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10 Good
  1. No, canceled today. I got an email asking for feedback the other night, gave it, and realized that there are just too many negatives on my list at this time. Hopefully that will change in the future.
  2. I'd like to see more options. Add a faster travel option for people who want to use it and people who want to /walk and use the current system are more than welcome. It's not like you see anyone else when you're traveling so I don't really see why people would be against this unless they just want to be contrary. I know- this system is relatively painless compared to other titles (FFXI, EQ2 at launch; I've been there) but we can do better.
  3. So people who don't even play are reading posts so they can feel better about themselves? Ok...
  4. Good constructive criticism and I agree. Khem Val and the bigger companions seem to be especially bad. Another suggestion is to allow an option to click through the companions as if they're not there. Kind of like you can click through a chat window or what-not to select something.
  5. Haha, it didn't strike me as a bug and I enjoy the view so it's all good
  6. I want to give them a chance to redeem themselves and parts of the game I'm having fun with but I did change from a 3 month sub to a monthly. I'll see where we're at next month.
  7. I'll agree with this however they didn't charge a subscription for over a year for that mess.
  8. Look at your .ini and how the settings affect it. Off AA=0 Low AA=0 High AA=1 The people saying the high AA setting looks like garbage aren't crazy. Must be another bug.
  9. Actually they patched it in beta 5. Ooops!
  10. DCUO and Rift both had to patch this lovely feature as well. It just takes a few bored griefers to ruin your night.
  11. Honestly, this is really disappointing. The official explanation comes off like this is the first mmo and we haven't seen higher graphical fidelity in titles that came out years ago. Can we at least get the high-quality textures on our own ships??
  12. If this is true all I want to hear is, "Sorry folks, this system didn't work out and here's the date that it will be fixed/disabled..." This Big Brother stuff with removing options instead of fixing them is a really poor response that needs to stop now.
  13. Not a fanboy at all but definitely more of a fan the more I play. I was pretty skeptical of the game and nearly gave it a pass. I'm really glad I didn't. Once I stopped trying to rush through every quest like I've been playing for years and just relaxed I was like, "Oh! Now I get it!" Enjoying the story a ton now, the world has that big unknown feeling, and I can't for the life of me decide between my sage or scoundrel. I can't wait to see where Bioware goes with this.
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