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Nerf Sentinel/Marauder RIGHT NOW


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Marauders are amazing- once you learn to be good as one, you will beat every class without question. Problem is, if you are not both good and well geared, you are going to be kited and thus suck completely.


They're not unlike warriors- garbage in the hands of most, unstoppable in the hands of the best.

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Non rage/focus spec juggs/guardians can complain about being terrible. Marauders/Sentinels while having issues like a lot of classes, definitely have no room to complain. You do amazing damage with tons of utility. Sure it doesn't come in the form of a stun or knock back but it's unique.


You just need to focus on learning how to play your class rather than whining for buffs on the forums.

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Now with PvP gear. I top charts every game. Friend No. Learn to play your class. Marauders are probably the most balanced class in the game currently. If you let us near you; we destroy you. We have 6 extremely good Defensive cool downs. AND we can get out of almost ANY situation with Force Camo / Predation Combo. I go 50+ kill and 0 death with 8+ medals and 300k dmg almost every game.


Gl to you friend.

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Marauders are amazing- once you learn to be good as one, you will beat every class without question. Problem is, if you are not both good and well geared, you are going to be kited and thus suck completely.


They're not unlike warriors- garbage in the hands of most, unstoppable in the hands of the best.



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Now with PvP gear. I top charts every game. Friend No. Learn to play your class. Marauders are probably the most balanced class in the game currently. If you let us near you; we destroy you. We have 6 extremely good Defensive cool downs. AND we can get out of almost ANY situation with Force Camo / Predation Combo. I go 50+ kill and 0 death with 8+ medals and 300k dmg almost every game.


Gl to you friend.


Ran into a maruader like you earlier seemed like he had 2 min invulnerability. As soon as he got to 30% hps they would stay there. Seen him drop 6+ people multiple times one after another. Was even worse when he used healing potion. Ended up running from him most of the match.

Edited by Rhazesx
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Ran into a maruader like you earlier seemed like he had 2 min invulnerability. As soon as he got to 30% hps they would stay there. Seen him drop 6+ people multiple times one after another. Was even worse when he used healing potion. Ended up running from him most of the match.


I'm BioChem now. I'm "Invincible" every game. Highest crit to date is 5600 mh + 2400 oh annihilate crit. lol Boom! Dead. I'm in all champion gear cept weapons and 1 relic now.

Guy that started this thread is silly.

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Now with PvP gear. I top charts every game. Friend No. Learn to play your class. Marauders are probably the most balanced class in the game currently. If you let us near you; we destroy you. We have 6 extremely good Defensive cool downs. AND we can get out of almost ANY situation with Force Camo / Predation Combo. I go 50+ kill and 0 death with 8+ medals and 300k dmg almost every game.


Gl to you friend.


...I was going to make a very long post but everything I wanted to say is just summed up here. Basically, just L2P.


Was doing extremely well even before level 50 and am now dominating (read: greatly influencing the outcome of) every warzone. Cannot express how strong of a presence you can be in a match if you're a well played Marauder.


In the end, though, the whiners are getting exactly what they needed/wanted even if they don't know it: Bioware has stated that they are going to tweak the Marauder class to be "less gameplay intensive" so that players who don't want to try to get better (or are less able, take your pick) like the OP will stop crying.

Edited by Swarna
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...I was going to make a very long post but everything I wanted to say is just summed up here. Basically, just L2P.


Was doing extremely well even before level 50 and am now dominating (read: greatly influencing the outcome of) every warzone. Cannot express how strong of a presence you can be in a match if you're a well played Marauder.


In the end, though, the whiners are getting exactly what they needed/wanted even if they don't know it: Bioware has stated that they are going to tweak the Marauder class to be "less gameplay intensive" so that players who don't want to try to get better (or are less able, take your pick) like the OP will stop crying.


I'll probably get bored again like when they made Blood DK face roll. =(

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Learn to *********** play holy ****, all I see are threads of people crying about classes its beyond ridiculous. My buddy plays a marauder and does at least 350k every warzone. He just knows *** he's doing. Practice some more and learn to play your class before coming on here and crying up a storm on the forums.
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Marauders can do ok damage and are very strong in duels or small scale fights.


The problem is everything else. Most other classes are capable of doing the same damage as us. What else can we do?


Other classes all have things like guard/heals/shields and far more CC. All we have is damage... which all of them can do. Not to mention how bad melee are in very large engagements.


Ranged is far superior for protecting objectives in ald/void. I dont even need to tell you how unfriendly huttball is for melee. Stealth is good for ninjaing nodes. Tanks are good for flag carrying or protecting carriers/squishies, and delaying caps on nodes.


Outside of the healing debuff, despite having some strengths, marauders have no place in competitive pvp.


Im getting 300k almost every game, 7-10 medals and I cant help but feel worthless.

Edited by cwatz
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get gear and l2p. all i can say.


i used to think like you. thought mara was under powered to hell. after getting pvp gear and actually learning my class. oh.my.god. biggest difference ever.


our class scales with gear like warrior in wow. once you get pvp gear, you will love your class like me

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Haha, got your attention AND a forum first. Nobody EVER writes those words. Why? Cause we suck. Medium armor is squishy, plus we got no stealth. Well what about knockbacks for blablabla...


Stopped reading right there. If anything, decent Sentinels are OP, period. Learn to position yourself from one bridge end to the other and not with your back to the edge. Learn to Force Statis and unleash whatever your most powerful skill is (bish will run). Learn to pop your defensive skills whenever needed and not as soon as they're up. Learn to master all four quickbars (three = skills alone) without having to click. Learn to move using the mouse when called for instead of using WASD 24/7.


No stealth? I guess Force Camo was part of my imagination all along. And so was the 30% movement increase and 100% damage reduction from it. I'm gonna compile a short list of my experience so far as Sentinel. As Watchman, this is what you get:



100% and 99% damage reduction skills

Saber Ward (50% melee and ranged defense increase + 25% force and tech damage reduction)

Rebuke (20% damage reduction + deals damage for the entire duration)

Pacify (90% opponent accuracy reduction)

Awe (aoe stun)

Force Stasis (damage dealing stun)

Self/party heals


Not to mention, you'll already have a 25% energy/kinetic damage reduction from stats/armor.



Burn/dot opponents (sustained, no opponent stealth, did I mention self/party heals?)

Burst damage

0-30m or 5-30m Force Leap (whatever you prefer) every 12s

+5k damage blows with several skills

Free Zen/Transcendence/Inspiration every 1 min 15 secs

Crippling Throw (10m, **** damage but opponent healing reduction)

Dispatch (15m)

Overload Saber (stacks)

+15k HP and +1400 STR in full Champion gear with replaced mods


How is that squishy?


Open world PvP 1v1 is fun. You mention Warzones? You can take on say, a turret vs 2 players in The Civil War and Force Camo and Guarded by the Force alone will grant you 10 seconds of immortality. Combine that with crit/heals, stim/medpacs, Zen, relics whatever and they all better be 50s in PvP gear or you'll destroy both. Worst case scenario, by the time you destroy the second one more opponents will inc, meaning your remaining teammates - all 6 of them - will have no problem capping the other turret that didn't belong to you.


That's what I usually do if we're down a turret. I go to whatever side turret we don't hold and destroy either one or two opponents and cap it. Or I'll live long enough to see more opponents inc. Either way, you'll last +30 seconds with ease. You cap it or have more peeps inc. - and that leaves the other turret wide open.


Voidstar is pure DPS fun. And please don't bish about Huttball. You can walk through fire (or leap through it) and every 12s you get to leap vertically and/or towards the line when carrying the ball!


I would like to see an Operative do that.

Edited by darthtoph
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These Marauders/Sentinels you have met that you call overpowered just know how to do what I do on my healer. If you meet someone that are in what looks like an "enrage"-mode in PVP like my character can become, then your only option is to run away for 30 seconds and come back when we have the same stats as you ;) Edited by Nilatis
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Haha, got your attention AND a forum first. Nobody EVER writes those words. Why? Cause we suck.


I stopped reading at this point. I have gone up against some MEAN sentinels before that I simply can't kill. Don't know what you're talking about.

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I stopped reading at this point. I have gone up against some MEAN sentinels before that I simply can't kill. Don't know what you're talking about.


I've faced Sentinels/Marauders that I just have to try to run away from, or thank the maker a tank and another healer helped me overcome. But on the plus side, there are few of these Sentinels/Marauders because only a few of them knows how to become OP ;) I say let them be OP. They deserve it.

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Get some gear > spec rage > 4k AoE smash every 9sec + sick dot + 3k force shouts


My main is now a gunslinger - used to be a marauder. I've been slaughtering level 50 marauders for ages. Really, really simple. Leg shot, sabo charge, vital shot, shock charge, (hunker down to prevent choke) speed shot - they come up and start to ravage or put cripple on me and I pulse detonate, quick shot spam, detonate quickdraw and they are dead. If they are rage/focus spec and come up and stasis or choke me because hunker down is on CD then I escape, dirty kick, back up and kill them anyway.


Anyway, yeah there is nothing, nothing at all a marauder can do to a sniper/gunslinger unless I'm already stunlocked by others. For what it's worth my AoE attacks are comparable to that and I don't have any windup or long cooldown to speak of, I've got more CC's, better defensive skills (pulse detonate, scrambling field, defensive screen, leg shot, range, etc) and my single target damage skills like speed shot and aimed shot just plain out damage marauders/sents. The one thing is the carnage spec with gore - which can be nice - but I can just CC you unless I'm already stunned by *someone else* (since you can't stun me and also attack) - I in turn get a zero cooldown 20% armor penetration that I can use on anyone, any time (I'm aware btw that rage/focus gets passive 20% armor penetration but if you go that route you can't get gore).

Edited by dcgregorya
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Once they fix our ability lag, all will be ok.


Nothing like rearing back for a hit only to have your toon go into full seizure mode because your opponent ran out of range.



Animations are a maurader/sentinels biggest enemy.



That and knockbacks.. the 1000000000000 knockbacks .. which makes hutball great.. thanks bioware.

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There's a good reason I don't use my 50 marauder too much. My lvl 22 blue-geared sniper does as well in PVP, and is more useful in matches, compared to my 50 champion-geared marauder. Marauder has almost no CC and is very easily kept in stun-lock. You don't see anybody making new marauders for a reason.
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Honestly it sounds to me like you're struggling to play your class properly. Sentinels are glass cannons that can do LOTS of damage if played correctly. You have 1 ability that hits for 2k? I've been hit with back to back 4k's by a sentinel.


Honestly not trying to sound mean but you really need to learn to play your class better before you come QQing on the forums.


It's not a glass "cannon" as a cannon implies a ranged weapon that can be utilized at a safe distance from the frey. Marauders/Sentinels are a glass [insert powerful melee weapon here].


There is nothing wrong with the Marauder/Sentinel damage output, but their utility and survivability in PvP is VERY poor, and should be improved upon. One quick fix would be to give them heavy armor, although I do not know how feasible that would be as far as implementation. A real CC would also go a long way (don't think a knock back ability is appropriate, as we are melee, and force leap is essentially a the mirror opposite of a pull ability).

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There is nothing wrong with the Marauder/Sentinel damage output, but their utility and survivability in PvP is VERY poor, and should be improved upon.


I would agree with this if not for the fact that they do the least amount of damage of any DPS class in actual PVP because of CC's and range and frankly not enough distinction in damage to make up for those two. Even people who are talking about focus/rage specs AoE seem to forget that juggernauts and guardians can do *the exact same thing* with another 40% or so damage redux and the ability to go full tank or offtank.

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I'm BioChem now. I'm "Invincible" every game. Highest crit to date is 5600 mh + 2400 oh annihilate crit. lol Boom! Dead. I'm in all champion gear cept weapons and 1 relic now.

Guy that started this thread is silly.


After 1.1 you won't be nearly as good and nothing is stopping any other class from doing the exact same thing and still outclassing you.

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