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Harsher PvP Battlezone Dropping Punishment


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There needs to be harsher measures in place to stop people from dropping from the battlezones at the first sign of "trouble" (whatever that may be). On my home server, it's taking a lot of PUG games, and making them extremely frustrating for the Republic because people won't stand and fight it out, and instead drop.


I suggest that Bioware gives those that drop an account wide no-battleground Debuff for 3 hours, with the intent that if you queue as solo, you are expecting to get a random assortment of PvPers.


While I doubt this next part of the suggestion would ever get implemented, I would also like to see a giant chicken floating over the head of those that drop, to help give stronger incentive to stop people from dropping out of warzones.

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I think 3 hours account wide is excessive.


While I do agree we need a penalty, we do not need a "hardcore" penalty. A half hour Warzone lock, that does NOT drop when you are logged out, individual to the character would be appropriate.


However, they need to fix the random drop to character select issue first. People will right out rage if they get DC'd and then get WZ locked.


My two centicreds.




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I quit in 3 scenarios... I should have the right to quit without being penalized in the following scenarios:

A) My team sucks and doesn't listen to anything the leader says because are a bunch of derps running around not even concerning themselves with the objectives. Rather at the end of the match it's them saying "I haz top damage!, all of you suck and made us lose!"

B) There are AFKers in the match (this one occurs regularly)

C) We are outnumbered in a warzone because not enough republic to Q (no chance of winning)


All of these scenarios almost always end in a loss. Now with only like 1 medal awarded for objectives in most warzones... (2 in Civil War) Thats 5/10 commendations 50/100 valor points + the useless participation awards.

I would have to ask when I am the only one focused on objectives... and the rest of the team isn't... is playing in this warzone worth my time.

The simple answer is NO.

Until they give more medals for objectives or more awards to people that actually try with objectives. I will be quitting **** warzones... and knowing I have the right to do so.

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I quit in 3 scenarios... I should have the right to quit without being penalized in the following scenarios:

A) My team sucks and doesn't listen to anything the leader says because are a bunch of derps running around not even concerning themselves with the objectives. Rather at the end of the match it's them saying "I haz top damage!, all of you suck and made us lose!"

B) There are AFKers in the match (this one occurs regularly)

C) We are outnumbered in a warzone because not enough republic to Q (no chance of winning)


All of these scenarios almost always end in a loss. Now with only like 1 medal awarded for objectives in most warzones... (2 in Civil War) Thats 5/10 commendations 50/100 valor points + the useless participation awards.

I would have to ask when I am the only one focused on objectives... and the rest of the team isn't... is playing in this warzone worth my time.

The simple answer is NO.

Until they give more medals for objectives or more awards to people that actually try with objectives. I will be quitting **** warzones... and knowing I have the right to do so.



You are the exact player that we need harsher penalties for. Quitting because you feel your team is bad is not an acceptable reason. Often the people to isnta leave are the ones that are baddies anyway. They get carried in wins, then blame everyone in a loss.

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You are the exact player that we need harsher penalties for. Quitting because you feel your team is bad is not an acceptable reason. Often the people to isnta leave are the ones that are baddies anyway. They get carried in wins, then blame everyone in a loss.


PPl like you are the reason you need to be able to leave. Hitting your head against the battlemastered premade(or when you see a pug that is full with lv10-20s) and thinking you are having fun, wich is totally up to you. But then trying to force others to do the same, thats the big problem with pp like you.


Would just end up with ppl afking out on the map instead until game is over and we farm you for the last 13 minutes when the score is 5-0.

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As long as the enemy is mostly 50s in pvp gear, and my side had 50% of people using the pre order crystal... I'm not sticking around. Not going to feed you easy valor and commendations.


Now if the groups were balanced, thats a different story. I go by the mantra:


"If the enemy scores in hutt ball in 20 seconds, quit the warfront and try again."

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Sorry, not going to spend 20 minutes in a game so the Empire power levelers can farm our story loving, PvP q'ing low levels and lost chickens.


Though all low levels aren't bad and you can usually tell the outcome within the first three to five minutes...


It's mainly the people that don't turn their cameras', don't pay attention and think the match will be won because they spent 2 minutes chasing someone.

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PPl like you are the reason you need to be able to leave. Hitting your head against the battlemastered premade(or when you see a pug that is full with lv10-20s) and thinking you are having fun, wich is totally up to you. But then trying to force others to do the same, thats the big problem with pp like you.


Would just end up with ppl afking out on the map instead until game is over and we farm you for the last 13 minutes when the score is 5-0.


This is why we need brackets for the various levels.


We also need enough reasons for people to keep those brackets populated.


I literally hate hutball, so when i load in if thats it i drop. I think making a penality for people leaving the warzones is idiotic.


So.... what about an option that allows you to choose what you queue for?

Edited by Almagnus
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Please ignore the OP. I've had so many times where I get booted offline or lag out and it's bad enough to miss the end of a round. But to be forbidden to get back in for 3 hours?? Account wide? Good god. Someone put a 3 hour limitations on people like the OP posting in the forums for making such bad suggestions.



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I think its hard to say what will exactly fix the Battlezone. In all honesty I think a bracket just for level 50's would level out the playing field or they balance out the teams by item quality. Honestly I'm level 21 healing spec Operative and I have no issues with 49 and below. Yeah I sometimes come across the almighty powerful character but usually I actually have a chance of helping the party when its not a 50 g****** my face for 2-6k damage a hit when the 49 is doing what I can almost do 800-3k damage. I really do think adding better PVP stat based gear for lower levels would be better.


Just my two cents.

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Please ignore the OP. I've had so many times where I get booted offline or lag out and it's bad enough to miss the end of a round. But to be forbidden to get back in for 3 hours?? Account wide? Good god. Someone put a 3 hour limitations on people like the OP posting in the forums for making such bad suggestions.




And, pray-tell, how do I tell the difference between someone that's having actual technical difficulties, and someone that's quitting cause someone thinks they might lose (QQ harder here you Alt+F4'ing noobs)?



Yes I know 3 hours is excessive, but I suggested that length to get the conversation rolling.

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And, pray-tell, how do I tell the difference between someone that's having actual technical difficulties, and someone that's quitting cause someone thinks they might lose (QQ harder here you Alt+F4'ing noobs)?



Yes I know 3 hours is excessive, but I suggested that length to get the conversation rolling.


There is no reason to need to tell the difference between someone who's actually having a technical issue or leaving because they want to.


People who leave leave, big deal. Would you really rather someone basically find a corner to hide in and do nothing to help taking up a slot in your team? Or would you rather they leave and be hopefully be replaced by someone else who is willing to contribute?



Edited by Aethyrprime
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There is no reason to need to tell the difference between someone who's actually having a technical issue or leaving because they want to.


People who leave leave, big deal. Would you really rather someone basically find a corner to hide in and do nothing to help taking up a slot in your team? Or would you rather they leave and be hopefully be replaced by someone else who is willing to contribute?






They leave, and we're short staffed, so then others leave because we're short staffed, and we lose the match because people started leaving. That's been the case when people leave rather than the exception unfortunately.


I'd like the entire leaving BS to end, to be honest - whether it's by putting harsh leaving punishment in place, fixing their end so the tech problems are basically resolved, or coming up with some other beneficial 3rd option.

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There have been some severe issues with people DC'ing from Warzone for random bugs in the game. Severe punishment for three hours (why would you even think of such time) will be a gigantic rage incentive and will not solve the problem.


There should be punishment for leaving Warzone but not that severe and only once these bugs are fixed. Moreover, some players go into warzone and find a quiet place to sit down and AFK whole match. How do you punish THOSE guys?

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Being locked out of warzones for a certain amount of time is ridiculous because quite often players are going to be affected by this who haven't done anything wrong (disconnect, etc.)


What I could imagine though is a penalty system that affects how much valor and commendations one receives.


If a player quits continuously in a certain amount of time he is penalized by receiving less and less valor and commendations in warzones. This penalty is building slowly but can only be lost slowly as well.


So f.e. if you play 10 warzones in 24 hours and have 1 or maybe 2 disconnects out of those no penalty is built up.

But if you play 10 warzones in 24 hours and leave more than 2 for whatever reason you receive a +1% penalty for every additonal time you quit (apart from the first 1 or 2). To decrease that percentage you are not allowed to quit more than once/twice in let's say the next 24 hours. If you do though the penalty keeps piling up.


People who have constant disconnects would still be affected by this and that could be a problem for this suggestion but I think the number of ppl actually doing PVP and losing connection in 50% of the cases is very low as that must be frustrating as hell.


The numbers of "allowed" (no matter if on purpose or not) disconnects as well as the time frames explained are just a quick suggestion off the top of my head but IMO this is a better solution than lockouts.

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You are the exact player that we need harsher penalties for. Quitting because you feel your team is bad is not an acceptable reason. Often the people to isnta leave are the ones that are baddies anyway. They get carried in wins, then blame everyone in a loss.


Quitting because they are a bunch of idiots not even trying to bother themselves with objectives and ruining my game play experience, I am allowed to leave.

I don't blame everyone in a loss, I blame AFKers and people that time and time again do stupid things.

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