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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I just got around to reading this thread and I must say I'm very disappointed. BW are liers just face it they were looking for a quick come up they made hundreds of millions in less than a month now the truth comes out and its too late. Fanboys are pissed because they know most players won't stay because of the crappy mmo bw put together and unwilling to fix. The average player base is pissed because BW fed us months of bs just realize it was all smoke and mirrors


I think probably the worst part about this whole thing is the brain-dead Bioware fans that are telling people to pretty much "deal with it" and making up half-assed excuses for Bioware.


I'm sure as hell not going down with this sinking ship. It's a shame this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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People have been talking about Rift and I just went there and the graphics look pretty amazing.... How is that game? Is it constrained like this one? or more open world? Might check it out while they fix things here...


- Teak421


Linear, but feels much more open imho. Population has taken a hit because of TOR, but after today we will see lol.

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I bought this game based on what i saw in the beta. If i can't have that, you can't have my money.


I never thought i'd say this, but if WoW can show detailed arms and armor on lots of people then don't come and tell me that "it can't be done" because, obviously, they're doing it.


I'm not going back to WoW but neither am i staying here. I don't wan't to look at something resembling a pile of mud, only to be told that's my character in his new gear.


unsubbing now.



So, i hear good things about Rift?

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I played LOTRO with hi rez textures and their game ran fine.


Why does a game that is heavily sharded and instanced launching in December of 2011 incapable of this feature? Someone is incompetent, whether it was the person picking the game engine or the programmers.


In the beginning I had heard the hi rez textures were bugged. Now I find out the hi rez is not bugged but it was a design decision. Why was a decision by marketing not made to advertise the game with low resolution? Because showing the game with hi rez makes it look better than it is....and there in lies the deception.


So if there is no hi rez and medium setting was a bug, the game can only be played with low rez textures?


Now I am starting to worry about other promises, like what about appearance tabs?

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Im enjoying the game too much to quit over this like some others, but this really is total BS. I expected so much more from bioware and tried to get all my friends into this game, hard to defend the game when ppl say "graphics are garbage" when they really are..at least on the characters and that matters alot considering your looking at them all day long. Shadows are total crap too, really bioware its 2012 get your **** together.
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High res textures in conversations? Yet those are still bugged especially my imp agent pulling out his rifle, only to have nothing in his hands as if stroking an imaginary horse "instrument"


Textures have nothing to do with animations. However, I've had that same issue, and while quite hilarious, I'd imagine is going to be fixed. :)

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Some excellent suggestions here - and all things that the development team are actively looking at. There's no guarantee they'll all happen, but they're options on the table, as I understand it.


To reiterate, we're looking at ways to improve the visual quality of the game in non-cinematic gameplay as best we can. We understand people's concerns and desires and we'll continue to address them wherever possible.



Any way we could have the High textures for Ourselvs/Companions and party members?

90% of the time everything else is going to be too far away for a noticable differance.

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I still prefer to decide myself If my client runs high textures well or not.

And If I need to tune other things down, I rather tune other things down, then textures!


PS: I got a very recent pretty high end new rig and at this moment, I can even start up lotro with dx11 and this game, both on full detail and still play well.

So, stop deciding for me, what my desktop can handle or not.

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This whole issue and how BW has handled it is very disturbing.


I love this game.......honestly could care less about the quality of textures because I am enjoying the game, story very much.......BUT.......I do care about the company/business I am giving money too. I don't care if there are bugs and issues they are working on.......BUT...I do care when I am being fed utter BS and lies.


This goes beyond bugs or quality of texture ...there is principle here and I for one have just gone from being a long time Bioware 'lover'/'supporter' to seriously questioning ever supporting them again in a matter of minutes.


I do not think I have ever witnessed this level of customer contempt and dishonesty by a game company ...and I would wager I have been playing PC/Video games for longer than most people playing SWTOR have been alive.


Such a let down.

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While I understand the reasoning for this, I still have to question why not give the end user the choice to use them or not? If performance is poor then dont use it, if your rig can handle it then use them. The choice should be ours to use them.


But this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to user controlled settings. Why isnt there more detailed graphics settings in the game to begin with. Why cant I have an option to improve the ground clutter draw in? Why cant I have an option to improve draw distance?


Yes, AA is on the test server finally, but why the hold up?


I just think there is alot more to all of this that BioWare wants to admit. Could be the engine itself or is BioWare afraid of a backlash if too many people complain about peformance with high-res textures?


I think the game as it stands today needs some performance tweaks as it is and perhaps they are struggling just to get the game even with medium res textures to run properly as it is.


Regardless, to me this just is another "X" against the game and there are already alot of issues to begin with. I do love the game and have invested heavily into it with accessories (the Razer mouse), bought 2 CE copies for friends etc....and I do hope that alot of issues are sorted out very quickly.

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I bought this game based on what i saw in the beta. If i can't have that, you can't have my money.


I never thought i'd say this, but if WoW can show detailed arms and armor on lots of people then don't come and tell me that "it can't be done" because, obviously, they're doing it.


I'm not going back to WoW but neither am i staying here. I don't wan't to look at something resembling a pile of mud, only to be told that's my character in his new gear.


unsubbing now.



So, i hear good things about Rift?


Its an awesome game . but its pretty shallow at end game it needs way more guild features and social things to do. but if you compare it to this Pffffft they are completely two different games. this is an expierence good or bad through the lvling process. rift is hit 50 gear tier and raid. sadly it hink rifts endgame is better by a long haul.

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Did you look at your ini fle lately ?



// Making any changes to this document will result in the corruption of //

// your install and will require the use of the repair utility. //











So you understand that your not supposed to edit this file. and that

Anti aliasing = 4

adding that to your current ini does absloutely nothing to your ingame settings as everything else that works in conjunction with AA is not present. you realize the option was removed because AA does not work for some systems period even if you force it?

You understand that the reason this is happening is because they are trying to retrofit their hero engine that has not seen an update since 2007. Look it is what it is the cut features to make a release . Lets get honest now and give the community a straight answer of we are working on it we realise the graphics are not matching the marketed screens. We will have this fixed in X amount of time. dont defend the non defensible.


wrong .ini, the one in your appdata folder CAN be edited with "antialiasinglevel = 8"

or better yet just force it with your gfx program.

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if they want to make it more accessible for the big picture that's fine.


but they could have just added a "use cinematic models/textures" option in the options menu that warns u that the mode is extremely demanding of even the highest end pc, or alternatively allow a ini tweak to force the use of cinematic model's/texture's.


but this isn't new, the same method was used in the original KOTOR, the revan model used in the in-game rendered movies were higher quality then the one's used in the regular game because at the time pc's could not handle the HQ model well.


it later got ripped out and modded back in as the normal model so a strangely shortsighted decision was made regarding the textures.


if high end pc's had problems rendering the max res textures, don't remove or hide the option, put it behind a warning or make it useable via a ini tweak.


that way only people are informed of the issue or only people with enough knowledge will enable the feature and these people will also understand and accept it if there rig can't handle the max res textures.


it's nice that they are trying to fix this for the masses which will be difficult but as it was in the game at a earlier stage it should be easily restorable for the ini tweaking/game modding people who don't need a easy fix to get max resolution textures back.

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We are brothers in bad textures!




Come comrade, let us tell stories together!


Haha, maybe they lifted those textures in your SS from a Stormtrooper of the original N64 "Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire" game - if anyone knows that. :cool:


Should've rather borrowed the death screams when they fall off the edges.


Oh and *had, embarrassing typo! :o

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This is a legitimate complaint. It happens all the time in the games industry, so I don't expect it to change anytime soon, but it's more sleight of hand than not. Game screenshots are often shown under the pretense of "not the final product", and it's spun in a way that makes people think "oh this is going to get better!" In fact, the road works both ways. That's advertising in general though -- photo-shopped beauty models, doctored food advertisements (have you seen a McDonald's commercial?! They're the worst!) Game companies succumb to the same desire to have their product look the best when it's being used for advertising. Sad, but unfortunately true.


Aside from prerendered videos, I've never seen a visual bait-and-switch this drastic.

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Rift was an anomoly of a devoplment team. their whole devolpment cycle was an open book. Hartsman frquently came on fan site podcasts himself and explained things in laymens terms. He also was very very honest about what his game was and what it would never be. kudos to trion they were top notch in the devolpment process and top notch in their post launch update cycles.


AOC, for all its faults, has a pretty good "developer" presence on its forums too. Sillirrion (the Game Director for AOC) is regularly appearing on the forums and answering questions.


Of course, right now Bioware aren't that bothered because the income looks good. So we get the odd "good" post from the likes of GZ (whilst the majority of his posts seem to be nothing more than flippant excuses as to why the game is the way it is). As for other devs, not much from anyone else aside from Mr Reid who, not offense, is just a messenger.


Let's see what happens in 6 months time....maybe then Bioware will begin to actually ACT on customer feedback, rather than just finding reasons NOT to act.

Edited by Tarka
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Honestly, this is really disappointing. The official explanation comes off like this is the first mmo and we haven't seen higher graphical fidelity in titles that came out years ago.


Can we at least get the high-quality textures on our own ships??

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My brother and I have both decided to cancel our subscriptions. I am contemplating contacting Visa to deny both game charges to my credit card. I do not think I will--at this time--purchase any other Bioware game in the near future.


We have two friends who also play, who are both considering quitting. My girlfriend was also going to join us but has since changed her mind.

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