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  1. Hello all, I've recently started playing SW:TOR with a small community of around 10-15. Out of them, I'm the most skeptical about this game i'll admit. I have the strong belief that new MMO's are a waste of time for me, as older MMO's just have far more content and polish due to their time released. I'm alittle concerned at the lack of multiplayer content and was hoping some of the more experianced members of the community could shead some light onto what exactly their is to do "end-game" in this new MMO. I hear about the 2 end-game raids but is that really just it? I have to highlight here my disapointment that they didnt do more with the starmap / guilds system... It seems clear to me that their is potenial for some awsome end-game factional or even guild warfare where players can fight to control space. I guess my questions to you are: 1. What is the point in a guild if their is no benefit for them? no guild rewards or maps, a glorified chat channel? 2. What is end-game content for you, what are you currently doing with your lvl 50's? 3. What do you think / is planned to expand the games end-game content? 4. If the game continues to develop down its current path focusing more on singleplayer experiances the likes we have seen in Dragon Age for example, is it worth the monthly sub? I know I will get trolled for that last question, however I'm starting to question the point of grinding through the levels in this game for it to abruptly end once I've hit lvl 50. Anyone out there able to put my mind at ease?
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