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Who would YOU like to see as added companions? [Potential Spoilers]


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I think there needs to be "Optional" Companions that everyone can get if they make the right decisions and that come from the side quests...


For example the wife on Balmorra...i forget her first name...Sarkoal, that you are told to kill. She could have a really great arc and it's perfectly set up so you can go "I'll give you ride/protect you" and then you get her as a companion... then as you travel with her you can have her start becoming more competent and more of a han solo type. She even has a built in story where eventually she can ask you to help her go kill her husband or sabotage his career.


As mentioned in many places Thana Vesh is an awesome character.


There is also Darth governor on Balmorra... who would be really interesting as it would be her leaving her post and traveling with you, or you could go the route of having her be not a companion but you could eventually marry her and get a house on Balmorra.


I don't know Sith Inquisitor story past Nar Shaddaa, but from what I heard, I think it would be great you could alter the story by wooing Zash and getting her to become a companion. Make one of those "we're friends and even though I'm technically in charge I'll follow you" type relations.


On Dromund Kaas there is "The Duchess" who has another great set up for a story with her entire command being wiped out. She could plot revenge on Grathan or seek for a way to restore her men.


During the Sith Warrior mission on Nar Shaddaa you have the option to kill or let the boss Sith, I forget his name, live. Why not be allowed to make him a companion?

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I totally agree! we should start a thread just for Saganu :o we want him as a companion! please Bioware, that poor Saganu is feeling so lonely far from his beloved "Red Flame", make him happy. Make US fangirls happy! :)


This... for the fanguys too :)

Edited by SirMoogie
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Would like to see some force using companions for non-force using characters :p


It HARDLY seems fair that Jedi and Sith gets all variations of smugglers, bounty hunters, agents and troopers as companions, but the rest of us? No force loving :'<




Troopers - liaison with the Jedi, because the army and jedi need to be able to work together well.


Agent - an apprentice of a certain sith lord. I won't spoil anyone, dont worry.


Smuggler - Jedi "princess"/"prince". Because if there is anyone that should be able to charm the robes of a jedi, I would have thought it to be the smuggler. And we need that ^^


Bounty Hunter - Hmm. An Exiled (read: unaffiliated) jedi. Would still fit in with the whole free spirit thing they got going.

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I would simply like to see more variation. Currently, every Sorc uses Khem, all the Sith Warriors use Vette or Quinn, BH use Mako etc. Seeing the same companions everywhere you go is a little boring,



i see it too, but they would need to adjust difficulty levels for missions and quests to allow for you to use different companions, frankly i would prefer to use all of them depending on the situation, but cant

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I'd be more inclined to believe we'd get a totally new companion rather than a story npc that has already been introduced....who knows at this point, though.


Speaking as an IA, I think the female/male companion ratio at the moment indicates a male companion should be added (I'm female, btw, playing a male character). I like my ladies, but I'd like another dude first. :)


I really, really want to see Watcher X return to the story...not necessarily as a companion, though.

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As a straight male player playing a straight male Smuggler, I really, really wish Beryl Thorne had been made available as a ship crew/final romance option.


In the words of Malcolm Reynolds, both Risha and Akaavi Spar are "on my crew", so they're people I protect, but both of these women are extreme personalities, to say the least, and both tend toward the Dark Side more than not.


Beyond Beryl, I liked Deera Ulyette and Azalie on Nar Shaddaa, and Alilia on Hoth was an especially compelling character.


Beryl, however, remains the one I would've added to my crew (and to my Valentine's list) in a hot second.


My opinion, anyway.

Edited by RadiantVII
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OMG Bioware, PLEASE give us Guard Kullin as a companion. I wouldnt care which char I had him on....I'd roll any class for that companion lol. Any trooper companions would be great but this one IMO takes the cake.


For anyone that doesnt know who this NPC is, he is the trooper you meet on the way to Kaas City on Dromund Kaas that tells you the road is blocked. Not really anything to spoil since he is part of the smallest side quest I have seen in so far in game. It may be the smallest but it is absolutely one of my favorites.


I swear I have done this quest around 15 times or so and each time I get more excited than the last to do that one tiny little quest. The guy's voice is super sexy and his laugh is even better lol. The char is sooooo agreeable and just downright adorable. He's the perfect NPC and would make a great companion IMO.


Also, I'd love to have Quorian Dorjis on either my SW or my SI. He is one jedi NPC in game that doesnt annoy me, exact opposite in fact. He is very mellow and strong....but caring as well. The perfect calming light to my char's evil dark side. ;)

Edited by Ivanelise
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I really, really want to see Watcher X return to the story...not necessarily as a companion, though.


Not sure that would work, considering you can murder him in the agent storyline. :)


For anyone that doesnt know who this NPC is, he is the trooper you meet on the way to Kaas City on Dromund Kaas that tells you the road is blocked. Not really anything to spoil since he is part of the smallest side quest I have seen in so far in game. It may be the smallest but it is absolutely one of my favorites.


I like him too. That quest made me laugh the first time I did it, and I never get tired of doing it again on other characters. That kind of lazy laugh when you ask him if they're shaking down travelers, and his playful reply of "What would you do if I said yes?" That's always awesome.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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I want Darth Vowrawn for my SW. Not as a companion, but as my master who gives me constant quests for undermining/bringing down our enemies.


I seriously liked this dude, he just seems like the master your SW deserved. His glee at undermining Baras constantly was awesome.


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