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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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(edited for one thing i got wrong that i misread ) so removing the one i got wrong

i stand by the rest






4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move



9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler



11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!!


4, Incorrect. It's instant and on the run for Sumggler.


9, Incorrect, same, unless Gunslinger and spc'ed into an even shorter cd.


11, Incorrect, Smuggler is instant.

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It's baffling to me that people actually buy into this.


You guys may be unaware of this, but Bioware is a corporation. Bioware's soul purpose in existing is to make money. They're not going to alienate 40% of their customer base by intentionally designing their video game to favor the faction that they like. If they did do that, people from the other faction would quit, and they would make less money. If they made less money, Bioware employees would start to lose their jobs. I may be wrong, but the average Bioware employee probably likes having a job more than they like their faction in a video game.


It's moronic that any of you actually believe this is intentional. It's a bug/oversight. Bioware isn't going to sacrifice real world money to win more games of Civil War.


If it's a bug/oversight it should of been fixed long ago.


The biggest difference i've personally noticed is mercs death from above vs their mirrors mortar volley, death from above instantly fires rockets while you're half way through your cast time before you fire off a mortar as a commando.

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that was quite a self indulgent post of higher than thou thinking /yuck


learn what probabilty is .... the probabilty of every single one of the imbalances being favor towards empire and against republic is almost nil without human steering


the mathematical odds of that happening randomly are about like winning the lottery just so you might have a frame of reference




or just remember if there is smoke there is fire or as grandmas like to say if it smells like dog turds its prolly dog turds :p


You're right, the odds are slim, and it so happens that no one won the proverbial lottery here. I have a constant 50+ fps in warzones unless my internet acts up (rarely). Damage calculates as soon as the animation begins. I've seen rocks get thrown at my dead corpse for the final blow so many times it hurts. Quit grasping for imbalances that aren't there. I've seen no proof, and no ones presented any to date. The video's posted are vague, laggy frame by frame "LOOK AT THIS" fests.




Empire vs Republic is balanced, there is just a population difference and an attitude difference resulting from this--> every kid wants to be the cool looking rebellious bad guy who lords over people. Republics feel stepped on because they get zerged by said kids.




Want to complain about the population? Go ahead, that is legitimate. Nothing else listed here is. If you disagree, prove it to us.

Edited by MrXen
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MY LAST STRAW ... i had overlooked or excused or hoped a fix was coming for the list below

but i guess this is my hair that breaks the camels back !!!!



The turret problems favoring empire are ridiculous


screw this game yall have fun ... im walking away until summer ill look back in and see if they cared enough to balance the faction and hopefully management holds some DEVS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS BLANTANT ABUSE of POWER IN DESIGNING THE FACTION THEY WANTED TO PLAY to have all sorts of SUBTLE ADVANTAGES!!!!! the EVIDENCE IN ITS ENTIREITY is OVERWHELMING when looked at from a distance other than one at a time







so add it to the list of things that severely imbalance the so called "mirror" classes




any reasonable person that understands probability KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt there a far too many "oopies and overlooks " to be beniegn




have fun ill look in from time to time and see if they did anything about it

im going to take a break


if you are staying in this game and PvP you SHOULD DEMAND THE ABOVE BE FIXED and a REASON GIVEN as to way it was allowed in the first place and HOW SO MANY BETA TESTERS MISSED these GLARING ISSUES ... i guess they were just playing and not testing


I can understand where you're coming from, how the advantages can be annoying. How everything is painstakingly in favor for the Empire. But unfortunately, we have to overcome obstacles that are in our way. I personally have 1 level 50 on republic side, and 1 level 50 on Empire side. Ever since I've been playing, I've noticed that high advantage of Empire over republic in skills. This also includes how the Ilum PvP daily is also in favor of the Empire because they outnumber Republic by a lot. A lot of the people on my server that play Republic don't want to gather up an Ops team to try and overtake Ilum because when we try, the Imps just come swarming and outnumber us 5 to 1. Not exactly fair when you think about it.


On the other hand, I also look on the bright side to all of this. Yes, the Empire has instant casts that give them a HIGH upperhand, but playing an Empire character with nothing but instants is really boring. I prefer the skill animations that Republic get, it makes it all the more worth playing Republic to me. I love that on my scoundrel I kick people in the nuts, or flashily pull out my shotgun and blast them in the back. I don't care about the delays they give me, even though it can be quite annoying when you're in the middle of the skill and they get out of range to finish it. I also love the fact that my consular jumps into the air before expelling the people around her. Maybe it's just my own personal opinion, but all the animations make playing Republic side far more worth it. And on another note, any warzone I enter on my Republic toon, we usually win because we're far more coordinated due to the fact that the people that play Republic try to overcome these obstacles. Anytime that I play on my Empire toon, we constantly lose due to the fact that everyone loves to run around and do their own thing.


So as it is, Republic still has the upperhand when it comes to warzones and nice animations, though we are far behind when it comes to Ilum due to the shear swarm of Imps. Did it ever come to cross your mind that maybe the Devs made the Republic with flashy animations so they could play on a side that was more eye appealing to themselves? Or is it all about your selfishness that you just want to be like everyone else and complain. How about actually paying attention to what the game seriously offers, and enjoy the good parts about it, rather than sulk and cry about how the other side "has an advantage" when the Empire has a difficult time winning warzones as it is.

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4, Incorrect. It's instant and on the run for Sumggler.


9, Incorrect, same, unless Gunslinger and spc'ed into an even shorter cd.


11, Incorrect, Smuggler is instant.


you're right about 9 and 11, but I PvP with my 50 smuggler, when you use Dirty Kick, it stops you until your animation is over with.

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6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball



Having played both an Inquistor and Consular, the Inquisitor still needs to jump up, do a flip, land and then the force wave will hit. It is not instant as you claim.

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Want to complain about the population? Go ahead, that is legitimate. Nothing else listed here is. If you disagree, prove it to us.


Not sure how you can possible think the delays between activation and impact isnt a issue in pvp.


When compairing the BH to Trooper, Mortar Volley vs Death from Above. DfA the damage starts upon activation, circle pops up in the location its targeted and the damage starts at the same time. The Trooper on the other hand, the circle pops up upon activation then after a huge delay the damage starts. While they do the same damage the BH damage starts earlier, meaning you will be more likely to hit the target(s) before are able run out of it, where as the Trooper, you see the big circle and have plenty of time to move away before damage starts.

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4, Incorrect. It's instant and on the run for Sumggler.


9, Incorrect, same, unless Gunslinger and spc'ed into an even shorter cd.


11, Incorrect, Smuggler is instant.


4. Incorrect, Dirty kick stops you until the animation finishes

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Iv noticed these things aswell, most of it anyway, that republic is at handicap.


Let me know some abilities that are better for republic, funny that i cant think of even one!!


worst is that bg starts without being full close to full on each side, and since republic has alot less players guess who allways are at disadvantage..


its so late, servers are fooked, cuz how much easier it is to get bags on imperial.


yeah i got chars on both sides, its so unbalanced its not funny.


hoping for next mmo to be better

Edited by Khadorian
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Iv noticed these things aswell, most of it anyway, that republic is at handicap.


Let me know some abilities that are better for republic, funny that i cant think of even one!!


worst is that bg starts without being full close to full on each side, and since republic has alot less players guess who allways are at disadvantage..


its so late, servers are fooked, cuz how much easier it is to get bags on imperial.


yeah i got chars on both sides, its so unbalanced its not funny.


hoping for next mmo to be better


aslong as they keep copying wow pvp, they wont be

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Not sure how you can possible think the delays between activation and impact isnt a issue in pvp.


When compairing the BH to Trooper, Mortar Volley vs Death from Above. DfA the damage starts upon activation, circle pops up in the location its targeted and the damage starts at the same time. The Trooper on the other hand, the circle pops up upon activation then after a huge delay the damage starts. While they do the same damage the BH damage starts earlier, meaning you will be more likely to hit the target(s) before are able run out of it, where as the Trooper, you see the big circle and have plenty of time to move away before damage starts.


The trooper's damage is compressed into a smaller time frame though, is it not?


Plus you can start moving before the animation finishes (as soon as the third shot leaves your barrel) without losing any damage.

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So here we are at page 87. Has there been a dev comment yet?


Come on BioWare. Say SOMETHING. Anything.



Forget "say" something, its time for them to do something.


I have a valor 65 operative and started over on a smuggler. The delay differences are very obvious and put the smuggler at a disadvantage.


Do something soon?™

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I read a lot of these posts on these forums and all i see is the Republic whining and crying sith are overpowered. All i do is pvp on my server . valor 62 with mostly battlemaster gear. (50 mara). The reps on my server sometimes destroy us in wzs due to good organization. gear. tactics. oh. and premades of mass produced troopers and sages combos. sometime i quit out because its not winable due to the imbalances of trooper healers and sage healers. its quite rediculous. so really. you just must suck as players or you need to do what the reps do on my server and mass produce trooper and sages. quit crying because both sides need tweaking!.
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DfA the damage starts upon activation, circle pops up in the location its targeted and the damage starts at the same time.


Id like you to roll a trooper and put up a vid of this please or someone else.

You're either lagged or its changed since i played BH in the beta i remember going up then damage starting.

But this was beta so if you can prove it by all means put this up here, a vid of your mortar thingo too for comparison would also be nice

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The trooper's damage is compressed into a smaller time frame though, is it not?


Plus you can start moving before the animation finishes (as soon as the third shot leaves your barrel) without losing any damage.


Sorry, but trying to make the difference between those abilities sound like an advantage is even more ridiculous than saying project allows for higher burst because the damage comes later.


The damage is not compressed into a smaller time frame, the first grenade comes at roughly 1.5s into the cast time, the last one comes after the cast has finished.


In PvP the only thing that counts is getting damage in there asap. Standing there for 1.5s doing nothing, while everyone can see your mega big blue circle on the ground and can interrupt you, is a huge freaking deal.

Even when fighting some bosses that spawn adds in PvE it's a big deal.


I can simply not begin to count the situations where I would've gotten half a channel off in relatively close range after, for example, using neural surge on an enemy group, with it failing because of the damn delay.


Plus, "You can start moving before the animation finishes", of course you can damn well move once your channel has finished, just like the BH, except our damage comes way later.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Being on the Republic, its funny to hear the vendors inside of Civil War ask me "Want to destroy the Republic?" It might be the case in other warzones also. Doesn't affect gameplay but to me shows who the designers were thinking about when it was implemented. :confused:
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Being on the Republic, its funny to hear the vendors inside of Civil War ask me "Want to destroy the Republic?" It might be the case in other warzones also. Doesn't affect gameplay but to me shows who the designers were thinking about when it was implemented. :confused:


Yeah it cracks me up every time I hit the vendors in voidstar "Off to destroy the republic?"


I agree it all these little things that are making it harder and harder to believe it wasn't intentional.


Here is one I haven't seen mentioned before... In the civil war the imperial ship is about half the size of the republic. I haven't actually sat down to see if it is indeed a shorter run to the speeders yet as if it is I think it would be the last straw and someone needs to be fired.

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Here is one I haven't seen mentioned before... In the civil war the imperial ship is about half the size of the republic. I haven't actually sat down to see if it is indeed a shorter run to the speeders yet as if it is I think it would be the last straw and someone needs to be fired.


It isn't shorter, I've played both sides and it's about the same.


One thing I did notice on my server, however, was that Imperials generally all seem to know roughly where the speeder spawns so tend to stack up and spam right click with the RP talky bit is going on, meaning they hit it more or less as it stacks.


It's more common to see republics file through in dribs and drabs rather than a blob of people who all clicked at around the same time.


Of course not all Imps know where it spawns to that degree and not all Pubs take an age to click it, but as a general trend it's what I've noticed. Of couse you can help by telling people in Ops chat to stand where you are if you know where it comes in. I like to find something in the background (so camera is pointing in toward the ship) to use as a landmark to find the exact right spot each time.


On a slightly unrelated note, I've been looking for this apparent issue with the guns pointing toward the Republic ship and I don't see it - they look like they're facing sideways before they've been capped to me. It's also not uncommon on my server for the far left and right flags to be capped at the same time - the "turret" icon flashes the same amount of time and then they both go solid green/red at the same time too.


I'm not convinced, personally (and, as I say, I have characters on both sides, although my 50 is Empire). What is it that I'm missing? Of course, there's also the fact that the animation actually makes very little difference to the game's internal counting mechanics, which is all the ships' HP bars really are. I'm fairly sure that if it somehow glitched out and one gun was permenantly firing at Empire's ship even if they took the flag back, it'd still show health depleting from the Republic side because the scoreboard is just a timer that counts backward, the ships don't actually have an HP bar as such.


So yeah, what's the deal? What am I missing? On my server I've not seen any problem one way or the other :confused:

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