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Do not roll "Need" for companion gear.


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Am I entitled to ignore you and never group with you again? Yes


Roll need for your companion so I can filter you out of the people I group with quickly. Only terrible players would take an item from a player for their pet, so don't cry when no one wants to play with you...


Nice that you post your opinion. How-ever, I'm not interested in opinions, rather facts. You worry about your game, I'll worry about mine, thank you.

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Your MS is what you do. You can be a tank, healer or dps and all these specs got different gear that they use, depending on your class.


If you are in a dungeon, then you can only have 1 of these 3 roles. You can also not have your companions with you, as BW does not want companion support.


So in the end you still only have 1 spec in that dungeon you are in, and you should only roll on that 1 spec. If you want to do otherweise, then you must say so when you form the group or enter one.


If you dont say so, then you are a ninja and a greedy ... who doesnt understand basic stuff about MMO´s.


I'm getting the gear for what I do AFTER the dungeon, so your argument is moot.

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And yet people STILL know how to play.


Funny huh? Isn't it interesting you have to be one of "those healers/tanks" that leverages your position? I certainly think it is. After all, if it was all fair you wouldn't need to do that right?


It is fair the way the game works.


In raids, there's guild groups and DKP. That makes the entire playing field fair. If I want to waste DKP on an item I can't even use, it's my DKP to waste.

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Yea but... no one cares if they're in your group at all. lmfao


That's good to know! You're more than welcomed to create your own team with your own set of loot rules. My team, my rules, unless a majority voices dissatisfaction. I will not be swayed by people who think they can hold a team hostage.


My teams tends to have good players all around, because there is mutual communication, respect, and all around good friendship and comradery between us. We're skilled players, sure, but we're also intelligent about how we play. I respect each and every person I have grouped with.


If you don't want to be part of a skilled team that helps one another, that's your choice - and again, I have no right to dictate what you do outside my group. But you WILL recieve a swift boot in the *** if I see you looting Need on something someone else needs for their character where you need it for your companion.


~~Have a nice day!~~

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You are forgetting one very very important piece of information.


I am entitled to roll when I want, how I want and do with what I win, how I want. You do not get a choice in my decisions.


Not in my groups you are not. Don't follow the rules and you get kicked/blacklisted.

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Nice that you post your opinion. How-ever, I'm not interested in opinions, rather facts. You worry about your game, I'll worry about mine, thank you.


maybe you should get use to playing alone then .. by your attitude, though, it appears you already are

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No, it's not at all. Not every drop has strippable modifications. Not every drop has modifications that suit the build or stats. Not every drop is usable by my class (a hilt versus a barrel).


No. My example is an example of where this game is heading with loot tables and armor customization.


I am pointing out that beyond "need for companion" ... there are going to be hissy fits that people (like the OP) throw when they see someone roll need for an item that has a +Crit mod in it because they want more healing crit or something of that nature.


What in the world makes you people think folks are rolling need for everything? Even IF they're rolling need for companion?


Now I agree for rolling on something that you can strip the mods from is ok, since it's going to be benefiting your character. However, the rolling need for companions I have a problem with, reasons posted earlier.

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It is fair the way the game works.


In raids, there's guild groups and DKP. That makes the entire playing field fair. If I want to waste DKP on an item I can't even use, it's my DKP to waste.


Now imagine if everyone just rolled need instead of using dkp. People gotta disenchant right?

Edited by Gohlar
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Yes, companions are a vital part to leveling solo. But your companion doesn't need that orange/purple item that drops when someone else in your group can use it upgrade their main character. And when I said it helps the group, I was looking purely short-term, as in for that flashpoint/whatever. Long-term, companions do not need armor that high of a level. As someone else stated earlier, the main things companions need are weapons, which you can easily get through quests. (This is all from an earlier poster) If you think that you and your companion won't be able to kill some certain monster/elite, because your companion doesn't have that orange/purple item, you are incredibly deluded.


You are trying to extricate companions from characters when they are not extricable. You are imposing your viewpoint that gearing companions is not as important as gearing main characters. That is an opinion. My companion very much DOES need that orange/purple, because my companion is simply another outlet of stats that affects my character.


You don't "NEED" anything; you could level through the entire game absolutely naked if you want to. It would take an awefully long time, but it is entirely possible. Need is the wrong word to use. Every single upgrade on myself or my companion is just that; an upgrade.

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Intent has to be inferred from SOMETHING. What single scrap of evidence does ANYONE have that it is the "intent" of Bioware that people get precidence over companions on gear?


It is NOT enforced by loot rules.

It is NOT inferred through the importance of companions in solo content.

It is NOT inferred by anything Bioware has said.



Besides prior experience in MMOs, which actually supports your opposition through Bioware's lack of action to combat said "ninjaing" despite ample opportunity, where are you inferring any intent whatsoever on behalf of Bioware?


You're just claiming that unless you are explicitly prevented in-game from doing it you are intended to do it.


That's the battle cry of every exploiter and hack user, evah!

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Now imagine if everyone just rolled need instead of using dkp. People gotta disenchant right?


Why disenchant? I need that 250 credits from vendoring the item, I gotta have money to auction off the other stuff I rolled need on just so I can auction it and make money.


Edit - Oh, and repairs. Cause our healer sucks... he is, like, SOOO undergeared. I don't know why.

Edited by BourbonDingo
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Most people's opinion will be that you are a tool.


Happy now?


Have you taken a consensus of the entire player base to come up with a rudimentary mathematical conclusion or is that just your opinion?


If you want to get into insults, I'll be more than happy to educate you.

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Why disenchant? I need that 250 credits from vendoring the item, I gotta have money to auction off the other stuff I rolled need on just so I can auction it and make money.


Edit - Oh, and repairs. Cause our healer sucks... he is, like, SOOO undergeared.


lol nice

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Now I agree for rolling on something that you can strip the mods from is ok, since it's going to be benefiting your character. However, the rolling need for companions I have a problem with, reasons posted earlier.


The OP defines those actions I described as "textbook ninja."


You see how twisted this is getting? And there's been dozens of threads from people asking for armor customization past level 49. It's a popular function of the game. And the devs have responded that they are going to bring it back and let people use mods from level 50 items.


So eventually the need for companion threads are going to be replaced by people whining that the healer took my crit mod gear threads.


It's coming. Because that's "textbook ninja."

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Have you taken a consensus of the entire player base to come up with a rudimentary mathematical conclusion or is that just your opinion?


This thread should suffice. :)


The OP defines those actions I described as "textbook ninja."


You see how twisted this is getting?


MS>OS. It only becomes twisted when you twist it. You wouldn't behave this way with your guild, why is it ok to do it in a pug?

Edited by Gohlar
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You are trying to extricate companions from characters when they are not extricable. You are imposing your viewpoint that gearing companions is not as important as gearing main characters. That is an opinion. My companion very much DOES need that orange/purple, because my companion is simply another outlet of stats that affects my character.


You don't "NEED" anything; you could level through the entire game absolutely naked if you want to. It would take an awefully long time, but it is entirely possible. Need is the wrong word to use. Every single upgrade on myself or my companion is just that; an upgrade.


First of all, companions are extricable. Do you use your companion on 4-man heroics? Thought not. Second of all, that orange/purple would benefit a main character MUCH MORE than it would your companion because of the range of skills and abilities a main character has compared to a companion. Therefore, the level of rolling need for a main character is higher than the level of rolling need for a companion.

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So, how long until the forums are flooded with people who roll need for pets posting that the game is dying because they can't find groups?


Oh well, at least they can do dailies a bit faster with that uber geared companion...


Pretty sure these are the people who are crying they can't find groups and demanding a LFG/LFD like tool.

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You're just claiming that unless you are explicitly prevented in-game from doing it you are intended to do it.


That's the battle cry of every exploiter and hack user, evah!


No, you are implying something that I am not inferring in any way, shape or form. By your rationale, I could claim that you are a hacker because you press buttons and use attacks to gain an advantage over people who click, even though the game supports it. It is not rational.


There is NOTHING to infer that one should not roll for loot for companions. Not one scrap of information. Bioware went to the trouble of implementing a system that specifically ALLOWS one to roll need or greed regardless of class/spec, when there is clear precedent in other games of systems that disallow this. They made an active decision NOT to do so.

Edited by Delekii
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If you're in a group, and your companion was involved in the fight, feel free to roll need on their behalf (for the companion involved in the fight, not the ones sitting back on your ship who weren't). They helped kill the mob, they deserve a shot at the drops.


If your companion wasn't involved in the fight, don't roll need on his behalf. That would be like rolling need on gear for your friend who isn't even a part of the group. We just don't do that.

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Is that in the eula somewhere? The game manual somewhere? Is it your just your opinion?


Well, considering there are item mod commendation vendors on each planet that specifically carry some of the BIS mods for those levels... Or are you one of those people that has to have everything spelled out, listed, and made a rule of for them?


As pointed out, END-GAME MODS are going to once again be removable. This has been announced by the devs and it coming back to the game in the very near future. People who want the best stats (hey, min-maxxers and raiders) and who want to utilize the armor customization aspect of the game (want to maintain the look they like), will start to raid for mods.


Because they are upgrades to the mods they already spent commendations on.


Well, I'll tell you this- if you can find me an end game raiding guild that allows you to take something for one mod in it, when someone else in the raid needs the entire item as an upgrade, I'd be surprised. I wouldn't want to do anything with that guild, but I'd cede the point to you.

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