more valid than mine.


You're just going to have to learn to group with people who agree to not roll on items for comps. I, personally, don't mind having to reroll a FP to get an item. But if it hurts your feelings, then take the extra step and ask the group you're in what policy they have on rolling for comps.


IT'S THAT FREAKIN SIMPLE. I'm sorry, I'm done being kind about this.

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I only feel that way because my playstyle helps his game. And his playstyle ruins it for groups.. we all pay money for a "massivly multiplayer game" im not telling him not to mod or use cheats in his single player game. ruin it to your hearts desire. But mess with my game (and dont show remorse or understanding) then we have a problem


No it doesn't. Your playstyle helps YOU. and his helps HIM. the only difference is HOW it helps you.


Admit it. You don't run groups with the intent of helping others. You run groups to help YOU get gear. The fact others also get gear from is just a biproduct of that.


His, however, also HINDERS people by taking gear they "rightfully deserve" which in of itself is debatable. WHY does a player deserve it more than a companion? a companion having better gear helps you just the same as you having gear.


Now, don't get me wrong. I never roll need on gear for a companion if someone else can use it. But thats because I'm a decent, respectful(relatively.) human being. Not because I'm some morally superior dick on a high horse.



Don't feel bad about it, humans are greedy, greedy things. I just wish we could accept that.

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Now, see, the difference is I'm not rolling on items in your inventory. If I were, valid comparison.


But you just defeated your own argument.


You're not rolling on items in my inventory, and I am not rolling on items in yours. Every argument from your side of the table is based on the idea that you own these items, and that others are stealing them from you. But if you admit that they are not yours to begin with, then how can someone be stealing them.

Edited by Acererak
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No, your playstyle doesn't really do squat for this game. Sorry to say, but your playstyle may help YOU, but not the actual game.


Look, someone rolling for items for their comp isn't "messing with your game". It's just making you mad because it makes it a little more difficult for you to get what you want. Well, to be quite frank, I like it this way. You may not, but that doesn't mean your ideals are any more valid than mine.


You're just going to have to learn to group with people who agree to not roll on items for comps. I, personally, don't mind having to reroll a FP to get an item. But if it hurts your feelings, then take the extra step and ask the group you're in what policy they have on rolling for comps.


IT'S THAT FREAKIN SIMPLE. I'm sorry, I'm done being kind about this.


Well, it's your call to be a jerk.


It's my call to kick you from the group and do my very best to ensure that no one in my guild, pug runs will group with you again. And it's also my call to see if I can get you blacklisted by other guilds as well.

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No it doesn't. Your playstyle helps YOU. and his helps HIM. the only difference is HOW it helps you.


Admit it. You don't run groups with the intent of helping others. You run groups to help YOU get gear. The fact others also get gear from is just a biproduct of that.



I will not admit that. I run flashpoints under my level if people ask just to heal and advance others while I pass on every item that comes up.


I will only admit to feeling like the decent guy minority.

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Well, it's your call to be a jerk.


It's my call to kick you from the group and do my very best to ensure that no one in my guild, pug runs will group with you again. And it's also my call to see if I can get you blacklisted by other guilds as well.


It's also my call to not give a ****. lol


I have plenty of friends and guildies in the game that I can run FPs and raids with anyhow, so I can be selective about whom I choose to run them with. I have no desire to run them with someone who's going to stomp their feet and boohoo because I or someone else rolled for a companion. I don't like whiners. Neither do most of my friends and guildies. So I guarantee, you are the LAST person I'd want to group with.


You're welcome. :p

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You know, we could drop this argument and get everyone to agree if you all stopped acting bunch of sheep.


Four guys take down a boss and he drops an epic item. One guy rolls need for his companion and the other 3 call him a thief. Why is everyone to stupid to ask the obvious question. If it took four guys to bring that boss down, why did he only drop one item? The "needer" didn't steal an item from the group. Bioware stole 3 items from the group.

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No, being a team player is something no one has a problem with. You get labeled a whiner for whining.


also for trying to belittle anyone who doesn't think the same way as you.


You guys are calling others names(filth, thief, ect) Because they don't have the same ideals as you, and wanting them blacklisted for it.


You know who did something similar?



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No, being a team player is something no one has a problem with. You get labeled a whiner for whining.


How would you know what a team player is, they are only there to take advantage of from your perpective. Someone who will let you get away with all of your **** and not say anything or boot you?


I dont whine in game, I comment here where it belongs.

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How would you know what a team player is, they are only there to take advantage of from your perpective. Someone who will let you get away with all of your **** and not say anything or boot you?


I dont whine in game, I comment here where it belongs.


Well, at least you're admitting you're whining. lol


Look, the truth of the matter is this. Everyone "needs" an item for different reasons. Who the h-e-double hockey sticks are you to determine who needs it more? I think that's rather arrogant and presumptous of you. Everyone has the right to roll on an item, whether they need it for themselves, their comp, the neighbor's cat that lives down the street, whatever. If you roll and don't get it, tough. Jus tdo the dungeon again. That's what I do. Geez. :rolleyes:

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I greed on gear that I don't need. I assume everyone else does the same. If I greed on gear that I need for my companion, and everyone else greeds on it to vendor it, then....?



Think it through.



Companions don't need to raid geared period. The game is waaaaay too easy to be gearing companions that can't even go to the hard parts of the game, which aren't that hard anyway.

Needing for loot someone else can use just to gear your companion is annoying. Not saying its wrong, its just rude. Anyhow, it's gonna happen, ALL the time, so I don't let it bother me anymore. Had someone accidently do it to me, and I just shrugged cause as many ops as there are in this game, something tells me i'll be running the same ones over and over and over.


Just group with guildies or friends, not only can you trust them most the time, but you know how each other works and things run sooo much smoother.

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I say get rid of loot drops all together and imliment a token/commendation system ONLY. Make it where you have to run ops more than once and farm them, then put a ops/fp vendor on the fleet where you can spend your rewards for the gear you want. In this system, everyone will get tokens/comms which will buy their gear. Solved.
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Well, it's your call to be a jerk.


It's my call to kick you from the group and do my very best to ensure that no one in my guild, pug runs will group with you again. And it's also my call to see if I can get you blacklisted by other guilds as well.


lol Cause you're SOOOOO powerful, right?


I'll take my chances.

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Well, at least you're admitting you're whining. lol


Look, the truth of the matter is this. Everyone "needs" an item for different reasons. Who the h-e-double hockey sticks are you to determine who needs it more? I think that's rather arrogant and presumptous of you. Everyone has the right to roll on an item, whether they need it for themselves, their comp, the neighbor's cat that lives down the street, whatever. If you roll and don't get it, tough. Jus tdo the dungeon again. That's what I do. Geez. :rolleyes:

Wanna post your character name and server for everyone see you putting this into practice? Hmmm? Yeah, I thought not.


It's easy to defend such crap behavior when you're hiding behind the veil of anonymity. If you actually think that most people will let you get away with it in-game, you really need to get your head examined.

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Wanna post your character name and server for everyone see you putting this into practice? Hmmm? Yeah, I thought not.


It's easy to defend such crap behavior when you're hiding behind the veil of anonymity. If you actually think that most people will let you get away with it in-game, you really need to get your head examined.


Well, the fact that I and my friends in the game have been doing it for quite sometime gives me valid reason to lol at you right now.


Also, if you want to know my character name and server, try using your powers of observation, such as they are. My sig has links to my Inquisitor playthrough. Check the firstvid. It has my server info as well. Have fun. :p:p:p:p:p

Edited by Pythoris
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well, the fact that i and my friends in the game have been doing it for quite sometime gives me valid reason to lol at you right now.


Also, if you want to know my character name and server, try using your powers of observation, such as they are. My sig has links to my inquisitor playthrough. Check the firstvid. It has my server info as well. Have fun. :p:p:p:p:p


faced!!!!! he probably is at a loss for words.

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