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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cut EXP gain 35% across the board


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I would also lower the XP gain rate. I truly hate that if players like space missions/PvP/flashpoints, they are forced to play the basic content with 5 level advantage - the difficulty goes to ashes then.


I know that leveling alts is easier then, but I would prefer the rate of XP to be optional. The best thing that could be done to address this issue would be an NPC who would through dialogue give you option to choose the XP rate (100% being the standard rate that we have now - I personally would go to 66% or something like that). That way, all players could be satisfied.

Edited by Jedlosson
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I don't think it's too fast at all. I go to a planet, start my class missions, and start picking up the others in that area. I keep doing that as I progress my class missions. I will do the odd Heroic also (for commendations and loot). As I near the top level for the planet, I'll stop picking up the non-class missions and just concentrate on the class story. I do try to do daily space missions also. Going at just the right pace for me. I'm level 32 (and have another character level 25).



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A agree that leveling happens a bit too fast. But rather than make cuts across the board, I feel that leveling should get significantly slower once you cross the halfway point - lvl 25.


Let players get to their speeders at the current breakneck pace. But then make it a slow climb to the pinnacle of 50.


More quests and additional story would be the optimal solution to fill in the gaps.



Not gonna waste the money on a lvl40 speeder when I will be 50 in a few days.

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What i would like to see happen is once you get your first 50 your next character levels faster so I don't have to do all the quests over again. I would like to see the other story lines but doing 90% of the quests over is not fun and will just make me quit.
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I agree and yea coming from EQ myself games today are just way too fast


It is actually the main issue with all mmos that have been released for about 6 or 7 years with very few exceptions


otoh the fast food generation likes easy stuff and levelling fast makes them happy

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It's more like veteran gamers got tired of our lives being sucked away having to grind constantly.


You want grind? Plenty of games for that. I simply refuse to spend months maxing out a character anymore. Even original EQ is more streamlined now. It has nothing to do with the fast food generation.


So really don't change EXP gain. My character is still level 48, and I have 100s of hours invested.

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People are renting games and completing them over the weekend on their PC's and Consoles. Why would they play a MMO any differently? The industry has taught them to plow through content as fast as possible. The current generation of gamer does not know how to play otherwise.


As for the OP.. what is "casual" to one person is "hard core" to another. It is all relative and a pre-defined adjustment to EXP would only cause havoc on both sides of the table.

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Only a person without a job would probably find this a good idea

All I can say to the OP is stop playing and do something else that will definitely slow down the levelling speed.


You clearly are not casual players


Because this casual player is only lvl 25 and played early access.


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i dont get how people are still so low level at this point. I have a full time job.. a wife.. two kids with a third one on the way.. and i still go to the gym 4 times a week for 1 hour. I still had time to get my main to 50 get it in almost full hard mode epics get an alt to 25 and still spend all the time i can with my kids and wife when they are at home...



Edited by Tersidre
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I'm surprised this hasn't been suggested before but instead of buttons to turn off xp and such, why not make there be a "level up" button that you can toggle to auto like the original kotor games, don't want to out level your friend, well this way you can both play while the other doesn't and come back to matching levels.
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I'm surprised this hasn't been suggested before but instead of buttons to turn off xp and such, why not make there be a "level up" button that you can toggle to auto like the original kotor games, don't want to out level your friend, well this way you can both play while the other doesn't and come back to matching levels.


Love that idea! :rak_grin:

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i dont get how people are still so low level at this point. I have a full time job.. a wife.. two kids with a third one on the way.. and i still go to the gym 4 times a week for 1 hour. I still had time to get my main to 50 get it in almost full hard mode epics get an alt to 25 and still spend all the time i can with my kids and wife when they are at home...




What type of work do you do? Does it involve moving around at all? I only bring it up because every individual goes at a different paces. This is true for all things in life. It shouldn't boggle your mind that you simply level at a faster pace.

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I'm surprised this hasn't been suggested before but instead of buttons to turn off xp and such, why not make there be a "level up" button that you can toggle to auto like the original kotor games, don't want to out level your friend, well this way you can both play while the other doesn't and come back to matching levels.


Yup good idea, keeping in lvl range is being a pita.

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It's more like veteran gamers got tired of our lives being sucked away having to grind constantly.


You want grind? Plenty of games for that. I simply refuse to spend months maxing out a character anymore. Even original EQ is more streamlined now. It has nothing to do with the fast food generation.


So really don't change EXP gain. My character is still level 48, and I have 100s of hours invested.


all we traded was exp grinding for quest grinding.

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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.

Annnnnnnnnnd this is why story shouldn't be a pillar of an MMO.

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WEll since the OP is an expert in the field based on his Masters Thesis in the genre why stop at 35%?


why not just reduce it by 86% perhaps even 120% that way it'll force you to do every single quest/heroic/operation/flashpoint and even still you probably won't even reach level 40 at that point


then in the essence of FUN because the OP feels that slower level gains are fun. you can grind mobs that give 2 exp a pop.


also increase the amount of experience it takes to level perhaps at level 50 you need over 1 billion experience.


any FUTURE expansions should require a billion experience per level which has diminishing returns depending on how many NPC's you kill that day. so if you kill your way through 500 enemies you will no longer receive experience from quest/kills for that day.

Edited by chrisftw
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WEll since the OP is an expert in the field based on his Masters Thesis in the genre why stop at 35%?


why not just reduce it by 86% perhaps even 120% that way it'll force you to do every single quest/heroic/operation/flashpoint and even still you probably won't even reach level 40 at that point


then in the essence of FUN because the OP feels that slower level gains are fun. you can grind mobs that give 2 exp a pop.


also increase the amount of experience it takes to level perhaps at level 50 you need over 1 billion experience.


any FUTURE expansions should require a billion experience per level which has diminishing returns depending on how many NPC's you kill that day. so if you kill your way through 500 enemies you will no longer receive experience from quest/kills for that day.


You forgot to add in xp loss upon death :p Because it isn't a good MMO unless you lose 25% level for dying. That way you have to grind up xp back to 50 every time you wipe in an ops group! This is the essence of fun.

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WEll since the OP is an expert in the field based on his Masters Thesis in the genre why stop at 35%?


why not just reduce it by 86% perhaps even 120% that way it'll force you to do every single quest/heroic/operation/flashpoint and even still you probably won't even reach level 40 at that point


then in the essence of FUN because the OP feels that slower level gains are fun. you can grind mobs that give 2 exp a pop.


also increase the amount of experience it takes to level perhaps at level 50 you need over 1 billion experience.


any FUTURE expansions should require a billion experience per level which has diminishing returns depending on how many NPC's you kill that day. so if you kill your way through 500 enemies you will no longer receive experience from quest/kills for that day.


Congratulations on missing the point of this thread by a few thousand lightyears.

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why bother, so the people who are 50 are alone for even longer? getting tired of that complaining, maybe it will give them more time to make some real endgame content not this 2 OP's.



say what you want but putting hard/nightmare modes is just a lazy excuse for saying "hey guyz we haz content" its lazy.

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