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Forum Changes Coming!


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Who thought this organization system was a good idea?


It's so disheartening that Bioware doesn't understand how important individual server forums are - it makes me not want to subscribe. If this is their idea of how to do forums, I shutter to think of how they will handle other things.


Community = Longevity.


If you want your game to stick around for a while, you're going to want the players to create communities. This is part of what keeps people logging in day to day. You have to give players the tools they need to make this happen.


Has Bioware came out and said specifically why they did it this way? I know I have read theories stating that they don't have enough moderators, but that seems ridiculous. As a moderator, you have X number of posts to review each day; these people can't review those posts across multiple forums? The number of posts doesn't change, it's just how they're organized.


This is such a horrible scheme for organizing forums, I'm banging my head against a wall trying to figure out what BW was thinking.

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I agree - laziness. Is this the type of brilliant solution we should expect from now on from BioWare? Seems like there is a trend emerging.


Lets take the mediocre route. You know, the one where people will be upset... and learn to live with it.





Edited by BlackSpin
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My personal favorite is that they're using Prefix Tags in vBulletin to designate the server for the post. This is OK and i did this on my guild forums for wow professions, class and raid posts.


HOWEVER, vBulletin allows you to sort and filter in the forum display by prefix, which Bioware did not allow us permission to do.

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Please but the person that made up this abomination back on getting coffee duty

im afraid of the damage he might cause otherwise


alphabetized server clumps >.<


just give us what we all want.....individual server forums

i really dislike to actually have to ctrl+F 'my servername' just to get relevant topics

where just splitting them up into their own board would be enough

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I am amused and enraged by how heavily moderated these "server forums" are. It's ridiculous. So what if a discussion goes off topic? Wouldn't wanna clutter the innovative group server forums! And they are innovative, because no other MMO has been dumb enough to implement them.


Can we get Hello Kitty avatars please?

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please but the person that made up this abomination back on getting coffee duty

im afraid of the damage he might cause otherwise


alphabetized server clumps >.<


just give us what we all want.....individual server forums

i really dislike to actually have to ctrl+f 'my servername' just to get relevant topics

where just splitting them up into their own board would be enough


but then how could they lock all the threads filled with playful banter and smack talk?!

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I agree, there should be forums for each server, there may not be a community large enough for every server, but given the chance im sure most would flourish, such as trade forums event forums and recruitment for each server, sure thats a lot of forums, but to each user its highly valuable
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Putting my vote on the individual forums for each server team.


Also, 15/31 posts in the general Ke- L forum are guild recruitment or "Looking for Guild" threads. If that's true across even 1/2 the server forums you'll need an army to moderate and move every post.


In the short term you might add a notice to the top of every "post new thread" page that directs to the proper sub-forum.

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Did I miss something somewhere?


Innovative server forums?




How would you prefer we spend our time Bioware? Sifting through threads to find those that are related to our individual servers or hmm, actually playing the game. This entire thing is a fustercluck

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I am amused and enraged by how heavily moderated these "server forums" are. It's ridiculous. So what if a discussion goes off topic? Wouldn't wanna clutter the innovative group server forums! And they are innovative, because no other MMO has been dumb enough to implement them.


Can we get Hello Kitty avatars please?



Wait what?


Server forums are moderated and closes off-topic?


*** kind of topics do we talk about in the server forums?


How do you promote community but close topics of discussion that bring community together?


This just proves how stupid bioware is when it comes to MMOs

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We need our own server forums, not this server group half-arsed effort crap.


Also, please ease up on the moderation of the server forums when you do. People need to be able to have off topic discussions, a little trash talk, and so forth in their server forums. We need room to breathe with our community. We don't need heavy handed moderators deciding how we're allowed to interact with our own server. That's the whole point of server forums....to get to know each other.


Not to get to know the child-proofed moderated version of our server that isn't really what our server is like.

Edited by Vlaid
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Couple things...


Because of your failed interfaces I have to mentally filter and sort:

GTN results

Crafting recipes

Vendor lists



Now everytime I look at the server forum I have to filter out the posts from several other servers. (thank you by the way for at least giving us server forums)



Also, your moderation needs can be relaxed by one simple change, stop reading every bloody chatter post between characters. We have a report button, if something is out of line enough that it is bothering someone, it will get reported, thats what the report button is for.


Worried you do not have the manpower to read everything? STOP. Concentrate on the threads in the suggestions and bugs forums, those you have to read every one of...


A post in a server specific forum by a healer titled <I'm the greatest healer evar!> does not need your attention unless someone draws your eye to it with the report button.

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Stop trying to reinvent the wheel. The forums as they are at the moment are a complete eyesore, difficult to navigate, and threads constantly disappearing due to being [Moved] to wholly inappropriate locations. I make a PVE progression thread for my server, and it gets moved to the "Guild Recruiting" thread.... ***. Just leave well enough alone, give us individual server forums and get over it.
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