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    Computer Games, Competitive Cyber Games, Problems of our Modern World and Education
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    Professional Russian
  1. I would like a feature to show the Level of the character shown on the name plate, as it would help me to identify "strongest" or "weakest" enemy in the enemy group
  2. I support the author's encouragement for a LFG tool, because of many reasons mentioned above. This is a powerful tool that helps to avoid Time Sink which is necessary in order to even get a shot at in-game FP and Ops content. Of course, as more and more players progress in levels to reach 50 and other players are filling almost each level niche it becomes easier to find a group through General channel on Fleet, however it does not diminish the value of the LFG tool, as it will allow many players to sign for content in the game, while being on their day-to-day business.
  3. Pazaak would be a great addition to the game, as it would let us to spend some casual time with other players in the Cantina and promote socialization Speed Racing is all nice and cool, but why don't instead you make an overhaul of the existent Space Fighting system in order to add Co-op system or a huge PvP competitions. That is one field (in line with warzones) where the Imperial:Republican ratio will not mean anything, as there will be a very limited number of players participating. I absolutely love the alcohol part and the Bounty part. This makes a lot of sense, in terms of increasing actual interest in killing Imperial/Republican players for the opposite side. One could also post a bounty for a certain amount of kills of specific player or a general killing spree of another faction. Oh how much I like this idea :3
  4. If DoTs stop breaking node capture that basically removes DoTs efficiency out of the game and makes Dirty Fighting of the Gunslinger and analogical tree of Agent USELESS. Please, consider what you are suggesting, as it really sounds very much so anti-DPS changes
  5. It is not, it's roughly equal. It takes about 11-12 seconds to reinforce Left and Right and exactly 8 seconds to cap, HOWEVER not when you have a bunch of Gunslingers/Agents DoTing enemy to hell
  6. I would redesign all Crew Skills (Crafting Skills) in the game. The most important part of the game, which doesn't work. 1A.I would add additional recipes up to rating 140, which would drop from FPs and OP on Hard and Nightmare. I'm talking SPECIFICALLY about Light Sabers, Blaster Pistols, Barrels etc etc. 1B.I would add a % in the Reverse Engineering tooltip so that any and all players would see exactly how much is the chance of getting new recipes is. 1C.I would add to ALL levels before 50 [Legendary Recipes] which would have a very low rate of discovery through Reverse Engineering (such as 3-5%). This way I would add A LOT of utility and inject the market in the game with many additional goods. 1D.I would Enhance the learning of new recipes with additional twists, such as unique recipes which would combine several [Artifact Items] in order to create 1 [Legednary item]. OK, this was my one thing I would change. I hope Bioware representatives are actually reading what I have to say for all my fellow craftsmen and I demand a complete overhaul of the crafting system in the game!!!
  7. This is ridiculous. According to my observations and TorHead's database it seems that Armstech recipes end on 126 Rating, whereas in Crew Skills such as Synthweaving recipes go up to 140 Rating. That said, Armstech will allow you to get a weapon of up to 124 Rating or a Barrel of up to 126 Rating. The gun is worse than EVEN T1 PvE or PvP weapon, so let's not talk about it, the barrel is of the same Rating as T1 PvE or PvP. That said, now I finally realize why I dont have any competition Armstech wise and that is because no one wants to do it! What are your incentives to become good in Armstech? To craft a crappy barrel or a crappy 124 Gun, when even PvE T1 is 126 Rating... That has to change, I am not willing to leave my work as an Armstech and this situation is ridiculous.
  8. Hello! It would be very nice if these things would be implemented: ~1.Remake the User Interface for the Mission and Gathering Skills. Make each of the mission classifications (10-16; 17-24... 49-50) buttons that we can click on. This will speed up process of sending your companions on appropriate mission and make UI much more user-friendly. ~2.Expand the Crew Window to include each and every character in your team. This will allow us to see just what exactly what all of our crew members are doing right now and allow us to easily send them on missions, crafting or just to gather things. ~3.On GTN () allow us to sort materials and supplies by their actual grade. At this present moment we can do the same action by sorting them by level, however it's not as evident as adding an actual Grade tab or replacing Level with Grade for Materials. ~4.Make it evident when we already know the recipe we are about to buy on GTN or loot in a FP. It's very frustrating and can easily become a money sink, because we don't really know or don't have an effective method to check whether or not do we know this particular recipe or not. I think the Crew Skills are very important and vital part of the game and some changes should be implemented to make it more user friendly as well.
  9. 1.When you mail items to your alternative character, his name will not pop up as you're typing it. Also, there is no way to add your alt's name to friends, as your alt is not online. ~Suggestion: Add a possibility to suggest your alt's name when you are typing mail's address by default.
  10. I honestly feel something is lacking in the PvE department. I don't really like the way Reverse Engineering and Crafting as such works right now and I'm really interested to see what will BioWare will come up with. I didn't do all the content in the game yet, but I think it stands quite strong, provided they will fix bugs and balance out PvP and PvE. Let's just see how it works out as patch 1.1 just came out today and we really need some time to play it out in order to tell whether or not the game will have a bright future.
  11. I agree, any sort of 1v1 or 2v2 Ranked PvP arena would feel great. It would also be a great incentive if there would be special Gladiator PvP Rewards for players participating in such arena.
  12. Well yeah there are a lot of bugs in SWTOR. The game launched 1 month ago and check out 1.1 patch notes they are fixing many bugs in this new patch that comes live tomorrow. Now, in your post you go on and on rambling about FPs, however I for one liked these FPs very much and especially on hard mode. Give the game some time, you've obviously played it for a while and see how it works out for you, instead of going on and on and on and on and on about things you don't like.
  13. Maybe you are right, they're trying to cut traffic a little bit. But now, I can use search on SWTOR forums. is it connected with me reaching 60 post mark or did they really let us search now?
  14. That's the point, if they open searching a bit and add some more sorting criterias, we won't really need to select each of the dropdown values in order to find the stuff we need.
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