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Are You Enjoying SWTOR?


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I like this game but it seems to be built around the assumption that everyone will be in a raiding guild. An LFG tool could give solo players a way to get some multiplayer action without having to make the socially destructive scheduling commitments raiders have no problem with.
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I am really enjoying it, but the major flaw for me(im an Altoholic), is that I always end up doing the exact same mission on the same planets.


My main is an IA, If I feel like rolling a BH I know ill have to deal with doing all the same thing ive done since day 1 exept for the class quests wich arent that much.


Every classes go to Dromund Kaas after their first planet, wich gets old pretty quick since you go there at 10-11.


I dont feel like rolling on the other faction cause all my friends are on the same(Empire).


Its my third MMO experience and I know I have to protect it and not run too many alts to make sure I dont end up getting bored, so im trying to get my main to lv 50.


I remember a game where no matter what race you played(almost) you could go level at a lot of different locations and it made running alts really enjoyable.


I played another between that game and SWTOR where there was only 3 races and no matter what you did you always ended up doing the same missions over and over.

I feel like TOR is somwhere between them but it might still not be enough.


TOR could use a couple more planets and have the players choose this or that planets they want to level at at a certain point. Not just "go to your ship's holoterminal and go to this planet".

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I am really enjoying it, but the major flaw for me(im an Altoholic), is that I always end up doing the exact same mission on the same planets.


My main is an IA, If I feel like rolling a BH I know ill have to deal with doing all the same thing ive done since day 1 exept for the class quests wich arent that much.


Every classes go to Dromund Kaas after their first planet, wich gets old pretty quick since you go there at 10-11.


I dont feel like rolling on the other faction cause all my friends are on the same(Empire).


Its my third MMO experience and I know I have to protect it and not run too many alts to make sure I dont end up getting bored, so im trying to get my main to lv 50.


I remember a game where no matter what race you played(almost) you could go level at a lot of different locations and it made running alts really enjoyable.


I played another between that game and SWTOR where there was only 3 races and no matter what you did you always ended up doing the same missions over and over.

I feel like TOR is somwhere between them but it might still not be enough.


TOR could use a couple more planets and have the players choose this or that planets they want to level at at a certain point. Not just "go to your ship's holoterminal and go to this planet".


Yeah I've got several alts on the go and I feel your pain about the linear repeat repeat repeat process. I'm trying all sorts to get a different set of quests while levelling alts

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Great game, it's not a MMO though, it's a beautiful single player game that has other people in it.


The community is overrun by Lucasite trolls that actually like SWG and hate all things WoW so much that they take all constructive criticisim as heresy. Bring up anything related to mods or macros - and the community reacts like you asked for a basket of fried baby kittens.


I don't mind difficulty, but there is a sharp disconnect between the leveling experience and the endgame experience. I didn't feel like there was any place for me to learn the ropes.


The game is like a really hot girl with borderline personality disorder. I want to love it, but it keeps doing randomly horrible things to me.


no /roll really?


no combat log?


over 40 abilities, and no UI / macro. Maybe i'm just too old to play video gmaes anymore, but I needed a macro enabled keyboard to be able to access all of the abilities without resorting to mouse clicking on them.


the mental fracturing continues with the end game content - I can't figure out if this game is trying to be ultra casual or the most hardcore MMO ever, because it has aspects of both without any transition in the middle.


YMMV - in before the standard Lucasite "door is <--- " comment

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Yep. Fun game till 50, PvP isnt fun with ability delay (bearable while leveling) and my FPS drops hard in Warzones compared to the outside world. Trying to find a group for 50 dungeon, sitting here spamming general but no deal.


Really want to enjoy the game at 50 ...ability delay and FPS issues in warzone's are really getting to me. The rest I can handle PVP is fun I want to enjoy it but I cant....soooo lame

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I try to enjoy it....for a few hours every night...but at the end of those hours, I really don't feel satisfied with my experience.


This is in sharp contrast to most other games and even some other MMOs where I'd hunger for a half hour at lunch to do something in game that I needed to do...


I find myself forcing myself to play with the hopes that the next thing around the corner will make it better.

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I have gone to 50 on 2 character due to the lack of end game in this game.


So essentially all you have at 50 to do that isn't hosed is the knockback cc fest they call pvp.


So no I am not really having fun.

i am not an alt-aholic, so I kinda log on at night with my lvl 50 merc healer, hope for guildies to be on to farm some heroics, and then log out.


we did do a guild holocron hunt, along with a friend's guild last night. that was a lot of fun running around hutta, korriban, and DK with 20+ people blasting everything in our way.


I wish there was server forum so we could have opened it up to strangers and made some friends while having fun.


funny story, when you're the Op leader, you get spammed with a message that says campanions of players in the op have been dismissed due to reaching number limit (SPAMMED - nice bug.. ), so we had this game of passing the leader around in order to pass the spam around.


well, it landed on this guy that's from a friend's guild - and surprisingly, doesn't change. we were all a little surprised, but kept on with the holocron hunt.. until one of our guildies showed up and wanted to be added to the op to join us. since we had passed the lead around, it wiped out all the assistant rights, and now only the leader could invite.


the guy doesn't respond to any tells. the rep from the other guild is apologizing to me in tells, telling me that he's not sure if the guy speaks english. we're joking about this in mumble, and trying to figure out what language the guy speaks so we can punch it into google translator.


after a while, we just gave up.


toward the end of the run, the guy (the leader) types : "thanks for the run guys, i have to go to dinner now, cya guys"..


everyone started busting up.. guess the guy speaks english after all.. :p

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Love the game.


I never played WoW so even things that people say are "just WoW again" are still new to me. I love the character/equipment customization, Bioware's storytelling style actually gets me to pay attention to quests, and Star Wars games are my cup of tea anyway.


I know that there are bugs and lots of content that people desperately want, but I am quite content, and I'm very excited that I'm here for the beginning, to see all the things that get changed/added :D

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lol you think TOR will have the same end game content WoW has at this stage?!


How about we compare it to RIFT at launch? 10x less bugs, several innovations, alive world, solid MMO basics etc... Stop with this WoW is 7 years old BS 95% of the old content in wow is ... Old.... it is never played through anymore.

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Still enjoying the game. Look forward to logging in each night. I have not been on my WoW account, (other than to get some stuff out of the mailbox between alts).


This game has a HUGE future once things get straightened out. Huge upside, so I can't wait and while I do, I will keep playing this game.

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Stop with this WoW is 7 years old BS 95% of the old content in wow is ... Old.... it is never played through anymore.


Point being, everything you enjoy there currently is 7 years into development. If you like PvP now there, it's due to a 7 year transformation. If you like some PvE raid, it's perfected because they went through 11 Tiers already, and made their mistakes.


First month, PvP was an open meadow, TM, that's it. No DR, stunlock paradise, no competitions, etc.


But to play now, and enjoy it, and act like it isn't where it is because it had 7 years of trial and error, and constant corrections is simply ignoring facts.

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Love it. Like many of you, I played SWG from launch, and well into the bastardization of the NGE. After that I tried other MMO's... WoW, AoC, CoH, Star Trek, EVE, Rift, Champions... just to name a few. However, there was always something missing from my experience. I'm a big Star Wars fan, and I gotta say that SWG ruined me for other games. In a lot of ways it was well ahead of its times, and when it was gone it left a huge void.


I guess I have been looking for a genuine Star Wars experience since then. Truly, I feel I have found it here. Granted there are some bugs that need to be ironed out, but what game doesn't have growing pains right after launch? Obivously, I would like to see some of the positive suggestions added to this game, but in the mean time I will enjoy the immersive stories. I can definitely see myself sticking with this game.


Oh, and I, too, am an alt-aholic.

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Point being, everything you enjoy there currently is 7 years into development. If you like PvP now there, it's due to a 7 year transformation. If you like some PvE raid, it's perfected because they went through 11 Tiers already, and made their mistakes.


First month, PvP was an open meadow, TM, that's it. No DR, stunlock paradise, no competitions, etc.


But to play now, and enjoy it, and act like it isn't where it is because it had 7 years of trial and error, and constant corrections is simply ignoring facts.


I love how you conveniently ignore all my mentions of RIFT which does not have 7 years of live, and didn't have any of the core issues that SWTOR has...


But anyway this thread asked for opinion i gave it. Don't pollute it with this argument.

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I loved this game while leveling. This was probably the best leveling experience I have ever had on any game. The quests were fun and the cinematic quests were an amazing change-up. I was truly disappointed in the end game content once I hit level 50, though. The PvP is the same as it has been the whole time. Level 10-50 PvP and only 3 different WZs leads to a very boring rotation. The HM flashpoints go from extremely easy (Black Talon) to unfinishable. I don't know if bosses were glitched or we just sucked. Then came the Operations. I was so excited for my first operation. Eternity Vault. Already a winning name. Get in there and I grab the first drop pod on the left. I hit the ground and die... Not the best first experience. Then continuing through, we down the first boss. Actually really easy once you get him down. The trash to the second boss was crazy long. Finally we finish the grind and make it to the second boss. Every time we wiped, we would resurrect and then die again randomly. So that was a glitch. Then after our third attempt, we think we have it down. We just resurrected, died again due to the glitch, then attempt to re-enter the operation. All eight of us were outside of the operation and attempting to make it in. The boss encounter was still going...? We checked and double-checked, but we couldn't make it in. Finally we reset and walked in. It workd! Now all of the trash was back... So back to the 30-40 minute grind back to the boss and we wipe at 1%. Then it happens all over again. We end up disbanding because no one wants to do the trash for the third time. End game is just too glitchy at the moment. Love the game, but it needs some maintenance before I jump back in head first.
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I love how you conveniently ignore all my mentions of RIFT which does not have 7 years of live, and didn't have any of the core issues that SWTOR has...


But anyway this thread asked for opinion i gave it. Don't pollute it with this argument.


Tin foil hat much? I CONVENIENTLY left Rift out cause I never played it. I know, I know...people talk about things they know nothing about all the time, but that's not me. I omitted it cause I never played it. Not out of some conspiracy or avoidance.


You made a statement, which I quoted and replied to. That's the nature of a forum.

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My wife and I are enjoying the game. The ui bugs get a little annoying but that will be sorted out. I do not how ever enjoy the fact that they have choose to off shore there customer service to inda. It makes me feel that the company doesn't want to take responsibility locally as a company in the U.S and as a service provider.
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The wife and I LOVE the game!!!! I have 3 alts that cross-feed crafting and mats and I am having an absolute blast! Not to level 50 yet so I can't comment on the end-game.


The graphics are awesome!

The story is deep and very engrossing!

Bioware is hard at work patching! Great Job!




Please add Guild Vaults! Now! Mailing sucks and my ship's holds are running out of space!


Can space combat be made 3 dimensional and not shooting down a pre-planned corridor? This would be cool if I was trying to kill a Death Star in my trusty X-Wing, but not so much any other way.



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