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Was SWTOR worth the $60?


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Im being really harsh now.. yes it was worth 60$





is it worth to continue paying 15$, NO.



I like the single player storyline though. It would be nice if they made this in an offline version.

They can stick the MMO part somewhere unmentionable.

Oh and they should fix the performance so it's not choppy on my 4 ghz i7 with gtx 480 in some areas. And fix the input lag.

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It is more than worth the cost and the subscription. Yes, the game has its issues, but tell me one game that doesn't. The bugs at the release of this game are substantially less than other games at launch. I also have full faith in the ability of a company that makes great RPG games to make a great MMO-RPG game.
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I've played over 300 hours. It's felt more like a beta game to me. I submit a bug report almost every other day. Why am I testing the game for them? I thought I was buying a polished product? The game has potential but I'd be embarrassed with the game and its infrastructure if I was head of development.
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I've played over 300 hours. It's felt more like a beta game to me. I submit a bug report almost every other day. Why am I testing the game for them? I thought I was buying a polished product? The game has potential but I'd be embarrassed with the game and its infrastructure if I was head of development.


I'm really not the biggest fan of the game on it's mmo level, but this is the most ridiculous comment ever.


I mean, are you a masochist or just plain exaggerating? You've played over 300 hours on a game you felt you were doing nothing more than testing? And you make it sound as if you actually hated every minute of it.


You must have at least enjoyed it to a good extent...in fact I really hope you did otherwise you should be taken into protective custody for your own sake.


If you really feel like that, but obviously hope that the game's improved at some point, then just put it away for now, stop your sub, and check back in a few months time. Don't Beta test it if that's what you feel like you're doing.

Edited by flipper
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Once you've played to 50 & seen the lack of endgame + polish, all that's left is to reroll and play through 90% of the content you've already done. Fun!


For the initial cost I feel the game barely justified £30, as for subscription absolutely not. By the time you've spent a month playing, anyone with two braincells to rub together will question what they're paying to play for.

Levelling was fun but ultimately this is an unfinished, unpolished game and after 3-4~ years of following this games development all that hype diminished very quickly.

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MMOs are the only games I pay full price for. hell I won't even buy things off of XBLA for 400 points because I think that's too expensive. I haven't bought a PC game (other than MMOs) since Diablo 2.


Last XB game I paid more than $20 for was Madden 10.


Before that it was......

.... still thinking




guess I never have.



I don't think ANY game is worth $60 (except MMOs) and I refuse to pay it until they bring the cost down.

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This isn't a thread about whether you will subscribe or not subscribe or have already unsubscribed this thread is about what the topic says. Was SWTOR worth the $60 you paid for it to you? Do you feel you got your money's worth? Did you get $60 worth of entertainment from playing SWTOR for a month?


Personally I can honestly say I bought a lot of games in 2011 including but not limited to


Portal 2

L.A. Noire

Gears of War 3

Batman: Arkham City

Forza Mortorsports 4

Uncharted 3

Ico/Shadow of the Collossus collection

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

DC Universe Online

Mortal Kombat


There is only one game I bought in 2011 that I have sunk more play hours into than SWTOR and that is Skyrim. Considering that I feel most if not all the games I listed were worth the purchase price of $60 and I actually got less hours of entertainment out of them than I have SWTOR so far I would consider SWTOR worth the $60 to me regardless of whether I subscribe or not. In my opinion I more than that got $60 worth of entertainment hours out of SWTOR so far.


And you?


For me it was. I'm pretty frugal with my entertainment budget, but the game has provided me with enough fun to justify the cost. On going 15 bucks though, dunno yet.

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it was worth the 60$, its just not worth 15 every month after that..



huuuge bugs that doesnt get hotfixed

horrible customer support ingame and on phone.

no endgame crafting

no economy

to many loadscreens

to much running around. (serisously, side quests at level 6 that takes you out for a run 10 minutes away from class Q?)

no space combat at level 50.



the list is endless.

Edited by AleksanderX
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i can not wait.. when these people that aren't re-subbing.. come back crying about pandas.


and SWTOR becomes a lot better.


Now am I saying this is the best game EVER!.. eh. I enjoy it. I'm getting my monies worth.. 14 a month for me to be entertained sure.


As long as they keep releasing bug fixes, and showing improvement I'll keep subbing.


If people had the common sense, and would dump 1500$ into this game like WoW.. this game would be freaking amazing...but people fail to realize that.. and want their 60$ to equal the same amount of content as 1500$.


These people will come back. After the pandas. I give it 6months.. and this game would far succeed WoW in every possible way.. I really do. its a shame that these people refuse to wait it out.


WoW will bleed subs with the Pandas. and once these people realize that Blizz is more focused on the Asian Market than the U.S market.. then they will wake up..


Heck WoW has gone f2p (without the expansions)

Edited by Chuckskyline
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If it had been released around 2004/2005 then yes it would have been well worth it.


As it stands for me today I have to say no.


The only difference between this and every other MMO i've ever played (and i've played a lot) is the story line quests. Everything else is exactly the same.


6 or 7 years ago that was great, it was shiny and it was still relatively new. Now it's something i've seen time and time again and it's starting to bore me.


It's certainly not SW:TOR's fault. By all accounts it's a well made game it's more i'm burnt out of seeing the same thing constantly.

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This isn't a thread about whether you will subscribe or not subscribe or have already unsubscribed this thread is about what the topic says. Was SWTOR worth the $60 you paid for it to you? Do you feel you got your money's worth? Did you get $60 worth of entertainment from playing SWTOR for a month?


Personally I can honestly say I bought a lot of games in 2011 including but not limited to


Portal 2

L.A. Noire

Gears of War 3

Batman: Arkham City

Forza Mortorsports 4

Uncharted 3

Ico/Shadow of the Collossus collection

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

DC Universe Online

Mortal Kombat


There is only one game I bought in 2011 that I have sunk more play hours into than SWTOR and that is Skyrim. Considering that I feel most if not all the games I listed were worth the purchase price of $60 and I actually got less hours of entertainment out of them than I have SWTOR so far I would consider SWTOR worth the $60 to me regardless of whether I subscribe or not. In my opinion I more than that got $60 worth of entertainment hours out of SWTOR so far.


And you?


it was worth the $150 for the CE

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In short, as I have to hurry back to play, SWTOR is amazing. As a BioWare fan, and as a long-time MMO fan, this is for all intents and purposes a dream come true for me. Of course, the infamous endgame is something I've yet to see. But I've never really cared about that much anyway so I doubt it'll be a problem.
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Yup, glad I paid every cent. Even sprung for the CE and you know what? I'm more than ecstatic about it. I've Beta'd over 10 games and Vanilla launched closer to 25... and This?! This is the best damn launch I've been a part of, period. The least amount of bugs, best customer service and best content that I've seen to date. I have some serious hopes for this game and with Bioware backing it I can't see how it can fall short of expectation.


Somebody's been smoking something funky...

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