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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Education is key guys. Stay informed and be 'in the know'. I am just glad this stuff finally got out there for people to see.


I am sure MANY of us who have been put down and ridiculed since day one are feeling at least a little better now.

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Mine looked High Res just like the picure when i ran into those 2 droids.

settings all maxed out, and gpu tweaked a lil bit.

using an ATI 6870.


that is a cutscene it does look like that but if you walk up to that drois with out engaging a conversation it looks like my 5 year old water colored the model. dont get me wrong i really enjoy TOR it has some faults but its still pretty fun. I am not giving up hope yet but in 2012 poor textures should not be something a game suffers from.

Edited by wifeaggro
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Mine looked High Res just like the picure when i ran into those 2 droids.

settings all maxed out, and gpu tweaked a lil bit.

using an ATI 6870.


No, it doesn't. Your brain is tricking you into seeing it that way but if you zoom into your character while outside of a conversation you'll notice the disparity of texture quality

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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


So now we have some clarification that they are looking to try to fix this as quickly as possible. Reid's other post was a bit vague in terms of how much of a priority this is for them. guess the piece of information we should be looking for now, is when 1.2 is likely to be deployed and how much of an affect the initial fix will have on the visuals.

Edited by Mandrax
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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


So let me guess, we'll see an update "fixing" the issue that says:


"Added new high resolution screenshot feature!".

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Thank you for the work you have done regarding this Stephen.


I have a question, by greater visual fidelity to our characters are you saying that we can expect the cutscene quality graphics on our own characters during normal gameplay?


I doubt it will be on par with the cutscenes. But anything better is a positive step forward to me.

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I think I'm going to be sick. This is the last thing I was expecting to hear from Bioware: a lie.


I really don't know what to say except I'm gone in 1 week. Forget it. There is no way in hell I'm going to play a 2012 MMO that has the texture quality of World of Warcraft when I saw high-res nice textures in Beta.


I'm not going to stand here and be straight-up lied to.



While I too am disappointed we won't be seeing High-res textures for awhile, this is a ludicrous statement. The textures look nowhere near as bad as WoW.


It's your right to quit... but it seems rather silly. You still get high-res character models in cutscenes, and the "atlus'd" models really aren't that bad. If you're at all zoomed out (as you should be) and looking at the back of your character, it's really not even noticable. Besides... people spend more time watching cooldowns than staring at their character model.



You may be upset that we won't have high-res for awhile, and rightfully so, but BW didn't "lie", and it's really no reason to quit the game unless you have other things you don't enjoy.

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I would imagine the reason there is no option to change the LoD on textures is because the engine is either not capable of producing real time reflections on textures or it is not currently enabled. If you set LoD to -3.0 the ground textures do become a good bit *shinier* and more detailed, but you will also notice that the reflections you see on the ground textures move with you, they are not representative of what the real time reflections on the texture would be if you were moving around.


Either way, changed mine to -3.0 for better ground textures in areas where the reflection issue is not as noticeable (basically any outdoor environment). Hopefully 1.2 will remedy some of the other issues. I can wait, loving the game as is.


Good job Bioware.

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Seriously this is absolutely stupid.

Why remove the option completely instead of working on it to make it work better?

I don't use a PC to be limited to certain quality levels like I am on consoles.

Sorry, this is unacceptable with the current settings on a 27" Full HD Monitor even with AA, these textures are close to unbearable.

I understand decisions have been made but I have to decide whether to stay subscribed as well and right now I highly doubt it would be worth it.

Edited by Mc_TheRipper
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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


So are you using DRM copy protect to limit OUR machines?

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I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


Ty. Still debating whether to cancel my sub tho.


Now i can go to bed... (CET time zone)

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It can get confusing but remote doesn't necessarily mean over the internet, it could be a locally hosted server, which some suspect is the purpose of the second swtor.exe process.


Also with caching there wouldn't necessarily be an immediate blackout or disconnect.


I believe this is the case. Using ATI Tray Tools, I have found the the swtor.exe process which we actually interact with is the one that uses ~360 megs of memory. The two swtor.exe processes communicate with each other via port or file (or both). Two separate processes cannot communicate directly through shared memory.

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the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.



Waiting is painful... But better than nothing.

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What's bugging me even more is, that they could be(and most likely are) lying to us. 1.2 is at least 2 months from now. By then they could have figured a good way to spin this and in the end the patch could bring some minor improvement. Notice how he did not say we will get the High res textures. To hell with this ****...
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There is some contention on that theory as every time I log in since the latest patches if I have pending awards from crafting quests or even a guild MOTD if I log in at the Fleet I have an entirely black screen until I clear these UI elements.


Then the world graphics resolve in, and I do mean resolve in, I can literally watch the step up process in motion. And I'm on incredibly high end hardware here so its not an issue of my computer being unable to handle the load.


I don't think they're streaming 100% of the game but there is evidence that supports that remote asset streaming was in use as early as the 2009/2010 beta tests and I still believe that some assets are being streamed, though attempting to stream player assets of this magnitude would be phenomenally stupid.


This is the same issue I have when loading into the game.

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It's not even the textures that bother me anymore.


It's EAware using their mouthpiece Reid ( who is just the messenger, not the one at fault ) to tell us flat out lies that any 5 year old could see through because they apparently think we're all idiots.



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I doubt it will be on par with the cutscenes. But anything better is a positive step forward to me.


I'm somewhat hopeful they will be, otherwise this would require textures that are half-way between what we have now and the cutscene versions.

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I didn't realize I payed $75 and $15 a month for a game that would be changed from High-Res to Low-Res, still have ability delay and no dual-talent specialization. I'm starting to believe all this Titanic stuff that people spouted about SWTOR, because Bioware is determined to make this game Free-to-play.
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The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


Guess that means, with inevitable delays, I'll be looking back at this game again around April or May to see if it's worth any more money than what I've already been hoodwinked (I've always wanted to use 'hoodwinked' in a legitimate context) into spending on this blurry filthpile of a game.


That's assuming EAware Austin isn't closed down, or massively downsized by then, due to all the subs that will trickle out while this and other massive issues persist in a pay-to-play MMO.

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