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  1. Starting at endgame is like playing a game with cheat codes: it sounds fun and awesome in your head, but it really just ruins the game and leaves you devoid of any accomplishment.
  2. Yeah, this is the truth. Runscape, UO, EQ, Linage, SWG (slightly), and several other MMO's were sporting huge pops. At one point EQ had almost a mill subs just in America. Linage was huge in Asia, and just just down in US this last summer (still running, and profitable, in Asia). You underestimate how popular they were.
  3. I have a job, a career actually, and a wife, who plays with me, and a three year old daughter, and I would love to do that. What kind of a person wants to go walk outside unless they are getting paid to? Or work out? They are called hobbies, things you spend your free time doing because you enjoy it. If playing eight hours straight sounds like torture to you, maybe this is not the hobby for you? This is what I mean. This new batch of MMO player seems to want to invest no time, energy, or effort in the game. They WANT a single player game to play with other people. They really just want a multiplayer Skirum. MMO's should take time. They should take years. You should not play one unless you are planning on investing that time in the game. If you do not have the time to invest, that is okay, there are plenty of other genre's out there that suit your needs. I am not sure why you feel the need to come in, demand mine change, simply so you can be happy only playing an hour at a time.
  4. I don't know, I find things today frustrating. Am I the only one that misses looking for quest? Just having something that says "there is a pack of wolves by the river north of town that has been eating babies" and then you need to find the river, and then find the wolves? I find that in the modern mmo I run everywhere with my map open, pay almost no attention the world, and play almost thoughtlessly, because it tells me exactly what to do. It tells me where to go, the mobs are super easy, and there is no sense of excitement, intrigue, or exploration anymore. SWTOR is almost on rails, as was Rift, and I just do not enjoy it. I do not want things nerfed to the ground. I do not want to be able to AOE pull everything. I want a game that makes me try. One that makes me interact with the world around my toon. I played WoW for many years, and I find the assumptions of some of the people here funny. I am guessing most of them were not pre-BC or they would remember grinding skele's for Argent dawn rep for endless hours, the lull in levels in the 40's, the sheer amount of time it took to run Maraudon, or wailing caverns. There were tons and tons of time sinks in early WoW. From the paly epic mount quest, to farming mats for the very very rare craftable epics, to simply farming **** to pay for your lvl 60 mount. People want to forget that WoW started as a much more traditional MMO, and sort of lost it's way over the years.
  5. This game will do almost nothing in Asia. It has no appeal to the Asian aesthetic, and Star Wars is a very western IPO. If you expect them to launch in Korea and China and bring huge numbers you are crazy. The Asian market prefers grindy games with low drop rates, yada yada yada. This is why Western MMO's do no do very well over there, and Asian mmo's tend to not do as well over here. For instance, AION is huge in Korea and China, pretty much dead here.
  6. Where is the dev response? Several threads on this, and I just want to know if intended or not.
  7. I am not saying I would not play another BW game or anything that crazy, but this was a game breaker for my wife, and she did unsub, and that in turn makes it a game breaker for me. I would just like some kind of response.
  8. So where is the Bioware response? I need to know if I should uninstall with my wife, or if there is a chance I can convince her to come back around.
  9. I watched my wife unsub because of this last night. She was on Hoth, saw the flagged player, waved, and kept playing. He went over and stood on top of her companion, a tank, knowing he would aoe. My wife wasnt aware of the bug, and by the time she realized what happened she was dead. She took the med center rez quit game logged into account, and canceled sub uninstalled. For some people this is a game breaker. They do not want to deal with griefers or with any pvp outside of a warzone. Hense, they roll on a pve server. This needs fixed or my wife will never play again, which means I will prob drop the game once I hit 50.
  10. I would add a decent game engine that wasn't full of memory leaks and sub par performance.
  11. I am over leveled to the point I can skip whole planets when I land on them. I am not sure what you are doing wrong, but something is not working like it should for you.
  12. If you only have one hour of play time, you are playing the wrong kind of game. Go back to xbox live. MMO's take time.
  13. Maybe mmo's are not for some of you. MMO's take time. These are supposed to be planets, not little towns. It should take time to travel, and it should take time to level, and it should take time to craft. It is an MMO, time should really be the currency of the game. If you do not like it, maybe you are more of a console gamer. I do not like this new trend of trying to MMORPG's something the genre is not. If you do not want to invest hundreds of hours and years of your life that is fine, but then mmo's are not for you. Play something else that can give you the satisfaction you desire in the three hours you have to play.
  14. You need to check a few things first. Because this is an mmo you need to make sure your cpu and ram are not going to bottleneck the video card. You quad core doesnt matter because I am pretty sure SWTOR will only use two of the cores. My CPU is bottle necking my card right now, and you need at least 4 gigs to not have the bottle neck you. You prob need at least a 3 ghz duel core to not have issues with bottleneck on the cpu side. If you are good to go with ram and cpu use this page http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/fastest-graphics-card-radeon-geforce,3085.html
  15. These forums are rife with complaints and suggestions, as they always will be, but I did want to take a moment to give kudos to BW on at least one major thing. The first week or two after launch there was little communication from the community support team and devs; however, in the last week and half or two weeks I have seen a huge increase in the amount of responses, as well as their quality. I am glad to not have another NCsoft that just ignores everyone. It is nice to know improvements are being worked on, and that the issues we raised are being considered. So, thanks for that BW
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