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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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I don't know either but whatever it is it sounds freakin' awesome.


Rocket Surgery


A mixed metaphor describing a non-existent, yet implicitly high level of qualification. The greatness of this term is in its subtle ability to call someone stupid twice in one euphemism. The irony may go over someone's head and they would call out that this field of study doesn't exist.

Edited by Pyorrhea
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I'm sorry to say but most of what OP whining about isn't really true. We had ppl in my guild saying that Empire had this and that and when you really looked into it the classes are 100% mirrored. Their are three main reason to why ppl have problems


1) Empire has more ppl on a lot of servers.. specially lvl 50s but on some its the other way around and their u got Empire ppl moaning.

2) You have bad gear and low level

3) You are not as good as you think you are


Their is some bugs with warzones that will be fixed in the first game update. Also ability lag is being looked at. Read developer tracker to get some real answers.


I would say that reason 2 and 3 are the main reason why ppl are moaning at the moment. Once you get up to the higher levels this will level off. Then it will be more of a gear problem.


One big problem is also that ppl dont work together.. ppl dont step up to lead during warzones, ppl are running around like headless chickens. You dont need to be in a premade to win if someone just steps up and lead.. and use your eyes to see what the team does and do the same. I've been in some matches where ppl stepped up and we where not in premades.. we whiped the floors with our enemy team. For some reason it seems like Empire ppl are better at this then republic at least on my server. To many ppl are playing SWTOR like it was a single player game when its not.. Be social.. start groups and fight together and you will win a lot more. For PVP to work u need teamwork


If you have problem with Hutballs.. read the guide on the forum and you will understand it much better and you wont fail that much. If your a low level and losing all the time.. then keep on doing it.. warzones is a good way to level up and soon you will be able to do more dmg. I bought lvl 20 pvp gear and around lvl 25 - 30 i started to do more and more dmg in warzones.. now i can even kill some lvl 50s..with higher lvls comes more ability u can use in pvp aswell.


Give BW some time.. i know they been developing for 6 years but the game is still new.. less then a month old.. i would say that it will take BW about 3 months before the major problems we have right now is solved.. then we will have much more facts to go on.. i will stick by this game.. quitting after a couple weeks is just stupid and expect BW to fix everything the first week is even more stuipd.

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I just wanted to respond to some of the points the OP makes, as they are wrong:




The animated turn times on the cannons don't matter. The score bonus applies to your team as soon as the cannon has been capped, not after it has rotated to be facing the ship. The animation (an associated WZ map animation) are merely glaring indicators so that a cap is signalled in a visible way to the participants of the map.


Your assertions seem baseless based on the above revelations, which leads me to dismiss the remainder of your points.


You didn't watch the video, did you?


And no, you cannot dismiss an entire argument because of few of them (read: 2 of them, energy damage and agent animation speed) aren't true.


Im really not sure how people come in here yelling "LIES LIES LIES" when there is VIDEO PROOF of project having a massive delay on it as well as almost every other bug listed on there. *** people?

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Wow another one of these posts.


SI shocks are energy damage, NOT elemental.


And does the turret position really matter?. The turrets do not fire until a faction caps a point.


There are SO many factors involved in that video that you are not seeing. Are they being guarded by teammate, are you being guarded by a teammate, did they pop a defensive cooldown, are you popping defensive cooldowns, so on, and so on......

Edited by Tyxx
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8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact



despite the animation, the damage is calculated when the ability is used, not when the animation completes. if i was a gambling man, i would assume that the other similar issues with other mirrored abilities is the same. they way it looks is totally irrelevant to the way the damage is actually calculated.


Nope, it's not. I have enough experience on both sides, currently on my 50 sage and played sorc in beta. The dmg does not register on ability use, the dmg regsiters on impact and when the rock/droid "arrives" to its target. Thus most of the stealth classes completely ignore the dmg from Project because if they use their vanishing skill while you're using Project... the rock stops and floats midair because the target... disappeared. Why? Because they see your silly sage waving his/her hands and know that in the next 2 sec (yep...) a rock will fly towards them. Thus you have plenty of time to vanish or use shield or smt. Shock hits absolutely instantly as in less than 0,1 sec. There's absolutely no time to react because it is actually instant in the true meaning of the word. You will always get hit by Shock because you don't know it's coming, because it doesn't have ret****d animation of some idiot waving hands and pulling rocks and droids from the ground and throwing them towards you. The whole animation from the beginning to the moment the rock hits the target takes between 1,5-2 sec depending on the distance it has to travel. And the damage registers on impact, it's not calculated on the initial ability use. Needless to say how many duels vs other sages i did just to be sure of that. Sages casting project on each other from 30m - it gives me plenty of time to raise my shield even if the rock is half way flying to me and there is no damage, there a message that says "Absorb" because when the rock was shot - i didn't have a shield, but when the rock arrived - my shield was up and i activated it after the rock started flying. I can appreciate the RP element and "cool" animation. Then again i don't give a rat's a** about any of these because i care only for PvP and this is a major advantage in favor of the sorcs.


Empire V Republic, the minor differences in timing get made up for in other places.


The difference between Project and Shock is more than minor. It's abso-effing-lutely huge. Nothing can made up for this.


For example, Telekentic throw has a bit of a delay over Shock,


It's not Tele throw, it's Project and "a bit" you say... Mkay...



And this is 15m. 30m "a bit of delay" becomes ~2 sec. For example i play with hybrid PoM build shooting instant Telekinetic Waves on PoM proc. Let's see what happens.


1. I cast Project. My sage starts pulling rocks from the ground, waving hands, throwing the rock.

2. The animation actually does not delay your GCD. So after 1.5 sec i can begin casting the next spell.

3. The GCD is over - the rock is STILL FLYING.

4. I cast a Tele wave (instant on PoM proc).

5. My Tele wave HITS the target BEFORE the rock from Project because it's STILL FLYING!!1


This is around 1,7-2 sec. As you can see on the movie i just linked - the rock HITS the target exactly when the GCD is over (1,5 sec). And this is on 15m. Like i said the further away the target is - the damage registers even later. So... what exactly can make up for this delay? Nothing... So stop being ignorant and pretending that this isn't such a big deal because it's a huge deal and ridiculous advantage for the sorcs.


but the Sage pushback from what I've been affected is instant, rather than animation then hit.


This is where i call bull. The sage jumps up then falls down and when he/she hits the ground - the waves appear and the pushback registers at that moment. So don't try to look for something that doesn't exist to justify something that is clearly a huge disadvantage for the sage.


Again, I'm sure it feels frustrating, but these aren't game breaking things,


Yes, it is. When your only instant cast (i'm not talking about DoTs and PoM procs) spell is actually not that instant, it is game breaking. When you see your rocks flying because the assassin you were about to finish off just vanished on 5% health and your rock is floating midair, when you can't interrupt someone from capping your tower on time because your damn rock travels for ~2 sec, when the sorc you're dueling casts his shield because he sees the damn rocks flying towards him... then come and speak to me again and tell me that this is not a game breaking thing for classes that are supposed to be absolute mirrors.


Also BOO FREAKING HOO on the Alderan thing, you guys play that so much there is no reason you shouldn't dominate Empire with strategy and calling stuff out 80% of the time.


And because we rock in Alderaan it's fair to give 5 point advantage to the poor empire because they suck and need an advantage? Are you mentally challenged? Or just trollin'?

Edited by Drakaris
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It's been known to anyone who kept track of dev diaries that Bioware favours Empire side, hence they subconsciously benefit their favourite factions/classes when designing certain content.


It happened in WoW with the Horde, it's happening here with the Empire.


There is a massive disparity between mirrored skills and their animations, specifically instants on Empire versus travel time on Republic.

It's a myth that damage gets recorded on ability use, one Empire players are eager to barf all over these boards: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMjakXfQ100. Damage registers upon ability impact.

Edited by Dekadez
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It is not as much intent, as neglect.

Most of the devs like Imps better, so if there is a problem with Imps, they jump in.

If there is something wrong with Reps: Can't Bob do it? Ok, I'l fix it right after I finish with this here. *notrealyinterested*


In WoW you could even see who had more input.

As long as raids were the most important thing, like in Vanilla: Pala>Shaman ergo Alli>Horde

Arena came, raids became an afterthought. PvP devs like Horde. Horde>Alli.


Not intentional, just by way of neglect.


There is very much neglect on Republic side.


Also, it is sound from an economical standpoint. More players on the polished side=more happy paying customers. Way more paying customers are affected by some Sorc bug, then ability delay on Sages, so Sages have to wait.

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that was quite a self indulgent post of higher than thou thinking /yuck


learn what probabilty is .... the probabilty of every single one of the imbalances being favor towards empire and against republic is almost nil without human steering


the mathematical odds of that happening randomly are about like winning the lottery just so you might have a frame of reference




or just remember if there is smoke there is fire or as grandmas like to say if it smells like dog turds its prolly dog turds :p


And Martian really killed Kennedy, Bush personally flew those planes into the WTC just so he could go to war for oil, and the CIA really is beaming instructions into your brain from satellites orbiting the Earth.


Go back to your tinfoil hat man.

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lol most of what you posted was false. I think the same thing about the republic side.

you're a hardcore pvper. Most of the people that play are baddies who enjoy being a in starwars setting. Do you honestly think that they were looking for things like "1 second animation vs no animation?" seriously? That's why you think the imbalance happened?




You're just bad man. Stop QQing and get back in game,stop making false accusations with no proof at all. Anyone can just post false information. Next time though back it up.

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Lol at the inquis doing more damage than sage, dont think ive ever been beaten on dmg by one.. http://i.imgur.com/0kQhv.jpg


And i like the delay on my project, means i can have another dmg ability hit the same time working out for a nice heavy burst.


This. Well, this but with Shadow. My Shadow can take on pretty much any Imp on my server, excluding the people in full PvP gear (damned expertise bonus).


I don't know if people are still complaining about elemental vs kinetic (yes spelt properly for once) however, the assassin gets energy not elemental for the mirror to force technique, which sucks anyway and people should use the "tanky" one, which does armour ignoring damage; not to mention a moronically high boost to armour and other defenses.


You also can't argue that "because more people roll the bad guy, they have an in game advantage" because, simply put, more people roll the bad guy as they are;


1) The Bad Guy. There's almost always a 2:1 favouring of the "evil" side even if that side is WORSE


2) Lightning... rocks. Enough said?


Seeing as I have characters on both sides, even if I only play on a PvE server (but mostly PvP on it, with a 22 valor rank and about 5 others at around 10 valor rank) I can say that most of the complaints about balance is whiny ********. Except alderaan, where the Empire -does- get extra damage to the ship out of their arse from somewhere, however that 5 damage (yes it is only ever 5 damage) does not make a major difference; not once would it have changed any of my matches outcomes.


Oh and to the various complaints about knockbacks... the knockbacks are the same, just some classes are more/less resistant to knockbacks. My merc gets knocked about half a meter, whilst my shadow basically grows wings and tries to learn to fly. (rather handy really if I'm not lagging, I tend to go so far I can escape whatever knockbacked me)


In regards to the mortar volley/death from above... I've never noticed a difference between my vanguards and my merc's, is it possible that those with issues are using the commando instead? I've noticed it has a different animation slightly to a vanguards; and lack the space on my chosen server (plus the patience to get a ninth character to level 10) to test. In which case however, bug =/= deliberate inbalance.

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Well it was obvious that most of the Bioware TOR crew favored Empire. I mean really, in almost every interview or appearance on a show, etc..what were they wearing? An Empire shirt. I've only seen 1 person actually say they were for Republic.


Currently SI dominates the WZ's on my server, nothing but lightning everywhere...I'm amazed I can see anything past it there so much spam of it...

Edited by Eillack
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SI needs to be majorly nerfed.....too win a huttball game all you need to do is group up SI and they rip apart the other team. It would also be nice if my juggernaut actually had skills that behaved like a tank....whats the point of immortal tree if the final skill is a attack!?!? It should be a invulnerable for X amount of seconds. Not to mention I would be happy if they would fix force choke,force push and intimidating roar as they only work half the time,,,which isnt a solo issue as I have found other juggernauts experiencing this issue. Sad thing i I did 6 months of beta and all the issues of SI being OP and SW being severely underpowered have been stated over and over again and yet bioware did nothing to remedy the issue so I am starting to lose a little faith in them.
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