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Legacy holding me back...


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:mad: <== This is my grumpy face.


Not long ago there was mention that the Legacy system would offer some more options at character creation. That sounds great. However as I like alts, and have obscene amounts of time on my hands to level them, you have caused me a serious problem.


How can I level alts in good faith if come March you will make all these CLEARLY amazing new options available to me at toon creation?


This simply cannot stand.


I know, I know... Divulging information is hard, and you don't like to do it. I know it was difficult to say how we can decide on our toons relationship....


But seriously... Could you PLEASE tell us what kinds of things MAY be involved for character creation? Are we talking different race/class combinations? Are we talking a plethora of new cosmetic options? WHAT?


I am that guy who deletes characters because he wants the new special beard. I'll reroll a 50 for a better looking scar. So how much pain am I going to be in if I level my alts now? I HAVE A SPREAD SHEET OF MY DESIRED TOONS FOR THE LOVE OF... sorry I promised I would not get emotional.


I'm not looking for photo's or even solid confirmations... Just give us a better idea of what you are hoping to do. Is there gonna be art? Will there be a way to use these options on existing toons? (would be lovely) Are we just talking titles and such, like:


"Congratulations, your Legacy is now level 137. You have earned the title " 's Baby Mama"."


Really I just want a little help here. Can you give me somethin? I have 11 toons and can't level most of them due to possible random facial features of the future... and I'm dieing inside seeing them there on the toon select screen... all alone and unloved...


Forever in your pocket,


Pal :wea_03:

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definately need something from BW here, by say april may time even the more casual players will likely have multiple alts, be shame to not benefit from a game systems by already having leveled alternative characters.
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I think the Legacy system is a good idea. At least it's something different. BUT why it wasn't in the game at launch I have no idea. They sure talked it up as being something that sets TOR apart from other MMOs. Turns out that's all it was, talk.
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I really hope they read this and whatever they add on the legacy system, don't let the already created alts out of this. If there's any new cosmetic feature added thru the system, let players edit their preferences according to the legacy requirements.
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I think the Legacy system is a good idea. At least it's something different. BUT why it wasn't in the game at launch I have no idea. They sure talked it up as being something that sets TOR apart from other MMOs. Turns out that's all it was, talk.


Now I disagree here... Some things just can't be ready in time. It isn't like they didn't tell us the system wouldn't be complete. I just don't want to start leveling alts only to find out I could have been happier waiting.


Feel like they could at least give us a vague and non-committal answer that would help us sleep at night. =D

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I agree. I was very reluctant to begin leveling my first alt for these very reasons. It's hard to make decisions when you don't have all the information. I would LOVE to get some more details on what specifically will be offered by the legacy system in the future, even if it's still months or even years away.
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The Legacy system is one of those things that really sets TOR apart from other games on the market. Yet the game launched without it, and instead we got promises of it "coming soon."


They must think I'm stupid--or hope I'm stupid--because I'm not going to roll alts or resubscribe just so I can be around to get a glimpse of what's to come in March. I'm betting that's what they're hoping for; they want you to roll alts until March so you can experience the Legacy system.


But think about it... you're playing for the next few months just so you can experience content that isn't out yet. How does that make sense?


The "we'll deliver it later" mentality only breeds sunshine players who come and go when features are released.


It's the nature of MMOs, sure, but some manage this better than others. TOR doesn't.

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I agree. I was very reluctant to begin leveling my first alt for these very reasons. It's hard to make decisions when you don't have all the information. I would LOVE to get some more details on what specifically will be offered by the legacy system in the future, even if it's still months or even years away.


If I understand correctly it will be implemented in March... So for me even a, "We kinda hope to add customization options, but aren't sure the mustache artists can get them ready in time..." kinda thing. That would let me know I should wait.

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I enjoy this game. I will wait until Legacy is rolled out. I'm not a hardcore player who need everything right away.


The Legacy part of this game is interesting... but if you guys expect something really out of this world... you will sorely be disappointed.


Lower expectations will satisfy you in the long run rather than having higher expectation and being disappointed.

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If I understand correctly it will be implemented in March... So for me even a, "We kinda hope to add customization options, but aren't sure the mustache artists can get them ready in time..." kinda thing. That would let me know I should wait.


While I'd love to have more information, I can completely understand why they're not saying more. If they state that they're working to implement Option X for the system and believe that it might be available in February, depending on some technical issues, people will read "We are totally going to have Option X polished, bug-free and ready for a 12:00 AM launch on February 1."

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I am that guy who deletes characters because he wants the new special beard. I'll reroll a 50 for a better looking scar.


Hey I do that too! :cool:


I'll try to stick to only 2 or 3 characters until March...maybe 4.


5 tops.

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While I'd love to have more information, I can completely understand why they're not saying more. If they state that they're working to implement Option X for the system and believe that it might be available in February, depending on some technical issues, people will read "We are totally going to have Option X polished, bug-free and ready for a 12:00 AM launch on February 1."


You have nailed it right on the spot.

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cry cry cry ... that all i read in the forums lately


you people are just so damn impatient, its a wonder you bother playing mmo's at all ...


THE GAME ISN'T EVEN 30 DAYS OLD YET and you're calling for NEW stuff, no not calling for DEMANDING new stuff, information on future content, and so on.


ok here's a reality check, less than 30 days old and you have already reached max level and have repeatedly done raids ... GET A LIFE!!! i've had early access since Dec. 15th an only reached level 35 ...


why am i only level 35 you may ask? because simply, I'M ENJOYING THE GAME AND EVERYTHING IN IT ... yes i've rolled every single class in the game, at least leveled them to level 10 to see if i'll continue with that class and even deleted them, because i intend to concentrate on 1 class till maximum before i start another.


stop badgering them. if BW isn't ready to discuss the Legacy system, i'd rather know nothing and be completely surprised and awe inspired when its released, than actually know something about it and then be disappointed cause i've had built up this image from a tiny bit of info that i misunderstood.


give it a rest people, stop complaining already.

Edited by Tharag
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I dunno, I've always thought the whole legacy thing smells a lot like snake-oil.


The only, absolutely only thing they will say about it is that "it will be amazing" and it always sounds a lot like when the newspapers cry "beloved world-famous artist involved in tripple murder!" and then it turns out that it's a back-up vocalist from a cover band in Houston that ran over his three cats by accident.


I enjoy the game, and I think Bioware did a great job for the most part, but I also think it's clear, by what they have offered in character customisation so far, that they don't even consider it a thing to bother with. I doubt this will change when the legacy system is revealed. In fact, I stongly doubt they themselves even know what it will do. I believe they just recently started to flesh it out, it was just a fancy name they used for promotional purposes and now some intern will be stuck designing it for a month or so.


My guess?


* One new beard type available for new alts (trimmed)


* Legacy bio. Still no character bio.


* One new complexion


* One legacy social ability that makes the character raise his/her arms in the air and say the legacy name in /say

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The option that would be most pleasing, is to have the new customization available to already made characters too. Just include the barber shop.


I also have many leveled characters, so it would literally suck if those could not benefit from this.

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THinking about this...


I'm guessing that they will have a character re-customization option available to use at any time (kind of like the Black Emporium in DA2) that will let you change your features (barring sex and, possibly, species) at any given time.

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Most people wouldnt ***** about it if it didn't ask for you to input a Legacy name. People need adequet information before committing to it. If the system is not ready, why require us to pick one? Better to disable it until it's ready.
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