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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Does it have anything in common with a rendered 3d world with animated avatars? No .. not at all. EVE is a great looking game but lets stick with apples.


Its also running on a game engine from 2003? Sure its been upgraded over time.

Fact still stands EVE has many more features today, than TOR does today.


And STo?? Are you serious, did you actually play the the portion of the game with your guy running around? .../shudder.


yeah, I have been playing it, I never said the game looked better. I said it had more graphics options and a BETTER character creation.

You cannot deny that, the game has pretty much every graphical setting I could ever want, far more than low and lower along with broken AA or no AA.

The detail on the ships are amazing IMO and the character models are not far off from TOR.

This coming from a older game that is now F2P.



And you can create your own race, with a good chunk of options. Far more than TOR has.


And now its dozens of mmo's that are staggeringly better than swtor?


Have you looked at Rift, you want to dismiss EVE? fine.

Look at Rift.



Even warhammer manages to look on par with TOR.



What about APB? A game that died out and came back?



I really wish I could stop reading this thread .. its like a bad movie, i just cant look away.

The only thing stopping you from leaving is you.


I named several MMOs that look almost as good or as good as TOR, all all older and have far more character creation options, graphical settings options and run smoothly with no blurry textures.


Here is the big point, TOR cost over $80 million dollars, yet FAILED to have more graphical options than some F2P mmos and some older MMOS.

They removed higher settings after the beta, and have next to no graphical options, and some of those are broken.

Edited by titanmike
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I think those two pics Arkulin has demonstrate the issue quite clearly. No need to even compare with other games.

TOR is (like it or not) directly competing with those games, and (imo) even the F2P ones.


I got 90 days left from today, Ill be playing STO and it won't cost me a dime, and I will either go back to EvE or Rift. Maybe even warhammer until a few more things get fixed up here.


Its not like I didn't support (or want to see it do well) TOR by buying ahead of time, and getting others to try it. I even paid for 90 days of game time with no intentions to play the game for at least 60 of them.

In hope that they might fix some of these issues.

Edited by titanmike
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In-game AA doesn't work for me either (nVidia geForce 560 Ti). When turned on I still get the very same as when it's turned off, but in addition I can't see any effects (shields, casts, ...).


So I'll still stay at turning it off in-game and forcing AA per driver settings, as this luckily still works flawless.

Edited by Dextral
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Im not going to quote your whole post titanmike but it is a perfect example of what I am talking about.


You make some reasonable comparisons and level headed arguments.


You suggest that some older games look as good or almost as good and that its frustrating that a AAA game failed to deliver in the area of char textures when they should have.


These are all things I agree with.


Its just the crazy vitriolic absurdities that some of these people come out with that I refuse to leave alone.


Why BW cant just put the option for HD back in I have no idea. Their reasoning is absurd and their explanations frustrating but at the end of the day its not that big a deal and they have said they will fix it at some point. There is not much we can do about it.

Edited by jadel
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Im not going to quote your whole post titanmike but it is a perfect example of what I am talking about.

Not a problem, and thanks I guess.


You make some reasonable comparisons and level headed arguments.

Well I try, I understand that everyone has a opinion, and for what its worth my 120 hours with TOR was well spent.


I try to not be bias, but sometimes its hard to keep bias out.


You suggest that some older games look as good or almost as good and that its frustrating that a AAA game failed to deliver in the area of char textures when they should have.

You put that into words for me pretty well, and its a shorter version of what I was trying to say.


TOR has its merits, but with the money that was spent for this game to lack some features that other games (even F2P ones) have seems, wrong? I guess thats the right word.


Why BW cant just put the option for HD back in I have no idea. Their reasoning is absurd and their explanations frustrating but at the end of the day its not that big a deal and they have said they will fix it at some point. There is not much we can do about it.

I am not sure and I agree, I do seem to remember textures looking better in beta. The reason they give (I agree) are absurd.

And yes, they said they would fix it, and that is better than nothing at all. However I feel that the game was not as "complete" as it could have been.

I wonder if another 3 to 6 months of testing and beta would have changed it or not.

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Is it too late for the guys who came over from Mythic to port this game into a new version of the Gamebryo engine they used on DAOC (http://www.gamebryo.com)?

Not gonna happen, the engine its on now will be the same. Way too much would have to be coded again and so on.



I realized this just after posting and I agree. You caught it just before I edited.

I hope TOR does good, and I think it will. Only if they get the ball rolling. Its sold well so far, but retention is key.


Some people won't care, some will rage over it and then others will just wait and see.


This game has the potential to be a real powerhouse simply because its star wars. But warhammer also had/has a huge following (not as large mind you) and had the same potential to be a good MMO.


TOR is competing for subs against the games of today, not the ones years ago. Things are not the same now as 8 or even 4 years ago.


Ea has the money and bioware (according to who you talk to) has the ability to really make a great MMO here with TOR, nothing special, but a really great MMO.

The same people who make KOTOR (a game that still holds up well today IMO) are working on this one, backed by one of the largest company's in the business.

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Guild Wars has better over all gfx.

World of Warcraft has better over all gfx.

Star Trek Online has better gfx.

LOTRO, AOC, well let's just put it this way...


EVERY OTHER GAME has over all better GFX and preformace to boot.


Now let's move onto the patch 1.1...


Bioware was told many of times on the test server forums about many issues with the patch. That the patch was/would/will cause issues with folks feelings about the nerfs and changes. That some folks were also having bugs and other game issues ect...


Bioware delays the patch making it look like they cared. The patch comes out and within the first few hours it has caused every single issue that was predicted and exp on the teast server.


LIKE OMG BW you don't liste and you don't care. I have only 2 or 3 days left to post my opinion on these forums so I'm going to make good use of them.

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The difference between hi-res and what we got the average player doesn't even notice. If you'd never been told your textures weren't in hi-res then you'd probably never known either.


Some people are just happy to be playing the game right now and the graphics look pretty damn good to me.


It's funny how people get so hung up on an issue that couldn't be helped. Don't you think Bioware would have loved to have hi-res ready at launch? Well duh of course they did. They found a problem and the hi-res textures didn't meet their expectations. Bioware is working on the issue and will have them out ASAP. Of course it is a high priority issue for them- they aren't stupid.


If it really is that big of an issue- then might I suggest leaving and coming back after they get the textures in? The game isn't going anywhere but you won't be playing.


BW made a decision. Get SWTOR out so people could actually play OR put off the release for another 6 months to a year. I've been waiting since 2007ish easily and I'm not sure how much more my enthusiasm or interest would have held up. Releasing a game at the right time is very important. The right time for SWTOR was Dec 20th, 2011.


Why should I just be happy to play the game and especially one that does not run as advertised I never spent 3k on new pc to run on medium, yes thats fine will come back when its sorted in the mean time I will have a refund then decide if i want to come back.


You really make it sound as if BW are doing me a favour for releasing the game and I should be paying beta tester if it was broken then it should not have gone live.

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It's simple - REFUSE to PAY to BETA TEST.




The more people who unsubscribe, the stronger the message is.


Then we can come back if/when things get fixed.


I do want things to get fixed but I'm not paying in the meanwhile - I rather come back in a few months and enjoy things as they are supposed to be.

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My current ingame character:




What is the use of hi-res textures when we play like this?




I still see this as whiners whining for the sake of whining.


Will anyone give an actual reason for the need of hi-res textures while playing?


Other than standing around the fleet looking kewl.

Edited by Subatia
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Was hoping for a slightly better AA in game. Still seeing jaggys all over the place(just not as big). Still one step in a good direction.


Deleted my .ini characters textures still at the medium. oh I mean biowares new "high"


Goodbye last day of complementary month. Ill see you guys when they finally gives us real "high textures"


Hell call the best ones ultra if you really are afraid people will get mad that there computers have to run the game at a real "medium".


And as for reasons for high textures, people wouldn't be throwing such a big fuss if this wasnt a $15 subscription and that the textures are already in the game they just have to enable them with a warning!

Edited by coolguymike
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My current ingame character:




What is the use of hi-res textures when we play like this?




I still this as whiners whining for the sake of whining.


Will anyone give an actual reason for the need of hi-res textures while playing?


Other than standing around the fleet looking kewl.


not everyone zooms out so much

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not everyone zooms out so much


Maybe not that much, but I'd say many players play the game zoomed at least far enough out that they can see their entire character (feet to head). Even at that zoom level (which is what I play at) high-resolution player textures are not required or noticed (and I play on a 24" 1920x1080 monitor).


If the high-res textures were implemented as an option in-game, everyone would be on these forums complaining how choppy the game performance is with high-res textures enabled.


Some people simply will never be happy. Those same people are the ones who tend to frequent web forums. Web forums are also but a small (vocal) minority of a product's user base, and not generally representative of the entire user base's views.

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Maybe not that much, but I'd say many players play the game zoomed at least far enough out that they can see their entire character (feet to head). Even at that zoom level (which is what I play at) high-resolution player textures are not required or noticed (and I play on a 24" 1920x1080 monitor).


If the high-res textures were implemented as an option in-game, everyone would be on these forums complaining how choppy the game performance is with high-res textures enabled.


Some people simply will never be happy. Those same people are the ones who tend to frequent web forums. Web forums are also but a small (vocal) minority of a product's user base, and not generally representative of the entire user base's views.


lol Copout "People always complain". People always marginalize another group. Oh wait did I just do it? ;)

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My current ingame character:




What is the use of hi-res textures when we play like this?




I still see this as whiners whining for the sake of whining.


Will anyone give an actual reason for the need of hi-res textures while playing?


Other than standing around the fleet looking kewl.

I don't know, maybe the textures where in beta?

Maybe some people feel like they got duped by the lack of the higher texturers?

Maybe some people want to enjoy the better textures because they can?


Asking for a "actual reason" for them is silly, do we even need character models then? Is there a real need for them? A stick figure would do the same and require less strain. :rolleyes:

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So how would hi-res textures make this better?



Ill bite.


The guy next to the pc thing with big shoulder pads has a white line around his head.

The grated floor looks blurry.


The caped guy looks smudged.


But why remove the option to have higher level graphics? How does having the options hurt anyone? Taking them away is a bad move in my opinion.

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Honestly, this whole texture problem has been one of my MAJOR gripes with the game from day one. Especially at first when noone knew what was going on and why everything was so blurry and low detail.


Now that the reasons behind the issue are known i'm still annoyed as hell. I have a pretty decent PC, and i want to decide on my OWN if my game runs at 30,40,50 or 60+ FPS.


Just because BW thinks people will have issues in highly populated areas doesn't mean they should just force low quality crap textures on everyone.


If i set everything on ultra and then get 5 fps it's my damned problem... at least i can fix it by lowering the settings to a level my PC can handle.


Not being able to increase the graphic settings so the game actually looks like it was released a month ago and not in 2005 is just bullsh**.

If i have a monster PC i want to make use of it. What good is it if the game runs at 200 FPS but my eyes hurt from looking at all the muddy textures?

Edited by Gharon
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Honestly, this whole texture problem has been one of my MAJOR gripes with the game from day one. Especially at first when noone knew what the hell was going on and why everything was so blurry and low detail.


Now that the reasons behind the issue are known i'm still pretty pissed off. I have a pretty decent PC, and i want to decide on my OWN if my game runs at 30,40,50 or 60+ FPS.


Just because BW thinks people will have issues in highly populated areas doesn't mean they should just force low quality crap textures on everyone.


If i set everything on ultra and then get 5 fps it's my damned problem... at least i can fix it by lowering the settings to a level my PC can handle.


Not being able to make the game look better so it actually looks like it was released a month ago and not in 2005 is just bullsh**.

If i have a monster PC i want to make use of it. What good is it if the game runs at 200 FPS but my eyes hurt from looking at all the muddy textures?

But, but, but.

Bioware knows best, they do.

Trust them. You are not smart enough to decide what level of graphics your computer can handle.

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Honestly, this whole texture problem has been one of my MAJOR gripes with the game from day one. Especially at first when noone knew what was going on and why everything was so blurry and low detail.


Now that the reasons behind the issue are known i'm still annoyed as hell. I have a pretty decent PC, and i want to decide on my OWN if my game runs at 30,40,50 or 60+ FPS.


Just because BW thinks people will have issues in highly populated areas doesn't mean they should just force low quality crap textures on everyone.


If i set everything on ultra and then get 5 fps it's my damned problem... at least i can fix it by lowering the settings to a level my PC can handle.


Not being able to increase the graphic settings so the game actually looks like it was released a month ago and not in 2005 is just bullsh**.

If i have a monster PC i want to make use of it. What good is it if the game runs at 200 FPS but my eyes hurt from looking at all the muddy textures?


I couldn't agree more.


I'm astounded by people saying it's fine as it is, or we don't need the graphics or people won't notice it anyway.


The thing is, people do notice it. Otherwise these threads wouldn't exist, there wouldn't be thousands of replies and tens of thousands of views.


Even on the Overclockers.co.uk forums people are annoyed. There's probably many more.



At the moment, if I don't have Vsync on my game gets a lot of screen tearing because the FPS is so high. That's at a very high resolution and forcing on AA and LOD in third party applications.


Good graphics are needed, otherwise they wouldn't advertise and show gameplay with them. If they did, well no one would probably buy the game.



Those people with older computers saying it's not needed are just making it worse. They think because they don't have a problem or wont ever see those graphics No one should.


That's unacceptble.


Just becaue some might have an HD tv but just an dvd player doesn't mean everyelse in the world can't be allowed to use a bly-ray player to actually get HD visuals.

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Besides the decieving advertising of this latest title with "highres textures", i would like to make known to all, that EA is apparently part of an organization called ESA, which supports SOPA/PIPA.


This goes against customers and the economy worldwide aswell as the very foundation of the internet/democracy itself.



So, yes i would like to play swtor very much, but certainly cannot under these circumstances.

They even turn the greatest fan away.

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Well, I did it. With one day left, I figured I needed to make a decision and I went ahead and unsubscribed. I explained about how I think it's wrong for Bioware to continue to use high res textures in their PR when they aren't playable in game. I doubt my single cancellation will make much of a difference, but hopefully the combined weight of all the cancellations will have a positive impact for those of you who are choosing to stay. I genuinely hope that Bioware listens and works to make this a better game for everyone.
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