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Everything posted by Intarabus

  1. Since I am 100 % lightside Jedi, this was the first (and only one) by now, that I played through. At least, I was not overwhelmed by the story. It started of well on Tython, were you acted a little as if you were a Jedi explorer. But then, act 1 is very boring, for five planets it is exactly the same. Although Cedrax is a useful companion, it is not explained well, while that smeary "information broker" aka thief will accompany new. Act 2 is very good, since you are a Jedi in a somewhat different role compared to other games and movie appearances, a politician/warlord. And The last act is ok, but . And for me, personally, final battle was a little disappointing. Lorewise, I have one more problem. Though its nice to play a shadow and you can skip a lot of battles later, this spec seems not fitting for the consular. As the jediest of Jedi, its not the right thing, to do sneak attacks and the like. Otherwise, Sage is perfect for it.
  2. I always thought it was one of the weakest points of Phantom Menace that Shmi had to stay slave. Like the Jedi order could not buy off a slave from a junk merchnat.
  3. Consular gets credits - this is the only one I completed so far, and I see why. Most problem I had, that even after Tython you are so ****** in the order . And then its like there does not happen much for a long time, you just and, wham, in Midgame you are The second act I liked story-wise, you are theoretically The ending to me was very obvious, and very disappointing (can't say otherwise).
  4. From personal point of view, I like more to play light side e.g Republic. But I must admit, that both Sith-Stories (which I played on) were more interesting. I do not know if it depends so much on the writing, though I think, SW has to me the most interesting story so far. I think, what makes the empire more exciting, is to deal with its twisted moral code, in the dialogue/story options. But I also think, the agents and especially the Bounty Hunters story (the latter I found very boring in its premise) also don't live up to the both Sith stories.
  5. Pureblood, I assume, must have been a minority in the old Sith empires. I also think, there fame is based mostly on the fact, that they are the original inhabitants of Korriban. But they were a bit self-centered, and there would not have been any Sith Empire without the arrival of the Dark Jedi.
  6. And it gets even a cynical twist when you connect it
  7. Best post in this interesting thread. TOR is my first MMO. And since I am a big Star Wars fan, I like the class stories and the atmosphere. But I hate the all-time-grinding, and you cannot avoid it, to move along. And its a pity, that TOR has put some tiny elements in the missions, which show, that they could have avoided it more. There are actually one or two riddles in quests (remember one on Balmorra, where you have to switch power stations, in the right order). The dialogue system should already be able, to achieve different things from NPCs, if you act clever. There are a few missions, where you protect NPCs against mobs. There are some enemies, who you can beat, when you observe their patterns. But, it is too few...
  8. Yes, very likely. I think - maybe - only some of the last episodes with the Coruscant battle may survive, canon-wise. They never said it clear, and in the beginning it seemed they would care for the canon. But at least since season 2, TCW is clearly main canon and all the novels, comic books, games and the old clone wars series that came before are not. It is not possible to interweave them anymore, I think. To me its a pity, since I think, a lot of the old stuff was superior to TCW, and by this system, only a few things were taken over to TCW Series (like Ventress' jedi apprenticeship, for example).
  9. There is an interesting site where they have the old treatments/scripts. And the first sketch to what would be "A new hope" is really confusing. For the final script, he already had two other writers, who helped him with the dialogues. Do not think, that he wrote any script to the movies alone. In an interview, he said once, that he does not like the writing process very much and had hard times when working on the script for "A new hope".
  10. Not totally impossible, concerning the concept of the new emperor. But I doubt it - Darth Sidious has a total different vision of the empire, and it would not explain, why the Sith still seek for immortality in his time or later.
  11. Some questions about the time flow in the class quests - Course of Level 1-50 - several years, like 2-5? Since republic and empire go from truce to total war - which might take a time, and they also switch to a new supreme chancellor (might also take a little). Order of events - the class quest seem to happen simultaneously, but republic Taris happens first and republic balmorra later compared to the empire. Individual time - in the beginning, Consular, Inquisitor, Sith Warrior seem to have a more conventional "education", while all the other classes face crisis immediately
  12. Just played one class through, but from what I saw and heard by now, by "Importance" it seems a bit unmatched between Force Users and Non-Force Users. For example, Jedi Knight has to solve planet crisis and the fate of the Jedi on Tython still as a Padawan, while the Smuggler is, well, searching for his ship.
  13. Yeah. I think even most of the masters died when Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion attacked the Jedi, and the few remaining Jedi went into hiding. The only remaining members of the KOTOR 1 council seem to be the gruff Vrook Lamar and maybe Atris (it is not clear, if she is in the council at the events of KOTOR 1). Lamar, Zhar Lestin and the others seem to be dead.
  14. The Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban is similar in its appearance to KOTOR. Besides the academy, you also visit the tombs of Sith lords Ajunta Pall, Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow. Of course, in detail, the Layout is very different (and does not capture the darkness of the place as good as in KOTOR, in my opinion).
  15. Already mentioned was that in the Consular story there is But there is also
  16. Actually, all or nearly all Jedi Masters you see in the Noetikons appeared in other Star Wars material before, the Tales of the Jedi and KOTOR Comics, and the KOTOR games.
  17. EA, the addition "Forces of corruption" and some of the Mods were pretty decent. But compared to other RTS-games I do not consider it classic and do not play it anymore. The basic idea is great - with combination of troop management, space and planet battles - and the story campaigns were also exciting. But the space and land battles are to repetitive. Since you have the same map for every planet later it is too easy to know how to win them. In the space battles it is more the problem, that the AI always uses the same maneuvres and cannot combine their forces very good. So, it is very easy to calculate the outcome of each battle. Thats what I do not like so much.
  18. He is the lord of pain... which means mainly pain to himself. His invulnerability comes at high price, at one point they say something like every bone in his body is broken. To give in, is the only way to safe himself.
  19. I am usually a man of the Jedi order, but I must admit it is more interesting to play on the empire after I tried. You must deal with a lot of insane twisted brutal crap and can chose between a span of being the only decent person in the empire or madman.
  20. Also.... Bin vom Jedi-Ritter auf den Jedi-Botschafter gewechselt, weil es - wie vorher schon gesagt - für mich auch die Klasse ist, die sich am meisten nach den Jedi auf den Filmen anfühlt, auch wegen der Telekinesefähigkeiten. Den Beginn auf Tython fand ich sehr stimmungsvoll. Man betätigt sich ja gleich so mehr als Wissenschaftler und auch, wie man von dem Geist des alten grauen Jedi, oder Beinahe-Sith auf die Probe gestellt wird. Sehr schade bei beiden Jedi-Klassen, dass man dann nach Coruscant geschickt wird - einer der langweiligsten und auch optisch (bis aufs Senatgebäude) am lieblosesten gestalteten Planeten, und mit besonders vielen "Kill 50"-Bonusquests, wenn ich das richtig in Erinnerung habe. Auch ich sehe es als Problem an, dass man so früh schon so stark ist. Also, man hat schon nach Part 1 den ganzen Jedi-Orden gerettet. Auch war das folgende etwas langweilig angelegt, man schnappt sich einen Meister nach dem anderen und rettet ihn - das hätten sie etwas abkürzen können. Die beiden weiteren Parts und die Splitterallianz und die Kinder des Imperators fand ich storytechnisch ansprechender und interessanter, wobei Voss mein Lieblingsplanet war. Die Kritik am Finale teile ich. Die Spannung wurde gut aufgebaut, doch dann versteckt sich Syo in einem Loch anstelle der Spitze einer waffenstarrenden Festung! Ich habe kein Problem damit, dass man in der Botschafter-Story quasi das reinste Schwert der hellen Seite der Macht darstellt, wenn man auch in den kleinen Quests entsprechend spielt. Dennoch hätte ich es auch besser gefunden, wenn der Botschafter nicht ganz so unbesiegbar wirken würde, wie es sich dann abspielt. Ein Übernahmeversuch durch die dunkle Seite wäre vielleicht interessant gewesen, oder ein ähnlicher Twist, der die Geschichte auch für den Botschafter bedrohlich macht als "nur" für den Jedi-Orden. Die Sith-Seite fand ich interessant, und vieles bleibt angenehm mysteriös. In dieser Geschichte versuchen die Sith ja vor allem, den Orden zu infiltrieren und zu korrumpieren. Bei Vivicar war mir z.B. nicht klar, ob er eigentlich eine Art selbst ernannter Sith handelte oder auch mit dem Imperium verbunden war. Der "Erstgeborene" bleibt ebenfalls rätselhaft, zumindest, was er eigentlich genau ist. Ich stelle mir vor, dass es eine Art Stück von der Macht oder Persönlichkeit des Imperators selbst ist. Auf jeden Fall scheinen die anderen Kinder des Imperators sich ihrer Rolle bewusst gewesen zu sein, während der Erstgeborene erst während der Kämpfe auf Corellia aktiviert wurde.
  21. Als Schatten brauchte ich fünf Versuche, wäre schneller gegangen, wenn ich nicht Fehler beim Timing vom Unterbrechen gemacht hätte. Also, ich konnte die Bar von seinen Spezialattacken sehen, etwas verwirrend ist, dass bei der Felsenattacke die Animation trotzdem zum Teil abläuft. Diese Steinattacke muss man unterbrechen. Am besten ist er m.E. auch mit Tharan Cedrax zu spielen, weil Syo viele Spezialattacken startet und man ihn mit Holiday viel häufiger betäuben kann. Und natürlich braucht man auch die Heilfähigkeit, wobei man interessanterweise einmal pro Kampf auch von Syos gutem Kern geheilt wird.
  22. Der Gedanke kam mir auch. Neige zu "Private Parts" oder "Kopfpauschalenjäger".
  23. Ein absoluter Nebenfigur-Mastermind ist Vergere. Sie war an der Yuuzhan Vong-Invasion beteiligt, und daran, Jacen Solo und Asharad Hett zur dunklen Seite zu bringen.
  24. Probably the Cantina Band. Bon Jovi even steal from them their own older songs, nowadays.
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