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Social Points are too difficult to get

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It's because u two did the quest "conversations" together.


Stupid Social points are only given during quest conversations... which is dumb.



Why is that on the first page? I ran tython and coruscant and was already over rank 2 with a partner.
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Currently hard modes give NO alignment or social points. They pop up on the screen like normal, but you never get them. Annoying as hell since at this point my alt will have more social points than my main when I'm running at least 3 hard mode dungeons a day.


They do grant the social points, the point of collection or awarding of the points is granted upon completion of the quest of the zone. If you just leave after the last boss and don't complete the quest you won't get them.


Point in case would be BT/Esselles, If you leave after the last boss and don't go to the computer in BT and then back to the bridge up to the point where you select to return to the fleet or head to Drummond Kaas then you don't get the Alignment points or the Social points you gained.

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Nope, social are NOT saved and NOT given, if group did not turn in quests together.

This is for HM FP.


There are hardly any conversation options when doing planet H2 or H4 quests.

Even if I group up with others and finish 300 million H2/H4 quests and super social, I dont get any social points if I talked to the quest giver ALONE.


Why do we ALL have to go all the way back to the quest giver to turn the quest in together when we all have separate quests to do.


Dumb design.



That is not how it works. If you were in group for conversations, the social points you get are saved. Even if the group breaks up for turn in, you get awarded the social points when you do so. Please find out how stuff works before whining.
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They do grant the social points, the point of collection or awarding of the points is granted upon completion of the quest of the zone. If you just leave after the last boss and don't complete the quest you won't get them.


Point in case would be BT/Esselles, If you leave after the last boss and don't go to the computer in BT and then back to the bridge up to the point where you select to return to the fleet or head to Drummond Kaas then you don't get the Alignment points or the Social points you gained.

This is true for normal modes and completely false for hard modes. The post was referring to hard modes.


I'll give you a real case in point. You start the hard mode quest. It progresses as normal. You kill the final boss in BT. A quest automatically completes to give you your heroic level commendations. You continue with the remainder of the BT quest. You select return to fleet and boom! The quest is done. No rewards are given. Ask anyone that runs any hard modes in this game. It works for regular FPs. It doesn't work for hard modes.

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You win more rolls, you get more points. Luck.

The real question is what do you really need it for? Afaik you have 5 items that need social rank higher than a certain value and they are crap for anything other than RP, and even then it's a matter of taste.


Social points = pointless.

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It is a possibility that your social points are bugged. Its a known issue with some players, including myself. I'm level 50, still social rank 1 and have been stuck at 480 points for a very long time. However, somehow I gained 7 points the other day in an fp. I run about 2 hard modes a day, my social points never move. You may want to see if youre in the same boat.


^ This. A month later, numerous petitions and support tickets + even added my character details to that Social Bar Stuck thread in Customer Service and still no fix.


There is no reason for me to do runs at all given the fact the loot is useless (in Battlemaster gear) and my social bar is stuck.


Way to go, BW. Way to go...



Social points = pointless.

Although Doc and Lord Scourge are in full Centurion/Champion gear at least the social tiers allow for me to outfit Kira + aim for that Galactic Party Bomb and stuff like that. What else is there to do at level 50? I'm already Battlemaster, have maxed out several crew skills, companion affiliation and I even completed my speeder collection the other day, lol.

Edited by darthtoph
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just hit social 3 yesterday. While yeah HMs points seem bugged atm, they are not completely useless. I bought a cool Imperial Pilot helmet and the full set of Tusken Raider gear from social 3. Best way to get it, group with a buddy, and chain run Black Talon or the Rep one. I was getting between 88-109 points per run (that actually counted). And at level 50 it takes what..20 min tops?
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  • 2 weeks later...
/rez thread I just leveled my alt character from level 1 to 50 with a friend. We grouped for everything, start to finish, and only did quests once. Reached social level 5.4. Certainly only grouping with my friend and no other players for most things isn't very social but ya, an abundance of social points is hard to come by
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/rez thread I just leveled my alt character from level 1 to 50 with a friend. We grouped for everything, start to finish, and only did quests once. Reached social level 5.4. Certainly only grouping with my friend and no other players for most things isn't very social but ya, an abundance of social points is hard to come by
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I really hope they DO NOT CHANGE IT


I grouped with 3 other people all the way to 50. Every quest, every flash point, everything.


I'm almost Social 6...


I love my Party Time title. I love my Party Instigator.


I love the fact that 98% of my server does NOT have them.


Please don't change this. Keep social points difficult to get.

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My lvl 15 alt has way more then my lvl 50 main. Normal mode BT gives a horde, doing Hard Mode BT gives like 4. I suspect its somehow still considered a low level quest as far as the Social Award is concerned, so that's why very few are given.
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there's no reason why hard modes instances should give 0/4/8 per run, especially Black Talon/Esseles with 20-25 conversation options


they're hard to get, but at this point it's going to be impossible to hit Social X doing anything other than spam-running regular BT for 5 hours a day

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I agree with the people saying Ops should give social points,

I mean whats more social then downing a boss with a group of players!


I'd be happy to see a change in daily and weekly quests for HM's and Ops!

Let those give social points as a reward with the commendations, problem fixed...

Say +100 for dailies, +500 for weekly? Seems fair imo.


I hope Bioware reads this :p

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Group for regular quest content with a friend. It's easy.


This is actually what my boyfriend and I are doing with our alts - doing all quests (including turn-ins) together, where Social points will be a bonus. It'll hopefully let me purchase the Ulgo Noble set by the time we reach Alderaan (as it only requires Social 3), since this is the look I want for my character.


I agree that Operations should grant social points.

Edited by Aerithel
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Good its about time something required people to actually work to get, games are becoming too easy and handing people everything on a silver platter


"Work" is one thing and fine but "working your butt off" is a whole other thing. It's a game not a job.

Edited by ZedFighter
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DO not agree.


I like my 'Party Time' title and my [Party Instigator] to be rare.


I don't want to see other people running around with the Party Time title unless they've spent significant amount of time.. in a party :p


I levelled 1-50 with 3 friends and I'm social VI, so it's obviously not broken..

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DO not agree.


I like my 'Party Time' title and my [Party Instigator] to be rare.


I don't want to see other people running around with the Party Time title unless they've spent significant amount of time.. in a party :p


I levelled 1-50 with 3 friends and I'm social VI, so it's obviously not broken..


It is broke, you do not get any social points from HM's

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