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The GIMME Generation.


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Gimme this or I'll quit.


I want THAT or I'll quit.


If X isn't fixed I'll quit.


If Y isn't nerfed I'll quit.


You do realize that these various tantrums over a VIDEO GAME make you all sound like toddlers, right?


Holy God. You're entitled to your opinions, but sheesh. Where's your self respect?

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Yeah guys, keep paying to play a game you don't enjoy so you don't get flamed in the internets for it.


And under no circumstances should you voice your opinion about what would make the game more enjoyable for you.


Just keep your heads down, your mouth shut and your subscription active.

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You do realize that us players are a CUSTOMER BASE and we withhold our right to use our own wallets for products we prefer/do not prefer?


Did you grow up in Cuba, OP? Here in America when a customer is unhappy with a product it is their right to request a change to the product or take their money somewhere else. What sorry nation-state did you grow up in where businesses had the luxury of telling their customers "If you don't like our product, TOO BAD SON, live with it!" Western MMO markets do not have this luxury, apparently you are not aware of this.


You must also not be aware that player-feedback, requests, and concerns is what GROWS any MMO into a fruitful product. Without all of it - including the negative no matter how much it hurts your feelings - no MMO would ever reach optimal experience delivery.


Your fanboi is leaking through, OP. I'm surprised you haven't bled dry yet. We can all tell you like the product and seek to squelch all dissenting opinion. However people like you wont stop the rest of us from voicing our opinions in hopes that this game gets better.

Edited by Mhak
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Sorry, but..


I have standards - I am not going to settle for mediocrity.


Settling for a mediocre game is no different than settling for a mediocre test score, or a job. It's all connected. Some people take games so casually that they have absolutely no standards for what is fun and acceptable and what is not. For me, I am disappointed in the quality of the game and will voice my opinion about issues which I see are vital for the game's success.


Just because it's a video game does not mean we have to just be grateful for it and blindly enjoy it as an infant does with a plastic toy. This is 21st century technology, connecting millions of people around the world, and should be treated as such.

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Gimme this or I'll quit.


I want THAT or I'll quit.


If X isn't fixed I'll quit.


If Y isn't nerfed I'll quit.


You do realize that these various tantrums over a VIDEO GAME make you all sound like toddlers, right?


Holy God. You're entitled to your opinions, but sheesh. Where's your self respect?


Read as: I roll in a group with mass expertise gear and am lucky enough to have no graphical issues.

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Gimme this or I'll quit.


I want THAT or I'll quit.


If X isn't fixed I'll quit.


If Y isn't nerfed I'll quit.


You do realize that these various tantrums over a VIDEO GAME make you all sound like toddlers, right?


Holy God. You're entitled to your opinions, but sheesh. Where's your self respect?


Our feedback is an investment in the game in its own right.

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Totally agree. Bunch of sooks honestly.


When DAOC was released it was nothing like it eventually turned into. Ridiculously unbalanced and overpowered classes and skills. Yet it turned into the greatest PvP game I have ever had the pleasure of playing.


So yes, report issues and bugs so they can be fixed, but don't be such a god damn sook and at least let them try to fix it.


For every issue someone notices and reports on the forums there are probably 20 others that BW is aware of. Half the things they fix in the latest patches I didn't even know were happening.


So either enjoy the game and give feedback for constructive reasons or quit the game and go away. Rather simple.

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I find it hilarious that the community assumes I'm either elderly, communist, a fanboi, or an Elite Warlord.


Nope on all accounts. Just sick of the ragequit tantrums over a game not even a month into its launch. Knee-jerk reaction much, kids?


That most of you are blind to it or trying to justify it just makes it all the sadder.

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Gimme this or I'll quit.


I want THAT or I'll quit.


If X isn't fixed I'll quit.


If Y isn't nerfed I'll quit.


You do realize that these various tantrums over a VIDEO GAME make you all sound like toddlers, right?


Holy God. You're entitled to your opinions, but sheesh. Where's your self respect?


The fanboy generation.


See above.

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Gimme this or I'll quit.


I want THAT or I'll quit.


If X isn't fixed I'll quit.


If Y isn't nerfed I'll quit.


You do realize that these various tantrums over a VIDEO GAME make you all sound like toddlers, right?


Holy God. You're entitled to your opinions, but sheesh. Where's your self respect?


No it is because we paid for a item which we want quality for. Just because you are satisfied with your Geo metro that has the paint chipped off windows cracked and broken doesn't mean everyone is content with that.


I agree the nerf crowd is a bit too much, but fixing the game and wanting things added that will improve the game is nothing the same.


I paid money I expect a good investment, we are the consumers so we dictate if a product is good or bad. In short **** you, you pretentious ****.


That being said I am enjoying the game for what it is (basically a wow clone with lightsabres) tab targeting gear-grind fest. Even though I would rather have a sandbox mmorpg or a theme park if done like they say Gw2, but after being burnt on so many titles(aoc,dfo,WHo,apb,dcuo)I have become anti fanboi. I am just searching for the ultimate game.

Edited by Tehroth
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I find it hilarious that the community assumes I'm either elderly, communist, a fanboi, or an Elite Warlord.


Nope on all accounts. Just sick of the ragequit tantrums over a game not even a month into its launch. Knee-jerk reaction much, kids?


That most of you are blind to it or trying to justify it just makes it all the sadder.


I personally find it hilarious. :p


It should die down in a month or two. IMO what we're seeing now IS NOT SWTORs true community - we'll need to wait untill all the 'flavor of the month' gamers move on to whatever the next shinny new game is.


This process happens in every MMO.

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I find it hilarious that the community assumes I'm either elderly, communist, a fanboi, or an Elite Warlord.


Nope on all accounts. Just sick of the ragequit tantrums over a game not even a month into its launch. Knee-jerk reaction much, kids?


That most of you are blind to it or trying to justify it just makes it all the sadder.


And you're doing what exactly?

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No it is because we paid for a item which we want quality for. Just because you are satisfied with your Geo metro that has the paint chipped off windows cracked and broken doesn't mean everyone is content with that.


I agree the nerf crowd is a bit too much, but fixing the game and wanting things added that will improve the game is nothing the same.


I paid money I expect a good investment, we are the consumers so we dictate if a product is good or bad. In short **** you, you pretentious ****.


No, you don't. ;)

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that people can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this, while made with good intentions, tend to draw out people who wish to be overly negative and incite flames. In the future, please create threads that encourage gameplay discussion and not ones which criticize the community. We also ask that threads on the General Discussion forum be related to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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