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How is End-Game Content in this MMO?


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Hello all,


I've recently started playing SW:TOR with a small community of around 10-15. Out of them, I'm the most skeptical about this game i'll admit. I have the strong belief that new MMO's are a waste of time for me, as older MMO's just have far more content and polish due to their time released.


I'm alittle concerned at the lack of multiplayer content and was hoping some of the more experianced members of the community could shead some light onto what exactly their is to do "end-game" in this new MMO.


I hear about the 2 end-game raids but is that really just it? I have to highlight here my disapointment that they didnt do more with the starmap / guilds system... It seems clear to me that their is potenial for some awsome end-game factional or even guild warfare where players can fight to control space.



I guess my questions to you are:


1. What is the point in a guild if their is no benefit for them? no guild rewards or maps, a glorified chat channel?


2. What is end-game content for you, what are you currently doing with your lvl 50's?


3. What do you think / is planned to expand the games end-game content?


4. If the game continues to develop down its current path focusing more on singleplayer experiances the likes we have seen in Dragon Age for example, is it worth the monthly sub?


I know I will get trolled for that last question, however I'm starting to question the point of grinding through the levels in this game for it to abruptly end once I've hit lvl 50. Anyone out there able to put my mind at ease?

Edited by StarSyth
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The people who are at level 50 will most likely be waiting for the less hardcore in their guild to catch up. I know that's the case for my guild. There are a couple people who are at 50, but the rest are normal players who can't spend 8 hours a day playing. So, until everyone catches up with the fast levelers, they can really only wait, do pvp, or level up another character and experience a different story.


Plus, it's a brand new game. There's going to be tons of additions over the coming months and years. Don't brandish the end game non existent before it even really begins to take off.

Edited by Virsane
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"End game" for me has always been about socializing and role-playing on the MMO's I've played. I never got into the raiding or anything else like that, because it always was annoying and stressful.


I've heard mixed reviews on SWTOR "end game", and I imagine it will depend on what you are looking to do when you get there.

Edited by ProsaicProse
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"End game" for me has always been about socializing and role-playing on the MMO's I've played. I never got into the raiding or anything else like that, because it always was annoying and stressful.


I've heard mixed reviews on SWTOR "end game", and I imagine it will depend on what you are looking to do when you get there.


making up your own definition of end game doesn't change anything

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I guess my questions to you are:


1. What is the point in a guild if their is no benefit for them? no guild rewards or maps, a glorified chat channel? A place to build relationships with other players and wokr on end game content together. Guild rewards are a new concept to MMOs for the most part



2. What is end-game content for you, what are you currently doing with your lvl 50's? 1 or 2 end game flashpoints, Hard and Nightmare mode for ALL of the old instnaces, 1 or 2 end game raids, PVP warzones, daily quests, and of course open world PVP on Ilum.



3. What do you think / is planned to expand the games end-game content? They have told us what is in the next patch ie more flashpoints, raids, and pvp warzones. They also stated in an early post that they want the game to have over 100 planets in 10 years so you can expect them to be adding some new planets.

4. If the game continues to develop down its current path focusing more on singleplayer experiances the likes we have seen in Dragon Age for example, is it worth the monthly sub? Ummm it doesn't focus on singleplayer experience.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Has Bioware said what they intend for the end game to be? Raiding? PvP? Mix? I haven't seen much data on it, but I haven't looked much.


If it's gonna be a raiders game like Rift, I probably won't last unless they ramp up the RP stuffs. My hope is they do a lot of PvP additions other than warzones, like planets to battle over.

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theres minimal endgame now, but thats to be expected for a new game. At the moment, this game is more for people who want to level multiple characters to see story. Give it 6 months to fully fill out.


I'm going to guess you haven't tried to level an alt, yet? TOR is linear. After your starting planet, every character is going to take the exact same path to 50. Only the class quest line will vary. You will visit the planets in the same order, every time-running the same quests. The second time is pretty boring. The third and forth time you are going to be brain dead or medicated to not beat your head on the desk out of boredom.

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I'm going to guess you haven't tried to level an alt, yet? TOR is linear. After your starting planet, every character is going to take the exact same path to 50. Only the class quest line will vary. You will visit the planets in the same order, every time-running the same quests. The second time is pretty boring. The third and forth time you are going to be brain dead or medicated to not beat your head on the desk out of boredom.


With how much you overlevel most earlier planets I doubt you'd redo all the same quests. Sure you'll go to the same planets in the same order but I ended up skipping a lot of quests that I will do on alts.

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It's broken.


How can it be broken? There really isn't any endgame yet. When a game releases, you are looking to appease the PvE crowd and make leveling enjoyable. They did a great job with this in my opinion. As time goes on, you begin to make adjustments to the end game and introduce new dungeons and what not. It'll come, but don't classify it as broken when in reality it's just new and low on features.

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Almost to level 48 atm. I could of hit 50 faster but I slowed down a bit.


People calling this game overly linear are simply misunderstanding the term, or missing vital content in the game by choice.


There are plenty of planets you can skip, there are plenty of different paths to take. You can PvP, you can do companion quests, you can do space missions. All games are linear at the core. There is no true freedom.


Obviously they need more end game content. No MMO is released with tons of end game content out of the box. It just doesn't happen.

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So far im loving the game. I have a toon lvl 40 and another one lvl 15.


IMO i think this game lacks social content, not the social items, social interaction.


I am member of a guild but its completely useless, i would like the idea of having your own apartment/ship that could be visited by friends and be moddable. When u get different titles or reach certain Light/Dark side levels, to have some kind of item to put in your ship.


I havent seen any high end content but i plan to waste 1,5 million creds in buying the Fleet cantina VIP pass, i have some lvl 50s friends and they tell me that money comes in raids to you at that level, but they didnt know about this VIP pass.


Guild halls could be good too, and wars between guilds could be interesting, same as arenas, no warzones but arenas. I loved when i was in Tatooine and entered a valley where it was free for all to attack and be attacked, even your same faction.


The game is new, not a month old, and new content will come, legacy, more end content, expansions and such, but there will be always the people who get the new items/titles/content done before some other guy can download the content itself to play the game.


Do you think Diablo 3 wont have max level players 72 hours after release????


I dont know about lvl40+ but till that moment I need the same time to level from 20 to 21 than 39 to 40. I dont rush the game, i play the conversations, do the bonus, heroics, area bonus missions and such.


I remember 10 years ago in Anarchy Online when people could come to your appartment and all guildmates were there talking about the next moves or plans to control towers.


A planet that can be conquered would add nice content. 1 republic side and 1 empire sith, middle zone can be conquered granting bonus to the guilds who participate in the war for the terrain. Could control some buildings and buy defenses to make it harder to the other faction.


There are plenty of games out there that have nice features, its only a matter of time to look at them and implementing those ideas carefully, but first bug fixing is mandatory.


I have asked to the 50s in my guild of they did any space quest, answer was no, they didnt even buy the lvl 1 ship equipment. When people overlooks the content available to them, there is no way to make things correctly. There is a wide array of people and their likes.


Sorry for the wall of text, was not meant to be like this.

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lmost to level 48 atm. I could of hit 50 faster but I slowed down a bit.


People calling this game overly linear are simply misunderstanding the term, or missing vital content in the game by choice.


There are plenty of planets you can skip, there are plenty of different paths to take. You can PvP, you can do companion quests, you can do space missions. All games are linear at the core. There is no true freedom.


Obviously they need more end game content. No MMO is released with tons of end game content out of the box. It just doesn't happen.


You may be able to leave planets early, but not so sure about skipping planets. Which planets can you skip? Your class quests will require a visit to each planet--in order. Empire side gives you two class quests after the starting area. Skip Balmorra and head right to Nar Shaddawhatever and let me know how it works out for you....


Talk to me when you are on your third trip to 50. Sure you can run space missions and get a 1/4 of a level. But there aren't enough space missions to level. And if there were, you'd have no gear for doing other quests.


PVP queues take forever on the Empire side--it would take months to grind out 30 levels.

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