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Au revoir, I do love you, but you've broken my heart.


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People that think like this cause the "Trophy for everyone" crap. So many things aren't competitive anymore because "Soccer Moms" like yourself complained that their kid was getting upset because he lost. You're rewarded for hard work in MMO's. Just because you're not willing to put hard work in to it or make some friends and play some PvP with them, is not Biowares fault. Make a friend, play PvP.


The PvP System needs a little work yes, but to out-right cancel and tell others to cancel is absurd and you're just being petty.

Edited by Rehsals
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Don't blame the gear, blame all of the other stuff Bioware has done here. Gear advantages and time investment advantages have always existed. Your problem is you are on a poorly populated server where there is no "help" for you, no counter to the hardcore PVP guild on the other side. It's not the gear advantage they have nor is it the fact that they leveled faster than you. You're going to encounter those things in EVERY game you play. You're going to encounter PVP stat deficiencies in EVERY game you play. THe difference is that in other games you have help from people who are equal or greater than the level of your opposition to "balance" things out.


So in light of that problem you have to look at what caused it. I now present to you the guild pre-launch and server placement system. The way they pre-launched and placed guilds on servers has created this issue. In most MMO launches guilds are given free reign to mingle amongst themselves on the forums prior to a games launch and many of the hardcore PVP guilds will ally together or create oppositions to each other, target the same servers and load up both sides of "selected PVP servers," with a boatload of talent. Those servers end up high pop and have long queues at launch which drive away lesser players who can't stand the queues but after a couple of weeks pass by you end up with balanced and active pvp servers with healthy competition. You don't have that here in this game where almost every server seems to be reporting 1 sided'ness where there are only a handful of PVP guilds virtually dominating things.


You need to leave your server. You aren't married to it and you might consider it a daunting proposition but you'll be much happier in the end if you do your research and find a server that is much more balanced or where the faction that you want to play with is more dominant than on your current server. You aren't losing what you think you will be losing as on a healthier server and having played through the game already you'll be able to get back to your current level of progression within a matter of weeks. For a game designed to be played long term that couple of weeks is a drop in the bucket in the longer term.

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The reason I myself just cancelled this evening, is the sheer amount of CC and lack of DR's (or bugged DR at least) hereof.


What level are you? You must be low level. As you level up, you acquire skills and can use talents that help to offset the heavy amount of CC in WZs.

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I unsubscribed weeks ago from the get go really.I didn't give a card,i use paypal so it was easily cancelled.I have since then cancelled 3 people's accounts that i was paying for so rest assured they won't be playing next month ( their choice not mine ).The games that were paid for will probably sit on a shelf collecting dust for months until they actually fix the game ( bugs/crashes/hackers/bots/afkers/exploiters LOL big list ) But until then i have my sights on guild wars 2 / blade and soul as well as firefall which hopefully will be out soon.Im not promoting any games im just saying those are the games i will be playing once they are release.


LOL I genuinely thought you were talking about WoW with that list of things that need fixed...

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Here is the tl;dr ^^.


Honestly I can't imagine why you can't win warzones ... my lvl 14 sage can win warzones, multpile warzones in a row in fact. Sure we get premade with zero chance of winning against from time to time ... but even from that I get like 50+ commendations. My scoundrel sits at 1000/1000 merc/valor with a bag in bank and nothing to spend commendations on at lvl 28.


And the whole purplez frenzy ... honestly guys you have to wake up from the carrot on a stick philosophy. Play for fun, don't play to chase purplez.


if you are not chasing for purples, then you are being chased by the "peeps" with purples.. hmmm

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This is one of the reasons why there should be Rated PvP, and good PvP Gear should have to come from Rated Content; not just be something that everyone can get by joining enough BGs


There will still be people with best in slot gear doing unrated BGs just for fun, and average or below players will still be turned off by this; but at least a good Rated PvP system would weed out the unskilled players who are currently able to win due to over-gearing fresh 50s and average players


Honestly I dont think rated gear isnt fair, in pvp everyone should have teh chance to get the same gear and not the ones who have the higher rating.

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This is just another complaint from a clearly casual player going up against more hardcore players.


OP joins a PvP match in mediocre gear going "Lah-dee-dah, time for some pee-vee-pee so I can do my daily." Your competition joins a PvP match going "WE GONNA KILL US SOME IMPS GAME FACE YARRGGHHH!"


Don't expect to do much vs a coordinated, practiced, and motived team while you're casually pugging it. I can 100% guarantee you they'd still annihilate you without any of their pvp gear. Gear isn't the problem, although even coming from someone in full champ/rakata gear (me), gear is too easy to get right now and needs to take more work/effort.


That being said, it's so easy to get that even if you half-azz it you can easily get full champ gear yourself in a week or two...your post is therefore Null and Void.

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My poor bounty hunter is effectively stunted without massive time investment and a little luck.



I've only played a few warzones so far (and that's as a low-level undergeared and under abilitied player) but I haven't really seen the issues you're speaking of. Some people kill me quick, others I kill first--it's pvp /shrug. It does occur to me you hit the nail on the head with the sentence I quoted. Every PvP system I've played in MMO's boils down to this--if you want to pwn the big dogs you have to have a pretty big time investment to get the best gear and, as you put it, a little luck.

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The way Bioware has handled the PvP in this game has been very disapointing. They have rewarded people who power level to cap by giving them low lvl players to farm.


For players who wanted to take their time and enjoy many aspects of the game have been gimped. The disparagy is immense and will only continue to get worse.


I dont want to be matched against people who have been given an advantage because they raced to cap, so I also will be cancelling my sub and waiting for GW2.

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Honestly I dont think rated gear isnt fair, in pvp everyone should have teh chance to get the same gear and not the ones who have the higher rating.


Agreed, just look at WOW. Rated WZ's with Team vs Team is a great idea and it can't come fast enough. But there should be other rewards than special-gear.

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Not too much Bioware can do to protect you from a hardcore premade. They have better gear, coordination, consumables and very likely more skill than you, or at least than the average player.


Biowares choices are:


- make all gear, levels and consumables irrelevant. This still would not account for superior tactics, coordination, voice chat, skill. or..


- segregate you from such players.


Right now they are creating a 50's bracket. I don't recall seeing how SWTOR does it but RIFT's matchmaking system tried to put pre-made vrs pre-made. This did not mean you wouldnt face them though.

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I've canceled my subscription . PvP is the driving reason to play for me and while they've come very close to a great pvp system, what bioware has done poorly is game-breaking.


People are blaming the level disparity as the problem, but I don't thats a correct diagnosis, a lvl 50 in greens can be beaten by a well played lvl 30 - i know, I was doing as I'm sure many of you were.


The culprit is expertise + stims, they make for a terrify monster. But here's the catch that pains me the most. If you're not winning, your collection of commendations moves at a crawl so because you can't gear, the opposing faction's gain is accelerated. On my server, there's a hardcore pvp guild (repub, I'm empire) and since its a low pop server the chances for matching against them are pretty good, better than good, you get at least a couple of them nearly every game. They were early access players so as of now, most are fully champion geared and they steamroll my faction in their premade within minutes. Voidstar won in less than 2 minutes, huttball lost in less than 5. As they've geared, I've noticed skill becoming less important. Sages and troopers stand spamming 1 and hitting my powertech for 3k +. He's dead within seconds and their ability to play their class has nothing to do with the results because the numbers are doing all the work


Even the little expertise I have shows a significant boost to dmg done and a reduction to dmg taken. I have the boots and the lvl 46 pvp gun, those 2 items + a stim boost my pvp stats to 17%. So I ask myself, what the heck does a full set provide?


We never win. This is not hyperbole, I haven't been able to get my 3 wins for the daily in 3 days, currently 2 / 3. How am I ever to catch up with them ? The answer, I simply won't.


Expertise should obviously progress our characters, otherwise there would be no point to it, but should it make them virtually indestructible? I don't think so. I know the cats out of the bag, but expertise really should have been introduced a few weeks after the game's release.


The few games I get an equal team to play against, pvp is a blast so in this regard bioware nailed it. But the current gear progression system is asymmetrical to say the least, and it far too heavily favors the early access pvpers.



The entire implementation has been atrocious and myopic and as a result, I'm cancelling my account and discouraging anyone I know from purchasing the game. I'm not being petty, this is called voting with my wallet. And before you think that its too early to react in such a way, we're not talking about massive content updates like raids. We're talking about giving people slower to hit 50 a chance to compete in pvp.


With the 50's only bracket averagely geared players like myself will be even more disadvantaged because my chances of drawing someone other than the mega-geared dream team is lowered even more. My poor bounty hunter is effectively stunted without massive time investment and a little luck.


They'd have to make some big changes to win my faith back. If you're a pve player, good on you, I'm sure you're having a great time but if you're into pvp like myself, things ain't so good.


edit for clarification and typos


Actually if you work the commendation system, you can get just as many, if not more than people on the winning team even if you lose. I get 100+ comms even in a loss. If it's a resounding loss like premade vs pug, aka Ruin's 50's vs me as a 50 and like 7 level 10-20's then yeah, it's usually not as dramatic since they actually (gasp) work together and heal people under fire and protect them with guard it's almost annoying how well they shift.. those games kinda suck yeah, still.. those are the minority of games and I consistently get 80-100 comms a game win or lose. Just have to exploit the system when you know you've got no chance of winning is all.


Level 50's in gear will not be a problem soon due to level 50 queues, we'll actually have to fight our own levels, and for the most part learn to cope with even more premade vs pug.


Either way, kbye and obligatory "can i hav ur stuf"?

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I've canceled my subscription . PvP is the driving reason to play for me and while they've come very close to a great pvp system, what bioware has done poorly is game-breaking.

Here's a friendly tip:


Do not ever buy a themepark MMO for the purpose of PvP. It will disappoint, simply because these games are built from the ground up on PvE with PvP thrown in after. You need a game like EVE or Darkfall for solid pvp because they are built from the ground up on PvP.

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Its called Dedication and Teamwork. They were able to pull it off, you werent, get over it. Last thing we need is another group of people trying to change an aspect of the game cause THEY PERSONALLY could not cut it.


If we take the OP at face value, it was gear, not teamwork, that created the problem on his server.

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I may not really have given two licks of a woprat's arse, but these WZ are getting ridiculous. Seriously, dude gets ganged up on by 4 teamates and just takes it and takes it...c'mon. I won't claim to know how to fix this but how can dudes like this are running around shedding incaps like fleas, and annihilating others in the proccess spread more desire to play the game for non-power gamers? I don't mind deaths in a WZ, if I did I wouldn't run them, but it does take a lot of enjoyment out of the game.
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"People are blaming the level disparity as the problem, but I don't thats a correct diagnosis, a lvl 50 in greens can be beaten by a well played lvl 30 - i know, I was doing as I'm sure many of you were. "



This is a bad thing where skill beats gear/level? I think thats effin great. In fact its a selling point. I dont have to level grind or raid questing to do PvP?


My buddy was telling my how if he wasnt top level with top level gear it was pointless to do pvp in wow as they would get cut down easy by someone with gear one rating better.

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People that think like this cause the "Trophy for everyone" crap. So many things aren't competitive anymore because "Soccer Moms" like yourself complained that their kid was getting upset because he lost. You're rewarded for hard work in MMO's. Just because you're not willing to put hard work in to it or make some friends and play some PvP with them, is not Biowares fault. Make a friend, play PvP.


The PvP System needs a little work yes, but to out-right cancel and tell others to cancel is absurd and you're just being petty.


Outgearing someone is not competition. That's like saying the person I shot with a pistol at 10ft was in competition with me.


The gear discrepancy is so out of control that it does not require anything resembling skill to win once you have it. And that is why many people I know quit WoW in the first place. Seriously, don't tell people to be more competitive when you are hiding behind gear.

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The way Bioware has handled the PvP in this game has been very disapointing. They have rewarded people who power level to cap by giving them low lvl players to farm.


For players who wanted to take their time and enjoy many aspects of the game have been gimped. The disparagy is immense and will only continue to get worse.


I would say even more pathetic is the people who are taking advantage of that and getting their easy wins and then acting like the people who they are farming are somehow wrong for not enjoying being farmed.

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During the Beta, lower level characters had access to Expertise. We had PVP gear for all levels after 10. Though no expertise was available for the gear until late twenties, it was still there. This made some of this less overwhelming.


Right now all a group has to do to win is get geared first, and that means gear is worth too much to PVP. I don't want to participate in a grinding contest. And any game that simply hands PVP over to "he who has less life wins!" is catering to lemmings. I quit WoW when Arena gear made a player able to go into a BG and slaughter everything in front of them like grey mobs in a low level zone. Winning a battle against someone who has no hope of victory over you is not by any means a test of skill. And when gear is out of control it certainly requires no skill.

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Give it some time. Seriously, if they introduced level 50 brackets and rated warzones right away those systems would die or become severely hurt.


They are understand that this is an issue. But right now is not the time to introduce those systems. Because they would be terrible, right now.


So grow up and get some patience.

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Give it some time. Seriously, if they introduced level 50 brackets and rated warzones right away those systems would die or become severely hurt.


I completely disagree, 50's should have been bracketed immediatly. They have given a tiny percentage of the playerbase a massive advantage in not doing so. Now the majority of people have to play against people who were given an advantage. In doing so, they have unbalanced the game in such a way that it now cannot be properly balanced out.


Some PvP'ers were given easy time to get Battlemaster gear (because the preordered and powere lvl'ed)... so the most committed PvP'ers now are the best geared, then let the rest of the community compete against them.. Wow that sounds like fun, Not!


PvP should be fun and competative, not what u have in Swtor.

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It's only three frikkin weeks in! Pvp in SWTOR is not anything yet. PVP in SWTOR doesnt' exist, BECAUSE IT'S THREE WEEKS IN!


Edit: Fine, I'm becoming a bit immature now, but really. It's only three weeks in.

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