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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Truth About MMO's: SWTOR > WoW


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Why do people concern themselves with what game is better? Both Blizzard and BioWare have made amazing games, what is the point in comparing one MMO to another when your having fun playing the game, that's really the whole point to a video game is it not?


I don't understand this obsession either. Why are people so desperate to try and prove WoW is failing. All this hate towards a game is unhealthy. I fully agree with you both are amazing games in their own right. Surely there is room for both to co-exist without all this negativity towards WoW.

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I don't understand this obsession either. Why are people so desperate to try and prove WoW is failing. All this hate towards a game is unhealthy. I fully agree with you both are amazing games in their own right. Surely there is room for both to co-exist without all this negativity towards WoW.


Its like the whole BF vs CoD or xbox vs play station crap. Why can't we just play both?

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Sorry I dont understand what do you mean?


The article used information from vgcharts to support its theory that wow is lying about its sub numbers, however on vgcharts it says tor sold 305k copies. Which is obviously wrong. The rest of the metrics used don't even cite a source that gives the data used in the post

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Of course, this has nothing to do with the Christmas and New Year's holidays being over and people actually having to work in the weeks.


Naah, nothing to do with it at all.








simple fact 25% less people logging in since go live and the free time has not even run out yet.... Expect a large drop off as well once the 21st comes...


What these graphs say (even taking into account seasonal adjustment the trend continued downward over the xmas period) is the trend is straight down and thats still in the free play period...


This means that after the initial 2 million bought 500k are no longer logging in


The game is unfortunately tanking...

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SWTOR doesn't compare to WoW outside of 'levelling' and 'number of cinematics' so the comparison is dumb. WoW is, and always has been, about end game competitiveness. SWTOR has no end game, at least no end game that is worthwhile. There's just no way SWTOR will ever match WoW in terms of end game mechanics and accessibility, and when 4.3.2 comes out with the cross-realm battle.net raiding, I expect a lot of subscriptions to be renewed.


I would bet against that. At some point people can no longer play a sub par experience when compared to the newer stuff on the market. While SWTOR has a lot of things in common with WoW and quite a few things are missing because the game is young, there ae a couple simple factors that will keep people from going back to WoW:


1) Graphics

2) Voice-Acting

3) Incredible Role-playing experience.


I'm not gonna say SWTOR is more polished cuz its not yet. but theres a reason why a vast majority of people aren't playing older games even though those games are built better. SWTOR is the next gen MMO and I don't believe enough casuals will go back to WoW considering how much SWTOR trumps WoW with those 3 factors.

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I never said it had to beat WoW. I'm saying it will surpass WoW in popularity in the only markets that really matter.


Silly me, and here I thought the only markets that mattered were the ones where you earned money.


Appearently asian people aren't real people and is not using real money, which I'm sure all the companies trying to break -into- the asian markets will be surprised to hear.

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I would bet against that. At some point people can no longer play a sub par experience when compared to the newer stuff on the market. While SWTOR has a lot of things in common with WoW and quite a few things are missing because the game is young, there ae a couple simple factors that will keep people from going back to WoW:


1) Graphics

2) Voice-Acting

3) Incredible Role-playing experience.


I'm not gonna say SWTOR is more polished cuz its not yet. but theres a reason why a vast majority of people aren't playing older games even though those games are built better. SWTOR is the next gen MMO and I don't believe enough casuals will go back to WoW considering how much SWTOR trumps WoW with those 3 factors.


Better graphics, yes, more interesting design and use of the said graphics, no. WoW has style, TOR has surface, style will almost always draw more people.


Eventually you do get tired of being told the same thing, it's like visiting someone and they always repeat the same story and being shown is still a better storytelling method over being told. WoW is better at showing than TOR is, in it's designs, in the world and when it wants to affect you emotionally (No little Pamela Redpath, I'm not crying, I'm just sweathing trough my eyes).


In a roleplay you have free choice, you have a GM (poor bastard) who has to adapt to what you as players do, even when you mess up his carefully planned adventure. There's no such thing in TOR, if you do something that would mess up the story, someone comes in a picks up the pieces so you do what the game wants you to do anyway.

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Of course, this has nothing to do with the Christmas and New Year's holidays being over and people actually having to work in the weeks.


Naah, nothing to do with it at all.




Check the trend and actually read the graphs the trend started literally from day 5 so WHILST THE HOLIDAYS WERE STILL GOING ON


I take your sarcasm and turn it into factual staments! ;oP

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I don't think Swtor has more subscribers than WOW, Nor will it for the 2+ years.


Consumers like stability, and they get a stable overall satisfactory Gameplay experience with WoW. Swtor needs works before it can be proven to compete with WOW.

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I don't get it... Do you folks have personal stock in these companies? I'm no WOW fan, tried it 3 times over the course of it's life at friends urging, and could never get into it. Yet they're obviously doing something right to still be around after so long. I'm loving SWTOR. Seems to be a completely different game catering to a completely different player base. So why does everyone feel the need to constantly explain how one is going to kill the other, or one is better than the other, etc... It just seems to me that both can exist and those who like WOW can play WOW, those who like SWTOR can play SWTOR. Just because they're both MMO's doesn't make them the same genre.
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Oh right, I forgot, Asians don't count ... they're not people anyways.


You misunderstand. As far as WE are concerned asian numbers don't matter. They will never affect OUR servers.


Therefore the US and Europe market are the only ones that really matter to we the players.

Edited by Thamelas
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Here's a fact. A lot of people are throwing around statements how this game will never be as big as WoW. Well I've got some bad news for you. It its almost already equal. That's right!


The fact is that Blizzard is bleeding subs like a sieve. Also add in the fact that the majority of Blizzard's player numbers are from Asia. Also add to this that Blizzard inflates their numbers with creative accounting. Even during the days of its highest popularity, it only had maybe 2 to 4 million US subs, and MAYBE the same in Europe.


So with that said, given WoW's decline, I am willing to bet that SWTOR, as of right now, is on track to meet and surpass WoW in US and European subscribers.


Reference: http://daeity.blogspot.com/2010/08/blizzards-active-subscription-numbers.html


A list of games in which people claimed the same thing.


1. Everquest 2

2. Star Trek Online

3. Warhammer Online

4. Aion

5. Age of Conan : Publisher actually claimed that they acomplished this at one point right prior to laying off half their staff and going free to play.

6. Rift

7. Lord of the Rings.

8. Dungeons and Dragons Online



Just to name a few. None of them came even close, some of them had better numbers on launch than SWOTR has today (like Age of Conan for example).


Its wishful thinking and certainly I'm rooting for them as I have for many others but the FACT is that World of Warcraft is the most popular Entertainment in the world (not even talking game here... including all forms of entertainment in the world). It is a phenomenon, god knows why, but it is.

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sorry, but no. Everyone is still on the free 30 days, a lot are playing both right now, and if the crippling ability delay/general unresponsiveness of the combat system isnt corrected, it will lose the hardcore pve and pvp players. People throw out the, but it just launched or wow didnt have so and so on launch either, excuses all the time, and the fact is wow is what? 6 years old now? tor has all of that work to build from, not having proper pvp matchmaking, bracketed pvp, or a combat system that works 100% of the time is a pretty big fail


Add to that the fact that the game came out on the tail end of 2011 and has no high res textures, no AA, and poor performance on a range of high end hardware.


I want this game to succeed, and it likely will financially just from the star wars nerdbase and casual/RP crowds, but i want it to succeed across the board. Sadly, I fear that it will not.

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Here's a fact. A lot of people are throwing around statements how this game will never be as big as WoW. Well I've got some bad news for you. It its almost already equal. That's right!


9 mil vs 1 mil.


Nope, not seeing it.

Keep pretending.

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I never said it had to beat WoW. I'm saying it will surpass WoW in popularity in the only markets that really matter.
I don't have a crystal ball, so who knows, you may be right. The thing is though, If it were me I'd be doing my homework a bit better and not relying solely on a blog where, if one really reads, the person is asking the reader to make some big leaps of faith to believe how the blogger is manipulating the numbers.


That and it would be wise not to forget that this has all been seen a number of times since WoW became the 800 lb gorilla it is. Just about every AAA (or wanted to be AAA) title released in the last few years has had really good initial sales, but once the people came to play, and saw unfinished games lacking in the popular features today's mmo gamer wants in the mmo they play, the subscription numbers plummeted after the first month.

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i already knew this, wow peaked (key word peaked) at 4.5 million us AND eu subs COMBINED! the 14mil + is all asia which this game does not have a market for at all, so minus 11+ million from wow subs to compare it to this game.


plus casuals and girls LOVE this game, wow has no hope! even pandas and pokemon cannot save it in us/eu markets!


if this game releases in asian? then GG! i could easily see 20mil+ asian subs alone!

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Actually Russia is blizzards biggest market currently.


Also I have a really hard time believing this game is pulling hardly any subs from WOW.


I haven't played WOW in a long time but I know any WOW player must log onto SWTOR and wonder why the buttons are so smooshy.


I'll sub to Swtor for 1 extra month but you're fooling yourself if you think a game with this much lack of polish is going to pull subs from a solid game like WOW.

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You do realize the max amount of people SWTORs servers can handle are 4500, and the max WoWs can handle are 20,000 right?


Just think about that for one second. SWTOR averaged 350,000k concurrent members on a weekend prime time, WoW has over 1.5 million on a weekday non-prime time.


The dip in subs is because WoW is getting ready to launch another expansion so there is less content to do

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