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People who ninja for their companions


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To ninja is to take an item that you cannot use, did not legitimately earn, or take without allowing other players the chance to win said item. Since companions are part of your overall character, the person who won played his part in the instance, and you had the opportunity to win the item via roll, your situation is not a ninja situation.



actually, to ninja is to appear out of nowhere, take an item to which you are not entitled (say, from a chest, while someone else is fighting it's mob guardian) and run off giggling).


What you describe is just "being a douche" to use the technical term.

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Before starting a flashpoint or a heroic, this is a ground rule that everyone agrees to:




If someone does not agree to this, that individual gets removed from the group and blacklisted.


I don't care if you've got all green gear and have never run the flashpoint, or it's your first day playing; I'll gladly group with you. But the minute you get so high and mighty that your gaming experience is so much more important than mine, that you will steal gear from me that you can't equip, that's the moment you become a snively, ignorant little thief in my eyes.


I would like to see the Devs issue an official position on this, and then work to fix it.



Don't look down

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I worry about the future of MMO players when the majority of posters here seem to be supporting the 'need for companions' idea. If people don't come first in your view and you can rationalise taking something from someone as 'personal use' then I pity you, or actually I pity your RL friends. If you have any.


A companion is a computer generated non-player character that has no feelings or desires. A person, on the other hand, does, and when that person is able to win a piece of gear that would significantly enhance his character then he gets a little excited. Then you come along, a person who can't use it but whose companion can, and takes that item from him claiming that you can use it.


No, you can't use, your soulless unfeeling binary generated npc can use it. You've just hurt someones feelings over greed and the complete lack of consideration for your fellow man. Way to go!

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On Tarris group of 16 level 32-37 take down ancient one world boss.


3 agents in group. A nice purple protype drops clearly meant for agents. All roll need.


A sith assasin also rolls need and wins, saying he needed it for his companion.




Your point being?

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I worry about the future of MMO players when the majority of posters here seem to be supporting the 'need for companions' idea. If people don't come first in your view and you can rationalise taking something from someone as 'personal use' then I pity you, or actually I pity your RL friends. If you have any.


A companion is a computer generated non-player character that has no feelings or desires. A person, on the other hand, does, and when that person is able to win a piece of gear that would significantly enhance his character then he gets a little excited. Then you come along, a person who can't use it but whose companion can, and takes that item from him claiming that you can use it.


No, you can't use, your soulless unfeeling binary generated npc can use it. You've just hurt someones feelings over greed and the complete lack of consideration for your fellow man. Way to go!


Thank you for having the words I've been looking for.



Don't look down

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I worry about the future of MMO players when the majority of posters here seem to be supporting the 'need for companions' idea. If people don't come first in your view and you can rationalise taking something from someone as 'personal use' then I pity you, or actually I pity your RL friends. If you have any.


A companion is a computer generated non-player character that has no feelings or desires. A person, on the other hand, does, and when that person is able to win a piece of gear that would significantly enhance his character then he gets a little excited. Then you come along, a person who can't use it but whose companion can, and takes that item from him claiming that you can use it.


No, you can't use, your soulless unfeeling binary generated npc can use it. You've just hurt someones feelings over greed and the complete lack of consideration for your fellow man. Way to go!


This is exactly my feelings on this situation.


I've played enough Flashpoints to say that the best way to work it, is just... "Hey, that thing that dropped? My companion can use that. Can you guys run this again? Great experience, and more chances at loot. If that thing does drop again, you mind if my companion can get it?"


More often than not, they run again. More often than not? It doesn't drop again. But, when it does? I get sweet companion loots, and friend invites.

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Who is 'we'?


And regardless of that, what you do with your won loot is none of my business.


We, the overwhelming majority.


Taken from my experiences from beta to live, aka, there is only one person who opposed the idea's of the masses in my experience. Not yours, or anyone elses; my experience. Me me me, because people feel the need to avoid the fact I mention my experience, I'll say it a few more times, my experience, not yours, not other peoples.


My experience.



I'm safe in the knowledge everyone I play with thinks the same, we understand the difference between the need of a player and the need of a companion, you wont see compaions in world bosses, you won't see companions in warzone PVP(or world pvp), you won't see companions in operations, at 50, the player comes first, the companions are last.


If anyone has difficulty seeing the difference or understanding, then no loss because I bet you for ever person that needs for companions, there's a whole community of people putting you on ignore. In the end I'm certain people like that lose out in the long run.

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word, I actually think that's kind of awesome how our companions are kind of people in there own right, and not just 'pets' like in WOW. I would definitely roll need on some of the beginning heroics and flashpoints but not on the end-game ones
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I worry about the future of MMO players when the majority of posters here seem to be supporting the 'need for companions' idea. If people don't come first in your view and you can rationalise taking something from someone as 'personal use' then I pity you, or actually I pity your RL friends. If you have any.


A companion is a computer generated non-player character that has no feelings or desires. A person, on the other hand, does, and when that person is able to win a piece of gear that would significantly enhance his character then he gets a little excited. Then you come along, a person who can't use it but whose companion can, and takes that item from him claiming that you can use it.


No, you can't use, your soulless unfeeling binary generated npc can use it. You've just hurt someones feelings over greed and the complete lack of consideration for your fellow man. Way to go!


Haha, this is funny. I actualy can't wait for the day that our ability to create more human-like AI behavior begins to erase the line between man and machine.


Until then however, I'll just 'need' for him ;)

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Oh Lord. You must need for stuff for your companion. So sorry for you.


Nope, I greed; I just do not go into a fuss if I do not win that roll. There is a lot of gear in this game that can improve both the player and companion; not getting a single piece, will not instantly make your character unplayable.

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Nope, I greed; I just do not go into a fuss if I do not win that roll. There is a lot of gear in this game that can improve both the player and companion; not getting a single piece, will not instantly make your character unplayable.


No. Companions are trash. And should be treated as such.

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I worry about the future of MMO players when the majority of posters here seem to be supporting the 'need for companions' idea. If people don't come first in your view and you can rationalise taking something from someone as 'personal use' then I pity you, or actually I pity your RL friends. If you have any.


A companion is a computer generated non-player character that has no feelings or desires. A person, on the other hand, does, and when that person is able to win a piece of gear that would significantly enhance his character then he gets a little excited. Then you come along, a person who can't use it but whose companion can, and takes that item from him claiming that you can use it.


No, you can't use, your soulless unfeeling binary generated npc can use it. You've just hurt someones feelings over greed and the complete lack of consideration for your fellow man. Way to go!



It really cant be said better than this.

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People that roll need for companions are not wrong. There is nothing in the game that states that companions should be a greed roll. Rolling 'greed' for companions is not a morally superior action.


So I suggest you do what I do. When you form a group, get an agreement that companions will be a greed roll. If someone disagrees, don't group with them.


Our guild determined in our first meeting that as part of guild policy companions were a greed roll. Joining a guild with a similar policy and only grouping with guild members is another option.

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I agree rolling for a companion is kinda lame. I won't do it. I do have to accept the fact that people will do it. To expect otherwise is unreasonable.


All in all, it's not a very big deal. Gear is so easy to get during the leveling process that once you get over the initial outrage of losing that gear, you'll realize you will soon get a replacement via commendations, quest reward or the Galaxy Trade Network which gear is usually super-cheap.


In this game loot from flash-points is as unnecessary as I've ever seen in a game.


I guess my point is that it's not really even worth the stress even though it does suck.

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This is my companion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


My companion is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.


My companion, without me, is useless. Without my companion, I am useless. I must gear my companion true. I must gear harder than my enemy who is trying to roll against me. I must need it before he needs it. I will...


My companion and myself know that what counts in this war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, or the smoke we make. We know that it is the needs that count. We will need...


My companion is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its gear. I will keep my companion clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...


Before God, I swear this creed. My companion and myself are the defenders of my galaxy. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.


So be it, until victory is Imperial's and there is no enemy, but passion!

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Anonymity brings out true colors in people. Just how people suddenly become D-bags when driving a car because there's no fear of social backlash. So much scientific data to support it, too. It doesn't matter how mature or nice an individual appears. If he's rolling need on companion gear he or she is simply being a greedy D-Bag. Nevermind the fact that gear upgrades on companions is negligible.


I'm willing to bet that if people played the game at a LAN together or something nobody would be needing on stuff for their companions.

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I don't get where the people who think needing on stuff for companions is ok, think the line should stop. My sith warrior and his companions can equip pretty much everything, should I then get to need on everything? Why ever separate into need/greed at that point. I think like most people, if its not for my actual player character, I hit greed. If I get it, i can put it on a companion, and if someone else wins, they can do whatever they want with it.


After level 50, your companions are no longer legitimate extensions of your character. They don't PvP, they don't run operations or flashpoints. It is absolutely not ok to take gear away from players that will use it meaningfully to make your companions look cooler while they craft stuff on your ship.


Now people doing this pre-50, I would care less about the gear, but at the same time, I'm still going to consider them selfish, and probably put them on a list of people to never play with.

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If he's rolling need on companion gear he or she is simply being a greedy D-Bag.


This is merely your opinion.


If I help you win, I am entitled to roll. as are the other members. Each have an equal chance of winning or losing. But what you are claiming is that I should not roll need so you have a better chance of winning. I think you need to re-look up 'greedy' in the dictionary.

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This is merely your opinion.


If I help you win, I am entitled to roll. as are the other members. Each have an equal chance of winning or losing. But what you are claiming is that I should not roll need so you have a better chance of winning. I think you need to re-look up 'greedy' in the dictionary.


Interesting... anyhow. What does you companion add to the group? Nothing, and that is exactly what you companion deserves to receive from the group.

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It's not a ninja if he can use it including the companion. Companions are part of the game so you might want to just get used to that fact. I know I won't hesitate even for a second to need on a item for my companions.



Have fun, in three weeks you will be alienated from any groups in the game. I doubt your Guild will even tolerate raiding with you if you have that attitude.



Now to all the Ninja rollers in this thread - Rolling need for you companion is fine, ONLY if everyone else roles greed.


Putting your companion, an AI, over an actual player is not only selfish - but it will not be tolerated in most groups (Especially mine.) As said earlier, doing this action enough will effectively alienate all players from you - thus kill your group experience.

Edited by Elyons
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