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I fail to understand......


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If it was poor coding and a bad engine it would effect everyone regardless of specs.... Which it doesn't.


I have no issues on my i5 and GTX570.


I do get some slowdown on the imperial fleet from time to time, but just like the early days of WoW this happens in the heavily populated areas (The lag in places like IF in the early days of WoW ring a bell?), but just like WoW the imperial fleet lag can be fixed.


Exactly. And even if it's true and there's nothing fruity can do about it, there is still no harm in getting more eyes looking to see if there is anything he can do to mitigate some of the issues. But you can't help someone who only wants attention and sympathy rather than actual help.

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My girlfriend plays WoW behind me all the time, and I have to say that it looks pretty damn nice with everything turned up. It's clear that there are less polys, and the engine is showing its age - but the textures, for example, are top notch and far more crisp than anything SWTOR can put out, both in the world and on players. And it's very fluid in large environments with a lot of stuff on screen. She gets my handidowns hardware-wise, so I know I have a better machine.


SWTOR, on the other hand, is clearly more graphically rich - but texture work is decidedly bleh which really undermines the whole presentation. Lack of distance-draw options also detracts from things.


It's true that Blizzard had a lot of time to optimize, but it's also 2012 and expectations are higher. WoW looks decent for a very old game, while SWTOR looks a bit meh for a brand new one. Love the art direction though (except for end game gear).

Edited by eskachig
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Wow graphics are horrible. Really.


Its a 2004 game with 1998 visuals.


ToR doesn't have the best visuals on the block (by a long shot), but they are leaps and bounds better than WoW's.


Ok listen.


I started WoW on day one - waited in line in fact at midnight release. I was a huge fan of Blizzard Entertainment since I was a kid.


I have come to hate that game, hate it's community, and hate Blizzard Entertainment. I believe they ruined a good thing, a great thing, just to cater to lazy impatient scum to make the quick bucks. They wasted my time, wasted my money, and I'd see whoever decided to make that game a homogenized welfare state burn if I could.


But the graphics are not horrible, and TOR's aren't that much better considering the time difference between their releases.


Let's stop with the unfair demonization of other games, and the unfair ignoring of issues with this one, shall we?

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How a game made in 2004 that runs on a dual core processor, 2gb of ram, and an ati 3850, looks better with all max settings than a game just released late 2011. Now don't get me wrong I love SWTOR, but how this game can require a quad core processor, 4gb of ram, and a 4850 is beyond me. If Blizzard can make a game run and look good on such low hardware, then with TOR"S requirements we should be getting better results and performance then we currently have.


You fail to understand a lot more than that.

Edited by Vendril
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The problem with TOR is textures. They are absolutely horrid for a 2011 game. Especially a game with a 300mill budget. Bioware should be ashamed. And graphics during cutscenes do NOT quality as ingame graphics. Edited by Merex
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OP: how do you not understand what you yourself just wrote?


Of COURSE WoW is going to run PERFECTLY on an old system.....the game is 7 (SEVEN) *********** years old.


If you have a computer that is 7 years old, it will run it. If you have a computer that is 3 seconds old, it will run it.


Now for SWTOR, if you try and run it on something within the past 4 years (yes I've tried it on my 4 year old MacBookPro w/ 128MB, yes 128MB of gfx ram, and it works FINE on low; 30-40fps), it will be ok, barring any ****ups or bugs.


Did they screw the pooch with regards to maximizing the potential userbase? Sure. It would be GREAT if the engine was more optimized and capable of being run on systems from when WoW launched...but it's not going to happen. You should be lucky if you can even get it to run on anything over 3 years old.

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You're saying that this:




looks better than this:








Please leave.


Wow, you're a blatant troll. As someone who played WoW today, that's not what WoW looks like at all. Looks like an alpha picture on lowest settings.



WoW on ULTRA is better than SW:TOR on MAX settings.

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Wow, you're a blatant troll. As someone who played WoW today, that's not what WoW looks like at all. Looks like an alpha picture on lowest settings.



WoW on ULTRA is better than SW:TOR on MAX settings.


Also max setting in TOR is Medium, because hurrr durr bioware no make good grafix.


The fact is WoW>ToR in the graphics department.

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Let's not forget wow is a TRUE open world rpg and besides instances and very limited phasing, the whole game is seamless. Tor on the other hand looks maybe "slightly" better while running basically entire phased zones with very limited landmass.


Basically TOR's engine is garbage.

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Let's not forget wow is a TRUE open world rpg and besides instances and very limited phasing, the whole game is seamless. Tor on the other hand looks maybe "slightly" better while running basically entire phased zones with very limited landmass.


Basically TOR's engine is garbage.


What nonsense.


All the worlds in TOR is a much larger land mass the WoW.


What the heck did you expect? Please running seemlessly from world to world?

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Yup looks great, not sure how people are even attempting to make a comparison to that other dated 'game'.


Not sure if you've been there, but the opening of Maelstrom Prison with the shot of the sun is possibly one of the most iconic shots i've ever seen in a game, awesome!

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These screenshots were taken moments ago, both on the same machine, both games on Ultra.


Swtor scenery shot:



Swtor up close character shot:



WoW scenery shot:



WoW up close character shot:



What do I think? I think both games look good. Both are cartoony, but ultimately I prefer the style and bright colors of WoW, I find the style more charming and interesting. Everyone will have their own opinion, but I am sure Swtor will improve once a lot of the texture problems get taken care of.


Edit: I tabbed back in WoW after making this post, and something magical was happening. One of the many things that I beleive gives WoW more immersion than Swtor. WEATHER!!! Turned rainy and foggy all of a sudden. It's little things like this Swtor is missing.



Edited by escalantevincent
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Edit: I tabbed back in WoW after making this post, and something magical was happening. One of the many things that I beleive gives WoW more immersion than Swtor. WEATHER!!! Turned rainy and foggy all of a sudden. It's little things like this Swtor is missing.




OMG i forgot about the weather....I loved the weather in wow.

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These screenshots were taken moments ago, both on the same machine, both games on Ultra.


Swtor scenery shot:



Swtor up close character shot:



WoW scenery shot:



WoW up close character shot:



What do I think? I think both games look good. Both are cartoony, but ultimately I prefer the style and bright colors of WoW, I find the style more charming and interesting. Everyone will have their own opinion, but I am sure Swtor will improve once a lot of the texture problems get taken care of.


Edit: I tabbed back in WoW after making this post, and something magical was happening. One of the many things that I beleive gives WoW more immersion than Swtor. WEATHER!!! Turned rainy and foggy all of a sudden. It's little things like this Swtor is missing.






Oh and look at the up close textures of SWTOR THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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