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Legacy Rewards: What would you want?


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Ability to play any class, regardless of faction, as any race you have gotten to 50.


I want my Miraluka Bounty Hunter!


This is (from a techincal standpoint) pretty similar to the unlock system in Mass Effect. I'd like to see them incorporate the weapon unlocks in as well.


If I hit level 50 and finish my class storyline for a Jedi Shadow, I'd like to have the option to use a double-bladed lightsaber when I roll a Sentinel or Marauder. Obviously, it would completely screw balance to allow this sort of thing for every class and weapon combination, but it could work in certain instances.

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What's the max character slot amount currently?




Believe it or not, every one is filled - one of each base class. Granted, I can delete some of them and re-roll them, but if I start playing one and get far at all, it will be a big pain to have to delete and re-roll. The alternate species/customization options carrot is honestly making me afraid to do any serious alting right now.

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Believe it or not, every one is filled - one of each base class. Granted, I can delete some of them and re-roll them, but if I start playing one and get far at all, it will be a big pain to have to delete and re-roll. The alternate species/customization options carrot is honestly making me afraid to do any serious alting right now.


Is that per server or total?


Seems really low.

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More races would be nice, along with the ability to race change (preferably for in-game currency) once you unlock them. Where are the Togruta and Cathar? They speak basic, and are already in game.


More ship customization or features would be absolutely awesome. The ability to modify your ship's interior to better suit your tastes, mount trophies, add a mailbox, etc would be really cool I think.


Ability to purchase some unique orange items would be good.


Unique scaleable color crystals.


At least some mods that scale with level for alts (though this would have to be implemented carefully, as most profs can only make profit selling gear for alts).


More companion customizations.

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5. Custom color schemes for armor.


6. Crew missions - 30% time.


8. Shared cargo hold.


9. Shared credit pool.


10. Shared social rank.

Those sound nice.



It's not part of the things mentioned by BioWare about Legacy but: unlock extra character slots somehow. No need to be easy to unlock one of them but the option should be there. Quite important for alts and avoiding having to start over in another server. Not really expecting to get this one.


  • A NPC that allows to change the appearence of your characters. First time for free and later for a price (fixed, I suppose).
  • White skin for Twi'leks. Come on, totally movies canon. ;) And the excuse of "Dark Side has white skin" doesn't make the cut. :p
  • More tattoo options for everybody!!! :D
  • The "infamous" body type 2.5 and not because I really care but it would be nice to have on extra type (I know it's tons of work though).
  • Cathar as playable race for Republic.
  • Extra spaceships (hey, we can have more than one speeder, right?).
  • Access to content creator (think of CoX, which also got one later in the life cycle). Not a chance of this ever happening, I suppose, but I mention it because of its awesome potential (and you need as much extra content to keep players paying/playing as possible).
  • White Crystal. I don't care if it doesn't have any stats.
  • Legacy armour sets.

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1 - A reduced cooldown on your fleet pass that increases with legacy level.

2 - A character docking area with your own shared cargo hold and mailbox

3 - Unique mounts

4 - A summonable droid merchant.

5 - Ability to port directly to planet surfaces (bypass docking bays)

6 - Unlockable emotes

7 - New titles

8 - Special cantina tokens to play songs

9 - Discounts for all characters at trainers

10 - Unique tattoo and hairstyle options

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Ability to play any class, regardless of faction, as any race you have gotten to 50.


I want my Miraluka Bounty Hunter!


^This. Unlock races for opposite faction.


Also, to echo some previous folks...

  • SHARED BANK/VAULT (at least for characters in the same faction)
  • Earlier Sprint ability
  • Discount to cargo bay upgrade.
  • Inherit a Datacron from elder legacy characters. (Do the balloon ride only once!!)


One I don't think was mentioned yet...

Inherit early skill tree points.

To explain, say after establishing a legacy you roll and alt and they ding level 10 and their skill tree opens. In addition to the inital 1 point available they could inherit 1 point for, say each "elder" legacy character on that server. Perhaps award this as one per level 50 in that legacy on that server. I could see it either as just getting the points early OR allowing bonus points so that the alt's skill tree will have 1 more point in it by 50 than it's elder sibling. This benefit would give the new alt a small leg up earlier with skills.

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1. If you found all datacrons on a single character it unlocks them for all your alts. At least the matrix shards.


2.A shared cargo hold between your alts so you can easily send credits, loot and crafted good between your alts in a different faction.


3. If you bought all cargo hold, inventory and speeder training upgrades you can either get them for free or at a reduced price.

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1. New, unique character customisations.

2. Ability to modify existing characters with these customisations.

3. New species (such as Togruta, Cathar, Chagrian, etc.) that can only be created with a new character.

4. Ability to create our own quests and give them out to others.

5. Unique colour crystals (such as the famously absent purple crystal for Republic).

6. Unique armour sets.

7. Decrease in costs and time for crew skills.

8. Legacy bank vault.

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1 - A reduced cooldown on your fleet pass that increases with legacy level.

2 - A character docking area with your own shared cargo hold and mailbox

3 - Unique mounts

4 - A summonable droid merchant.

5 - Ability to port directly to planet surfaces (bypass docking bays)

6 - Unlockable emotes

7 - New titles

8 - Special cantina tokens to play songs

9 - Discounts for all characters at trainers

10 - Unique tattoo and hairstyle options


Nice ideas, but what does 8 mean? They have tokens to play songs already. Or do you mean to play non-star wars songs?

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Some awesome ideas in this thread! Some are a little too awesome, IMHO, but still a fun read. :) My ideas would for legacy rewards:


1. All races playable on all classes. This could be unlocked gradually with the "less likely" race/class combos being higher level rewards (I want a Miralika Sith!)


2. Shared social level. I tend not to group up as much on alts, but if I group a lot overall I'd still like them to be able to wear social gear.


3. More character customization options -- not really big ones like body type, but things like additional hair styles, tattoos, or unusual hair/eye colors.


4. Allowing already existing characters to have their appearance changed, so as not to miss out on 1. and 3. above!


5. Ability to send mail between your characters on different factions.


Hey, a girl can dream! :p

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