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10 Good
  1. So people who, for some insane reason, love the space combat can have something to spend their comms on. All comm vendors have the option. Next time, do a simple google search and save yourself the pain. Or don't learn from your mistake and blame the devs, who are blameless in this instance (except space battle sucks).
  2. I had to drop back into this thread to thank it for providing the best sig ever. The amusement it provides me is endless. I've played countless MMORPGs over the past decade+ and seen a lot of amusing dev responses, but this just takes the throne. It tried to be soooo serious and fell soooo hard, flat on its face.
  3. They can't be rising or dropping yet 'cause it's the first month after the free month. But you can definitely see from the forums and server populations that many did not subscribe after the first month. Furthermore, Bioware is already desperate in terms of PR, so you can bet things are tense at EAware. http://www.vg247.com/2012/01/26/totalbiscuit-interviews-gabe-amantangelo-on-star-wars-the-new-republic/ Hate to say it, but I called all this. Just wait till month 3, when even those who subbed the first month or 2 get bored. It's all so amusing to watch because EA is evil.
  4. 1. Global high-res textures 2. A dev team that cares what we think.
  5. http://kotaku.com/5877507/wait-dont-cancel-yet-check-out-whats-coming-soon-for-star-wars-the-old-republic
  6. This game is in major trouble. http://www.vg247.com/2012/01/23/jedie-the-problem-with-star-wars-the-old-republic/
  7. Raids = WoW PvP = Wait for GW2 Story + SW = SWTOR Except the story in SWTOR reminds me more of Dragon Age II, where I couldn't care less about the ****** plot and shallow characters, than any of Bioware's other games. Just wait till the infamous 3rd month of MMORPGs - I think the drop in sub numbers will turn EAware's head so fast that they will get desperate. It will feed my dark side.
  8. I always wondered how something that's weightless could be spun around in your hand to do tricks like a real sword with real weight/physics, or thrown much like a boomerang when there is no weight in the blade. The strong gyroscopic effect generated by the plasma is the apparent reason why this is possible given the laws of physics. Good to know.
  9. And this is ultimately the reason why, IMHO, we are being denied the higher textures. To elaborate: On my system that can run all current PC games at max smoothly, including Crysis 2, I get rather poor performance in the fleet when there are a couple hundred players in the zone. There are constant micro-stutters. And this is on a SSD that doesn't stutter with more intensive games, MMORPGs and all. But when the fleet has fewer players on, say less than 100, it runs rather smooth. So I can only imagine the memory problems the engine has on lower and mid range systems. Some beta players said that even high end systems were crashing in the fleet with the high res textures enabled. I tend to believe them, given how poor this engine seems to perform. This is no excuse, of course. Especially since they advertised, and continue to do so, with these textures and shaders. And their response has added insult to injury. Oh well. We're all waiting for Diablo 3 and then Guild Wars 2 anyways. The fact that a 2012 AAA title with the biggest budget ever has to make fake reflections is just beyond ridiculous. I'd laugh if it didn't bother me so. I can't think of the last time I saw fake reflections in a video game.
  10. All metal surfaces everywhere have reflections and all reflections everywhere have this problem. The reflections are not real - they are like part of the textures or some ****.
  11. Lol, I had not noticed. This proves that the reflections are gateways to other dimensions.
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