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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

MAXIMUM PC Rates SWTOR 7 out of 10


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It was a good review.


I have played both Mass Effect games, and Baldurs Gate and liked it alot.

(Did not like Dragon Age to linar for new rpg, and did not even buy Dragon Age 2)


I have canceled my sub for swtor.


To much waiting for flash points, hard to find group

No real faction vs faction war over planets, i want star WAR!

Game lack depth


I might come back, and I hope you like it.

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This is the kind of review that gamers deserve.


It's fair, touches all the right points and places to inform players of the experience, and leaves the verdict all but open at the end to give the game room to improve.


A total fair shake.

Edited by Dezzi
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Maximum PC would be one of the last places I would ever look for a review, but I'll go ahead and point out the various flaws that they expressed.


1) Complaining about "sprawling worlds" is a bit of a moot point when your playing an MMO. Seriously. If the worlds were smaller they would complain that they are too small.


2) Having to run for awhile used to be the norm years ago in WoW. I remember the original grind to 40 before I picked up my first mount. I did a lot of running and it was quite the grind, but I enjoyed it. It felt like a real accomplishment. This guy wants his first speeder at level 10. QQ.


3) Other MMO's that don't have a LFG or LFR option do just fine. WoW only recently introduced those options, then people cried about the long que times. Although those tools do have some positive effects, they also have their shortages. I haven't had any trouble finding a group for anything I wanted to do, and one big way to help yourself out with that is get yourself involved in a guild.


4) His complaints on things such as UI changes, Legacy, etc. were stated as works in progress before the game launched. These things will continue to be changed, worked on, fixed, etc. Take a chill pill.


MMO reviews, especially launch reviews, are always tough to believe. MMO's in general change over time, and TOR will be no exception. Although I give Maximum PC a 0 / 10 in review skills, they are still entitled to their opinion.

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You know.. Back in the day you had to be lvl 25 to get your first mount in WOW.. WOW has no sprint.. This guy has no clue what he is talking about.. You want a marathon?? Try running around in BC WOW and hoofing it until lvl 25.. Mind you, no QT either.. Just your next to useless hearth stone..


That this guy seriously doesn't know what he talking about.. :rolleyes:


You have no idea what you are talking about back in the day you had to be level 40 to get your first mount in wow. However I think tor is too linear and no real exploration is allowed in the game. You think tatooine is big? Wait to you try and explore and hit exhaustion zone over and over.

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I don't mind addon's but **** like DBM etc..etc.. basically makes game players retarded and incapable of performing without it


No, ****. You probably never even raided any difficult content in WoW or any other game. DBM is needed. Especially my role as a Rogue in raids. There are plenty of times where a boss fight relied on me, for such a something like a kick and/or feint AND dps. To not have a timer to know when something was coming makes the fight insanely harder/near impossible. BC had a boss where I had to kick a 1 seconds cast. Rogue GCD is about 1 sec. I could not be doing anything as it was coming or I would be in GCD. I had to know when it was coming, and even then I still had to react fast as ****. Even Cataclysm now has a couple mechanics where this is the same and it's the same for A LOT of other classes. ****, healing is probably still the hardest part of any given fight, AND there are no timers at all for that.


DBM doesn't play the game for you. All it does it give you relevent information when something is coming. YOU still have to react and do your job. Many people still fail this and its funnier that people say it helps *******, when its the ******* who don't have it who die all the time. ALL DBM does if you give you APROXMIMATION timers on abilities, nothing more. YOU STILL HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME YOURSELF!


Fights can still be insanely difficult with any sort of boss mod. All these people complaining about mods, sorry I just can't see that you raided anything in your life. So stop talking.

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There are completely right about travel in this game.


Its punitive and is so annoying at times with their contrived placement of quest targets as to be insulting. If there was a number one reason for not paying for this game beyond the first month this would be first on my list. Truly, I have no seen a more purposefully punitive travel in any MMO prior to this.

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A decent review overall to those that say OMG DBM is a must quit useing a crutch and learn to play. Though macroing would be nice but addons ruin the game play when you are forced to use it.


While it does have the single player play feel I find my self grouping quite often, on my server even the hard core PvPer have alts so while it may not be a constant 100+ per planet/zone it still stays pretty damn high in the 70-80s and grouping is no problem.


Fleet gets into the 400s mid to late evening so its stupid easy there also.


Huge open worlds that aren't 100% paced full of mobs that you trip over is a good thing not having a mount till 25 is a good thing also solid halfway point.

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The quote you posted start off by basically saying its bad to have vast worlds.


This is a guy reviewing an MMO, and he complains about a vast world.


That is all.


Actually thats not what he is saying at all, try reading it again, this time without projecting your fanboi hate of anyone who criticises the game onto it.



Pretty fair review really.

(love how people are ************ it ONLY got 7/10, just goes to show how stupid game scores have become if 7/10 is an insult! lol).

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