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  1. they failed at life and making PVP
  2. Back in my day we used to walk uphill both ways to school. RABBLE RABBLE
  3. So, I got a patch is the server up? Yay, for life shall start again!
  4. Quoted this whole thing to make sure it's been quoted.
  5. ok so i guess ill just "pretend" that my father and I killed the same Boss in the same time space and lived during different times.
  6. The grandfather paradox is a hypothetical situation in which a time traveler goes back in time and, for example, tries to kill his/her grandfather at a time before the grandfather had fathered any children. If the time traveler never came into existence, then how would he/she be able to return to kill thegrandfather? Stephen Hawking’s “Chronology Protection Conjecture” claims that the laws of physics conspire to prevent such a paradox from happening because physics would not let such large inconsistencies occur. For example, a bird would fly in the way of the homicidal time traveler or the gun would lock up. So, if my son kills the same Darth that I do. How will this work? I make a Sith Warrior (jugg) My Son is also a sith warrior (marauder) We both experience the same story. Yes we have options but they are meaningless as any choice made would be made in the same "time space" as the father. How much imagination do you expect me to have? or did the force do it?
  7. I find it funny how the players are talking about saving a company's game. Bioware is a company like any other, board members shareholders etc. Stop thinking Bioware consists of people that care about you and your family. They are out to turn a profit on a IP that is rehashed every year to sell more and more stuff. (see re-re-re-re-re release of Ep 1 3D)
  8. I find it funny how the players are talking about saving a company's game. Bioware is a company like any other, board members, shareholders etc. Stop thinking Bioware consists of people that care about you and your family. They are out to turn a profit on a IP that is rehashed every year to sell more and more stuff. (see re-re-re-re-re release of Ep 1 3D) This is real life son, we play a game, they make money. You pay them to play something that makes you happy or angry. That is all.
  9. this is more of a problem then most fans and bioware are willing to admit.
  10. I roll with a sniper level 50, he Fing kills it! I am not a fan of facing him in hutt balls
  11. Everything I say is right. Everything you say is wrong. I'm Better Than You. Na-na Na-na Boo-boo Ok seriously, I can't understand how people think like this in today's world. In much the same way we say "I could never do that to a person." I know, I could not say this but, this guy did. So, is it my lack of understanding and the inability to place my self in his world that makes it impossible to fathom his statement? I don't like what you say; you don't matter. I read a book in college, knots by R.D Laing. The text seemed simple and extremely everyday. Yet, maybe it's not. Maybe it's more complex then I thought. Does this make me simple minded? I can't think like him; I have a problem. What is the matter with me? The ONLY thing the matter with me is that I think there is nothing the matter with me. Jack dislikes Jill's like of Jack. Jill likes that Jack dislikes Jill's like of Jack. Glad this post will be buried deep in the belly of nothingness soon. No clue why I typed all this.
  12. glad to see such a simple task set off for so long! keep it up BioWare!
  13. I will keep asking until it's in. No harm in reminding them of it. /paying customer
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