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I've figured out why i'm not enjoying the game


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If they removed the cooldown on quick travel I'd be really happy. It would make getting to a rested area, going to the jump off for a mission point, and getting back to turn in those missions after going out and completing them less tedious.


I don't mind fighting my way through enemies to get to an objective (I actually like it), but fighting my way back through the same enemies because they "respawn" is just annoying. I don't mind traveling and exploring to unlock the quick travel option the first time. It's just repetition of the same travel that gets long.


I can dig that. Quick travel should keep its cooldown, but also add a return to ship item on a 10 minute timer, or some such.

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If they removed the cooldown on quick travel I'd be really happy. It would make getting to a rested area, going to the jump off for a mission point, and getting back to turn in those missions after going out and completing them less tedious.


I don't mind fighting my way through enemies to get to an objective (I actually like it), but fighting my way back through the same enemies because they "respawn" is just annoying. I don't mind traveling and exploring to unlock the quick travel option the first time. It's just repetition of the same travel that gets long.


This would be great!

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All MMOs are about (at least a little) running around and exploring. Seeing the world out there. If we can just teleport anywhere, then that would ruin it all. There would be no need for worlds at all! Just raids and dungeons all instanced and thats it.


You think you want it, but trust me, you would hate it.

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I started to roll an Alt the other day, but just could not stomach all the running again. I'd love to do another story line, but I'm not spending all that time staring at the screen running through the exact same areas that I just ran throug. Ugh.
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I'm perfectly fine with using speeders to get everywhere. That said, I think each iteration of speeder skill should be more significant. Lvl 40 speeders should be approx 50% faster than lvl 25, and Lvl 50 speeders 50% faster than lvl 40.


I want to feel like I'm actually moving quickly on a speeder. Currently, it kinda feels like I'm riding a go-kart.

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Most recent MMOs seem to follow the trend of gradually expanding the quest area around a hub or within a new zone.


You reach a new zone. The first quests are all very close to the first hub. As you progress, they move further out but you still end up running back to the hub. And as you get further through the quests in the zone, you get sent further and further afield for each quest, and a greater and greater proportion of your time is consumed by travelling rather than actively questing/killing.


Fortunately, another general trend in MMOs is to include WAY more quest XP in a zone than is necessary to progress past its level range, and subsequently to have substantial overlap in zone level ranges.


So just get to the point where you can feasibly begin questing in the next tier zone, then go there and start the quest cycle over again, beginning with the "local" quests that require little running around.

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Travel in this game definitely have issues that could be made a bit less aggravating. But when it comes to all the running around, my theory is that this is because there are too many quests.


You need quests of course--they progress the story, give you something to do, and force you to explore the map and see/experience new things. This is good. But when there is a quest that takes you to one corner and then back to a central point, and then to another corner and back to a central point, and so on, it becomes very tedious. Especially if the quests are not epic or core to the story in any way, but little sidequests.


SWTOR and MMOs in general have too many of these inconsequential sidequests. A smaller number of longer and more epic quests would work better, IMO. Of course, someone with limited playtime can't just sit down and do a one hour quest. But you can break it down into steps.


You can tell that they took SOME effort to do this. Holo calls to report in and get an update on the quest chain. Bonus objectives that update wherever you are. But overall there still seems like too many small quests that take you all over the place for trivial reasons.

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If you want to port in, kill things, and port out, you might want to try PVP. Sounds right up your alley.


I don't even like to explore much, and I have had zero issues with the amount of travel time in this game. I've gone through Tatooine four times. It's not that bad.


Usually, I will run out, complete a few quests, and fast travel back. It's almost always ready for use again by the time I'm heading back to the last hub.

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I think running around in this game is more boring than other MMOs, because the gameworld is so lifeless and dull. And linear. It's like running back and forth through corridors of the same rat maze over and over. All MMOs have running around, but its never bothered me as much as it does in TOR.
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I really do not understand you guys who complain about the running time.


I do not have the feeling that i need as much as you. when i reach a new camp, i take ALL quests, then see on map what path would be optimized to do them ALL before coming back to the camp, finishing by the one which is the furthest from camp so i can save the most time possible with quick travel (my QT is always up when im done, since 30 min is quite good time to do a few quests.)


Maybe you should plan what you are going to do until your QT is up, and follow a path that will allow you to minimize time travel.

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I think running around in this game is more boring than other MMOs, because the gameworld is so lifeless and dull.


But look at the waving blades of grass! And the wrinkles in the sand dunes! What, you aren't walking around wiht your eyes on the ground?

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Maybe mmo's are not for some of you. MMO's take time. These are supposed to be planets, not little towns. It should take time to travel, and it should take time to level, and it should take time to craft. It is an MMO, time should really be the currency of the game. If you do not like it, maybe you are more of a console gamer.


I do not like this new trend of trying to MMORPG's something the genre is not. If you do not want to invest hundreds of hours and years of your life that is fine, but then mmo's are not for you. Play something else that can give you the satisfaction you desire in the three hours you have to play.

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Travel in this game definitely have issues that could be made a bit less aggravating. But when it comes to all the running around, my theory is that this is because there are too many quests.


You need quests of course--they progress the story, give you something to do, and force you to explore the map and see/experience new things. This is good. But when there is a quest that takes you to one corner and then back to a central point, and then to another corner and back to a central point, and so on, it becomes very tedious. Especially if the quests are not epic or core to the story in any way, but little sidequests.


SWTOR and MMOs in general have too many of these inconsequential sidequests. A smaller number of longer and more epic quests would work better, IMO. Of course, someone with limited playtime can't just sit down and do a one hour quest. But you can break it down into steps.


You can tell that they took SOME effort to do this. Holo calls to report in and get an update on the quest chain. Bonus objectives that update wherever you are. But overall there still seems like too many small quests that take you all over the place for trivial reasons.


If you only have one hour of play time, you are playing the wrong kind of game. Go back to xbox live. MMO's take time.

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I'm perfectly fine with using speeders to get everywhere. That said, I think each iteration of speeder skill should be more significant. Lvl 40 speeders should be approx 50% faster than lvl 25, and Lvl 50 speeders 50% faster than lvl 40.


I want to feel like I'm actually moving quickly on a speeder. Currently, it kinda feels like I'm riding a go-kart.


Only if they include a variable throttle.

Edited by Gleneagle
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I agree with the OP. It can get truly tiring and frustrating trying to find your way through this game with a lot of needless travel, or at least, travel that has been thrust upon you to emulate content, but really is a source of tediousness.


And to top that off, all those mobs u just spent 15 min killing so you could get to the spot? Well, they have respawned, and you have to kill them again to get back to your main path.


And I know u will think this is unbelievable, but during beta this was 1000 times worse. They cut a lot of it out, even!!

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Disclaimer: I have stated in several threads that I enjoy swtor, and will resub.


My experiece is such that the class quest does not move you around, and all world quests are just where the class quest brings you. To a degree it does, but there are several quests that make you take a detour, of variable lengths. And it is not always possible to gather all quests in area A, do them, go back go for area B, etc. Sometimes you just have to go back to area A. And it might even be that the class quest will bring you to area D (or something).


Now this is all fine. It is how MMORPGs mainly is built. What makes me have an issue with it, is that I feel area A and area B is secluded areas. It is not so based on invisible walls, as some people argue, but due to visible walls. Canyons, mountains and the like. To me this makes me forced on a hole new level, and this I don't like. It is a world design I don't care for.


That the world quest often (not always) is tedious boring, kill X, bring Y, does not make it better... Thank BW that the class quest mainly are great, I the crafting has promise, and I think PvP might be terrific (with some work). Had there only been even more focus on the class story, this game would have been even better!

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If you only have one hour of play time, you are playing the wrong kind of game. Go back to xbox live. MMO's take time.


Why? Because you decree it as such?


Personally, I play this game a ton. But there are plenty of people who cannot dedicate as much time to games (particularly unbroken stretches of time), and yet they still enjoy them.

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too many off tangent missions that are off the quest progression path.. and way too far apart. I think 85% of time on a planet is moving around and the remaining 15% is spent doing the quests.


More time should be spent doing and less time getting to.

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Yep I guess the testers gave no feedback to this problem or the devs did not listen... Travelling allways has and allways will be boring ... best for Devs to get innovative and stop doing it as a cheap filler to try to extend the life of a game.....


The real problem here for bioware is that there are new mmo's coming that are truly innovative beyond the single player part of the mmo.... one's where they have actually ripped apart the way wow does things and actually created new systems! Quest areas that actually flow into each other , levelling systems that no longer seem like a chore , quest rewards are actually useful to you no matter when you do the quest! (hard to believe I know).


I did enjoy the story quests though , they were the only aspect of the game that actually lived up to what I would expect from Bioware!


P.S. Agreed .. too much travelling

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My god, I simply can NOT stand newer MMO players. Do you realize that in WoW you had to wait until lvl 40 until you could get a mount (originally)? This game lets you get one at what, 25? Deal with it you damn cry babies.


So many of you just want everything your way and don't want to put in any effort at all because like most people today, you are horribly LAZY. Sure, running gets old fast but guess what, if thats holding you back then play something else and don't feel the need to come on here and cry about it.


I wish Bioware didn't include forums (ie. why am I even here lol) because it will turn into the whine fest that is the Blizzard forums. Change this, change that because (I) don't like it. Guess what, stop crying and leave, no one will miss you (or even know you were here to begin with).


This game has it's issues that will be ironed out as all MMO's have upon release but seeing the amount of crying going on in a game thats not even out for a month yet drives me crazy. Just grow up and play whats in the game the way it was meant to be played.



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