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Why couldnt i kill him!!!!??? **spoilers**


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I dont get why they took it out....its not like you cant gear up your *** kissing robot that you want to throw out of the airlock every damn time he opens his damn mouth when you walk by...When i found out i couldnt pull quinns dainty nutsack through his throat and shove back up his *** for betraying me, i stopped bringnig him along. If i need a healer now, its the robot.
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It's worth saying again, since this thread floated back to the top:


BioWare needs to fix this. Put in all kinds of "educate the stupid before they do it" protection, but the entire storyline makes no sense once you get to this non-choice.


Some people will choose not to kill him, but not having the choice is absurd.

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its a reasonable design decision. i might not like it, but i totally understand why they did it. 90% of dark side warriors would have killed him, and then 50% of those people would have submitted a ticket when they where in a 3 man group and wanted to use a healer companion and cant.
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So after reading this thread, I guess I am completely wasting my time trying to romance Quinn. And female warriors don't get anyone else to romance but this guy? I thought if BW put a betrayal in the companions that it would be perhaps one who has the lowest affection. That would make more sense.


Edit--Okay I couldn't resist and went to You Tube. Apparently they "make up".


Male DS Inquisitors don't get ANY romance options so...

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all better than having 982359823 threads BIOWARE PLX FIX IT I ACCIDENTALLY MY HEALER COMPANION


P.S. However i found a moment of his betrayal very inconsistent. I mean it was definately NOT a surprisingly deep turn of events, and yet nothing in quinn's personality or ANY other talks leads/hints to that and after that he's acting like we're bros and it never happened. It's just out of place. (compare to Baras)


Looks like a mediocre writer reached into his box of generic face/heel turns and thought "where I should stick this"

Edited by Oneiros_IV
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It just felt out of character for me. I'm sorry Quinn, you wait until after we talked to the BOOPING EMPEROR to betray me? Now that just doesn't make sense. No, Baras is not acting in the best interests of the empire. Were you catatonic when we talked to the Emperor's voice on Voss?



I eventually decided Baras Mindtricked/mindraped him into it. Actually... I could totally see a sort of Joruus C'baoth* like Manchurian agent thing going there. Still would have liked that to be addressed, though.



*What, you haven't read the Thrawn Trilogy? It's the only reason there is an Expanded Universe, and by extension KOTOR and SWTOR (And, considering it rekindled interest in Star Wars, a Prequel Trilogy. Hey, every silver lining has a cloud).



They removed the ability to kill companions because beta testers killed them off to see what would happen, then whine that they lost their companion and don't have a healer/tank/dps anymore.


... Umm yes, we know. I'm sorry, but this isn't exactly a long thread, you can read it all (or if you're feeling rushed, the first page). You don't need to repeat what has been said ad nauseum.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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  • 2 weeks later...
I wish they had put an extra conversation in there for female players who had romanced him regarding the status of their relationship and why Quinn did what he did. It's not so much that he betrayed my character (since it IS the Sith, and that IS what a lot of them do), but it's that for some players, they were married before this happened, which would of course bring up the question "Did you love me at all?" I feel like if there was something like this, it would at least HELP to ease some of the anger over it.
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It just felt out of character for me. I'm sorry Quinn, you wait until after we talked to the BOOPING EMPEROR to betray me? Now that just doesn't make sense. No, Baras is not acting in the best interests of the empire. Were you catatonic when we talked to the Emperor's voice on Voss?



I eventually decided Baras Mindtricked/mindraped him into it. Actually... I could totally see a sort of Joruus C'baoth* like Manchurian agent thing going there. Still would have liked that to be addressed, though.



*What, you haven't read the Thrawn Trilogy? It's the only reason there is an Expanded Universe, and by extension KOTOR and SWTOR (And, considering it rekindled interest in Star Wars, a Prequel Trilogy. Hey, every silver lining has a cloud).





... Umm yes, we know. I'm sorry, but this isn't exactly a long thread, you can read it all (or if you're feeling rushed, the first page). You don't need to repeat what has been said ad nauseum.


Man needs to die! The moment is past now though... Would likely make even less sense to walk up to him and turn my lightsaber on his head after we are established with the dark council and all... Then again can't say it wouldn't be satisfying.



ps - guy above says the complete truth, read it, maybe even the graphic novel, but everyone should read it!

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Well whst about being able to:


1) Kill him, then get to the infirmary of the place where it happens and requisition an alternate Companion doc?


2) Give him Vettes old collar, and keep him as a tightly controlled slave-healer, with the option to redeem.

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One thing I find interesting is that there are multiple threads on how people loathe Quinn after the betrayal and how they felt railroaded into keeping him ... and yet have seen none expressing irritation/anger over being railroaded into taking on the c*****g that is Jaesa.


I hate her. Haaaate.

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One thing I find interesting is that there are multiple threads on how people loathe Quinn after the betrayal and how they felt railroaded into keeping him ... and yet have seen none expressing irritation/anger over being railroaded into taking on the c*****g that is Jaesa.


I hate her. Haaaate.


Jaesa is the cutest thing in this entire game. She's one of the primary reasons to play a Sith Warrior.

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I was playing a lightside marauder, and even I would have chosen to kill him. It was lame for bioware to bend to the will of morons who apparently couldn't figure out that choosing to kill him meant they would no longer be able to have him as a companion/pet.
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  • 6 months later...
I know this is old, but just as a thought, why not just throw in a disclaimer? For instance for Quinn, if you click the "kill" option it would be a giant "WARNING! This will PERMANENTLY kill your companion, you will NOT get him back under ANY circumstances, and any tickets or forum posts WILL BE IGNORED." Cuz I wanna choke the hell out of Quinn.
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I know this is old, but just as a thought, why not just throw in a disclaimer? For instance for Quinn, if you click the "kill" option it would be a giant "WARNING! This will PERMANENTLY kill your companion, you will NOT get him back under ANY circumstances, and any tickets or forum posts WILL BE IGNORED." Cuz I wanna choke the hell out of Quinn.


I would settle for an alternate disclaimer: "WARNING! The following scene is going to have the biggest dose of stupid the SW gets railroaded into. Would you like to play through the horrid bastardization of our original intent crossed with the demands of a reading-comprehension-challenged player base, or would you like an alternate generic boss fight that doesn't have to end with three variants on "herp derp why yes I do have STUPID written across my forehead"?"


I'd pay $30 extra to have the chance to kill him again and again.


/signed. Infinite replay value, right there.

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