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Involuntarily flagged for PvP as a 32 by a 50 on a PvE server.


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Easy fix that should have been in the game from the beginning. Only direct damage to a targetted flagged player should ever turn on your flag. AE's should never allow a non-flagged person to become flagged. This is the oldest trick in the book.


This happens in tons of games, and it's usually fixed later on. I don't understand how a company just can't get it right from the get go.




They can miss it because EA ***** the company and forced out the experienced people so they they have greater control over the games direction. Also to cut cost on salaries so that the executives can get bigger bonuses.


Typical corporate tactic by letting accounting run the show instead of developers.


EA is a pile of poodoo and I for one will avoid giving them anymore of my money for how they do business.



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That makes perfect sense. I remember one of the things that was quoted often from the devs on the forums before launch was that in SWTOR, nobody was going to be forced to do anything if they didn't want to. So it surprises me that this mechanic is in the game.




And yet the only people this benefits are griefers and exploiters. I suppose it would be OK if you had to change your name and speak in character if you wanted to PVE near people who are RP-ing? Same logic.


He failed to understand the game mechanics that control getting marked for PVP and now he has a better understanding of them. Simple rule don't attack marked players or you will get marked.

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He failed to understand the game mechanics that control getting marked for PVP and now he has a better understanding of them. Simple rule don't attack marked players or you will get marked.


Nobody should ever be forced to PVP unless they choose to, by flagging themself. Simple rule.

Edited by daemian
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Sorry this happened to you but it teaches you a valuable lesson, don't use aoe attacks when standing around a PVP marked player of the opposite faction or that attack will hit them and instantly mark you for PVP. This is intended and by no means a exploit or griefing. Be aware of your surroundings and choose the appropriate attacks to not get marked.


Intended? Really? It's a bug that exploiters are using to gank people. The whole point of playing on a PvE server is that you don't have to PvP if you don't want to. It's not a feature its a glitch, and people should be reporting the abusers when it happens.

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You just got tricked into flagging. Not a big deal.


It's a big deal in that it is possible, at a time in MMO gaming where other MMOs have shown working ways of preventing this issue.


The whole concept of having a choice of whether to participate in PvP or not is there for a reason. When it's possible to interfere with that choice it becomes a bug that needs fixing.

Edited by Apax
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He failed to understand the game mechanics that control getting marked for PVP and now he has a better understanding of them. Simple rule don't attack marked players or you will get marked.


Simple rule, learn what you're talking about before wasting typing space.


How do you avoid hitting marked players when those marked players ARE STEALTHED?


PVE'ers should not have to be afraid to use half of their damned toolsets because some douche is STEALTHED nearby.


Want to gank, go to a PvP server. Otherwise, you're a n00b baddie who can't handle real Pvp'ers on a PvP server.


And only a PvP n00b baddie would even try to defend this exploit.

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It doesn't exist in every mmo anymore, regardless how the baddies will try to say it's "normal".


It used to be alowable in WoW, then they changed it.


RIFT has never allowed flagged players to "trick" unflagged players with this mechanic.




Damn straight, that's ALL it amounts to.


Love this. "That person has a differing opinion or point of view to me, must insult and claim they are bad at games."


Basicly, this mentality is how 90% of threads here degenerate into mindless bickering and sniping.


People have differing points of view to you, deal with it in a mature way. My personal differing point of view is "fix the real problems, then move on to stuff like this".

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Love this. "That person has a differing opinion or point of view to me, must insult and claim they are bad at games."


Basicly, this mentality is how 90% of threads here degenerate into mindless bickering and sniping.


People have differing points of view to you, deal with it in a mature way. My personal differing point of view is "fix the real problems, then move on to stuff like this".


This is a REAL problem, so deal with that.


And the only ones defending something like this are those who benefit from it, i.e. THE BADDIES. Deal with that too.


And please, feel free to report me if you feel slighted, as one already did in this thread. After all, PvP baddies can't handle forum PvP any better than they can handle real PvP on a PvP server, so I fully expect it.

Edited by Zorvan
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People have differing points of view to you, deal with it in a mature way. My personal differing point of view is "fix the real problems, then move on to stuff like this".


It's actually the same point of view - where we differ is on what we consider to be the 'real problems'. For a PVE er who has to stop playing because of a griefer, this is a pretty real problem.

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It doesn't exist in every mmo anymore, regardless how the baddies will try to say it's "normal".


It used to be alowable in WoW, then they changed it.


RIFT has never allowed flagged players to "trick" unflagged players with this mechanic.




Damn straight, that's ALL it amounts to.


What are you talking about, the way I described it is exactly the way it works in 90% of the MMO's out there, including world of warcraft.


I do agree tricking players like that is unfair, but thats the reality of it. If someone flags themself and you attack them, whether intentional or not does not matter. It is your responsibility to watch out.


PvE does not mean a game is PvP free. It means the majority of the zones is not automatically pvp enabled and players can quest normally without being attacked on the whim.


besides it does not make those that have nothing against this system, myself included bad. I play on a RP-PvE server and Enjoy it. I pvp in the warzones and on ilum. Thats it.

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Intended? Really? It's a bug that exploiters are using to gank people. The whole point of playing on a PvE server is that you don't have to PvP if you don't want to. It's not a feature its a glitch, and people should be reporting the abusers when it happens.


Its not a glitch neither a bug. Its Intended the way it is.

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This is a continuing problem on pve servers!

NOTE that this is on PVE servers! We pve players should NOT be at the mercy of pvp players! Its the main reason we picked PVE servers in the first place.

Every mmo i have played had protection against this sort of thing.

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Its not a glitch neither a bug. Its Intended the way it is.


Why? And if you don't mind me asking, why are you defending it? Is it essential to your playstyle that you be able to trick other players who don't want to PVP into fighting you?

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This is a REAL problem, so deal with that.


And the only ones defending something like this are those who benefit from it, i.e. THE BADDIES. Deal with that too.


And please, feel free to report me if you feel slighted, as one already did in this thread. After all, PvP baddies can't handle forum PvP any better than they can handle real PvP on a PvP server, so I fully expect it.


I'm not a 'PvP baddie' I'm just pointing out how off the mark prioritising this is.


Intended? Really? It's a bug that exploiters are using to gank people. The whole point of playing on a PvE server is that you don't have to PvP if you don't want to. It's not a feature its a glitch, and people should be reporting the abusers when it happens.


To be honest, its not an 'exploit' or 'bug' its 'the game works differently than how you would like'.


It may be changed in the future, you know, when they've fixed ability delay and performance issues and loot bugging out etc etc etc


All screaming loudly on the forums that you got killed once by a PvPer on a PvE server and throwing words like 'Gank', 'exploit' and 'bug' around will do, at best, is clog up the forums, at worst, it will make them prioritise fixing this over fixing an actual issue that affects a lot / all players all of the time.

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Its not a glitch neither a bug. Its Intended the way it is.


But it should NOT be so. Quite simply, there should be no way of tricking me, on a PvE server, into flagging myself if I don't want to.


There's the problem of stealthed griefers. There's the scenario of a group of level 50 Imperial player characters camping a strong group of Imperial NPCs that your Rep player char has to kill but isn't allowed to use AoE unless he/she wants to be destroyed.


Quite simply, on a PvE server I should be allowed to use AoE whenever I damn well want to, without getting drawn into fighting with someone of the opposing faction. And there is a VERY EASY FIX: unless you manually flag yourself, VOLUNTARILY, you shouldn't be able to attack or hurt a player of the opposing faction. No need to "prioritise" this over anything, it's a simple fix. And it IS a real problem.

Edited by Siorac
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Why? And if you don't mind me asking, why are you defending it? Is it essential to your playstyle that you be able to trick other players who don't want to PVP into fighting you?


Do you even read my posts? Im guessing not otherwise you would have known that I do agree the tricking is unfair.


I am defending it, because its a good system. If I flag myself for pvp, while running around in PvE zones, that opens me up for Confrontational combat. allowing players to attack me.

It does not matter to me, if you attack me willingly or not. I do most of the time look at your level. If you are 10+ levels below me, i will assume it was an accident and leave you be.


Some players wont, but it is your responsibility to watch out.

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What are you talking about, the way I described it is exactly the way it works in 90% of the MMO's out there, including world of warcraft.


I suggest you go try it in WoW, it was changed a long time ago.


PvE does not mean a game is PvP free. It means the majority of the zones is not automatically pvp enabled and players can quest normally without being attacked on the whim.




And PVE means no PvP unless I decide I want to PvP, not until someone else decides it for me.


/too short

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What are you talking about, the way I described it is exactly the way it works in 90% of the MMO's out there, including world of warcraft.


I do agree tricking players like that is unfair, but thats the reality of it. If someone flags themself and you attack them, whether intentional or not does not matter. It is your responsibility to watch out.


PvE does not mean a game is PvP free. It means the majority of the zones is not automatically pvp enabled and players can quest normally without being attacked on the whim.


besides it does not make those that have nothing against this system, myself included bad. I play on a RP-PvE server and Enjoy it. I pvp in the warzones and on ilum. Thats it.


Negative ghostrider, the pattern is full. It is NOT the players responsibility to be aware and to be careful of what abilities they use so some nutswab doesn't gank them. Choosing to play on a PvE server... check... choosing not to flag yourself for PvP... check... those are the players responsibilities... some e-peen running into your AoE because he is 20 levels higher than you falls outside the realm of what the PvE'r should have to take into consideration. It's a bug that people are exploiting to grief other players. It is by no means "working as intended".

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But it should NOT be so. Quite simply, there should be no way of tricking me, on a PvE server, into flagging myself if I don't want to.


There's the problem of stealthed griefers. There's the scenario of a group of level 50 Imperial player characters camping a strong group of Imperial NPCs that your Rep player char has to kill but isn't allowed to use AoE unless he/she wants to be destroyed.


Quite simply, on a PvE server I should be allowed to use AoE whenever I damn well want to, without getting drawn into fighting with someone of the opposing faction.


You have but one issue here. Not the system but players. Players have different mindsets then you. Some will trick you, most will not look your way as a lowbie and bother with you.


That doesnt make the system unfair though.

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It seems that this is the same issue that plagues nearly every game that has some sort of PvP flagging on PvE servers while those games are in beta. A nearly identical issue developed during Rift's beta (not sure if it made it to the early game or not).


Frankly, I'm waiting for a developer to make a game that simply ignores the PvP aspect, and create a pure PvE game. Sure, it'd be a bit more niche, but it would make so many things so much simpler, and there's still a pretty good population that would appreciate such a game.

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Do you even read my posts? Im guessing not otherwise you would have known that I do agree the tricking is unfair.


I am defending it, because its a good system. If I flag myself for pvp, while running around in PvE zones, that opens me up for Confrontational combat. allowing players to attack me.

It does not matter to me, if you attack me willingly or not. I do most of the time look at your level. If you are 10+ levels below me, i will assume it was an accident and leave you be.


Some players wont, but it is your responsibility to watch out.


I'm just trying to point out that if it's unfair, and easily exploited, then it shouldn't be in the game. As you point out, it puts the responsibility, unfairly, on PVE players to change their gameplay to accommodate PVP players on a PVE server. If you only want to fight others who voluntarily want to fight you, changing it shouldn't affect you at all.


So the question still stands.


As far as priorities, different players have different priorities on what they feel is a bigger issue.

Edited by daemian
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