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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I understand that I'm not running the hi res textures, that sucks.


However, I was running medium and it it looked passable, now, after the last patch I'm stuck at low and can't change it at all? Anyone else seeing this? Changing the options in the UI or INI do nothing.


I've been noticing low res textures even in the cutscenes now after the patch.

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Is it supposed to look this bad in character select screen?





When i first got the game (christmas eve) im sure it wasnt this bad but i have just noticed it in the last few days.


Im using windows 7 64 bit on my 2011 iMac. Please no 'you should have got a PC'. I want to play the game just like everybody else and this is the only computer i have.



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Is it supposed to look this bad in character select screen?





When i first got the game (christmas eve) im sure it wasnt this bad but i have just noticed it in the last few days.


Im using windows 7 64 bit on my 2011 iMac. Please no 'you should have got a PC'. I want to play the game just like everybody else and this is the only computer i have.




lol, did you take a picture of your screen with a camera?

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Is it supposed to look this bad in character select screen?





When i first got the game (christmas eve) im sure it wasnt this bad but i have just noticed it in the last few days.


Im using windows 7 64 bit on my 2011 iMac. Please no 'you should have got a PC'. I want to play the game just like everybody else and this is the only computer i have.




Damn, it should not be that bad. Mask look nice tho:D

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yes i have no idea how to print screen on windows as i am using a mac keyboard and it doesnt have a print screen key and it uses different keys on a mac.


i work with mac everyday so dont know windows shortcuts.


Sorry about that but the picture is there. can you help me with my original question?

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I agree


That is the biggest issue. People seem to remember "High Res" being so much better or having better textures. They didn't really notice there was a difference until someone found out Medium and High doesn't change anything. Suddenly everyone's perception changed... but reality. They are still the same.


Same droid textures. Same cloth texture with wrinkles.






Then people bring high end tier WoW armor pictures, to compare to lower end SWtOR textures. Then people post robe pictures, which the majority of them are just plain bad. No amount of high res will help them. Not all textures are the same unfortunately and granted some are just bad. But they will continue to use them to fuel the conspiracy.


Nah I noticed how low the textures were as soon as early start began. At first I thought they made the low level stuff unimpressive looking on purpose. Then i recognized the fact that everything was looking decent in

convos only. That is when I started posting on forums and this thread.


Now I am pointing the false advertising out on eas youtube page, metacritics, word of mouth in my other gamrs like bf3 etc.

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My point in my screenshot post is not that it looks good rather that it doesn't look as horrible as some of graphics some of your are seeing. Textures are garbage in this game. This is a fact but some of you seem to be having issues above and beyond just the texture problem :p
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The whole game feels like one lie after another, far too many problems what with the rebellion and all against Red Zone/ EU beta testing, failed release dates Soon TM, disappearing features, non-starting features (no playable alien species with a cyborg fob-off) et al.


The game story doesn't even come close to what the trailers promised. The design of the game is lacking which includes armour/planets/npc/quests/ambience/atmosphere, use of the score is also lacking. I almost feel BW have no actual understanding of the IP.


I do not have anything near the Star Wars game that the trailers promised either in story or scope or gameplay.. It took alot of getting over the initially poor design choice of cartoony stylised graphics.


We all remember the uproar initially about how poor people thought the graphics and stylised choice were; BW's answer... make them even worse.


hey we got voice overs... but where's the upside for me?? will be cancelling. too many straws that broke the bantha's back.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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I am beginning to doubt Bioware is even monitoring this thread anymore. They haven't responded for the last 150+ pages.


I wish some media outlets would provide this thread with some attention. 600+ pages and nothing, except for a "possible" adjustment to details in patch 1.2 that may or may not do anything much.

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yes i have no idea how to print screen on windows as i am using a mac keyboard and it doesnt have a print screen key and it uses different keys on a mac.


i work with mac everyday so dont know windows shortcuts.


Sorry about that but the picture is there. can you help me with my original question?



That's pretty bad. You should definitely run it as adminstrator and windows xp sp3 (right click the launcher and go to properties) and try to make some video card, graphics adjustments to whatever graphics you have.

Edited by CarverX
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Yuck, I don't like this at all. That dev post is a lot of hand waving sophistry. Just cancelled my account:


The graphics do not meet my expectations. After reading the dev post regarding high textures being removed from the game upon release, my concerns were elevated that SWTOR graphical engine is inferior to comparable games. Rift, for example, has had hundreds of characters on my screen at a given time without slowdown. It also looks significantly better than SWTOR. Frankly I am suspicious that Simutronics' Hero Engine has caused fundamental problems with the game, but that's pure speculation based on my own previous experience with that company.


Finally, the fact that gameplay videos and other adverts have not been converted or tagged to reflect the discrepancy strikes me as disingenuous.


Truthfully I could overlook the graphical issues if SWTOR was more fully featured, but - except for the universe and voice-acting, which are both exceptional - this is not the case. Again, see Rift at launch for an example of a fully-featured current generation MMO.

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That guy looks like a green onion.


I mean, uh, yes *ahem*, of course, high res textures... unacceptable... 2012 MMO and all that... mmm... quite right, cheeri-o.


But srsly tho, can we at least have high res textures when we preview what an item looks like on our characters? The textures appear as high res when we preview on our companions... but I'm tired of having Elara Dorne model my Trooper armor for me. :[

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Well I don't expect a reply over the weekend or even until after MLK day for that matter...federal Holiday and all but I do expect a reply on Tuesday and we need to keep capping these threads as much as we can.



We need to not be silent about this.

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