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Jedi Knight class finale balance adjustment (No Spoilers Please)


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I seem to be at odds here :p I didn't have any problems with the trash really. The un-upgraded T7 bit the dust quite a bit on the push to the end, but I didn't suffer a single death to the trash mobs (though there were several where I felt like paper and a few close calls when engaging multiple "strong" mobs (is it just me or do "strong" mobs hit harder than "elites"?). The end fight though I am beating my head against the wall...probably 10% ui bugs and confusion and 90% user error for me though. I did find out he doesn't leash :p so if you start losing, running away isn't really an option. He followed me all the way back to the space ship and then back into the temple lol Ah well, I'll get it eventually...
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I did fine getting to him, it's the main fight that needs work.



The first go I had him to 40% health and thought ok this is tough, but doable. I managed to clear the shadows and get some interrupts on him while T7 was up. Now though I am getting hit with force lighting before I can do anything because he disappears to the bottom and I have to hit each shadow with something individual. I can clear the shadows, and get to him but from there the long slow and huge damage is over the top. I am at 3/4 to 1/2 health and the fight has just started. This is as a Sentinel by the way, maybe the person talking about LoS was a guardian?


Don't over do it like with Marauders and the Sith assassin though, leave some fight in it.


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You guys are all better then me. I have a guardian and I can't even get past the very begging missions where Kira get's kidnapped. T-7 is a terrible tank and even though I am lvl 18 in a lvl 16 mission and I am being destroyed fast. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing lol.
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I just brought some guild members and plowed the place. We treated it as a heroic 4 and after some deaths we were able to muscle through.


Full group had to treat your "solo" area as "Heroic 4" and beat it "after some deaths"? Calibration, eh.

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You guys are all better then me. I have a guardian and I can't even get past the very begging missions where Kira get's kidnapped. T-7 is a terrible tank and even though I am lvl 18 in a lvl 16 mission and I am being destroyed fast. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing lol.


Yea you clearly don't...

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You guys are all better then me. I have a guardian and I can't even get past the very begging missions where Kira get's kidnapped. T-7 is a terrible tank and even though I am lvl 18 in a lvl 16 mission and I am being destroyed fast. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing lol.


Assuming you're a DPS and want T7 to tank for you, make sure that T7 is in his tanking mode/stance. I don't have the game up right now but if you bring up his full action bar it's one of the far right toggle buttons and it greatly increases his threat and defense. It's also important to upgrade his gear, I noticed that if you don't upgrade companions much after about 5 levels they become significantly less effective. Consider gearing your active companion almost as important as gearing yourself - the game will be much more fun.

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My take on this (without giving anything away hopefully)...


The trash clear to him was rough but manageable. That said I had made it a priority to gear up T7 at least a little bit through quest rewards, so he wasn't totally undergeared. That said I still died plenty of times.


The bigger issue to me was the final fight. Some of the difficulty lay simply in having to initially figure out the mechanics of the fight, but even once I figured it out I still had plenty of attempts where I was flattened almost instantaneously. I was eventually able to solo it, however I had probably less than 5% health left (if that) and I only really won because I took major advantage of LoS when he went to use his final move. Without abusing LoS it may be soloable, but I certainly couldn't do it. Other issues I had...


*Ability responsiveness made things more difficult, between timing interrupts and getting the shadows down quickly, this was a major issue.

*The circles on the ground almost always persisted through attempts, making it pretty difficult to determine exactly where he was targeting. They continued to persist after I eventually beat it.

*After I beat him I ran into an invisible wall preventing me from speaking to him to finish the quest. It also prevented me from leaving. Relogging fixed it, however a lot of instanced areas will send you to the start point upon relogging so I was VERY wary of trying it. (Related note, in game supports response to this was to use the /stuck command. Sorry, but that's a freaking joke).

*I had at least one guildie (and he reported other people having the same "issue") who left the instance and came back the next day. When he returned the boss had 500 HP and was one shot by force leap. Not sure what that is about but figured it was worth pointing out.


I'm glad the fight is difficult, but it wasn't the fun kind of difficulty, it was the "pounding your head against a wall" type of difficulty. Just, wasn't that fun, which is a shame for such an important part of the class story.

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I didnt want to start a new thread for this but I gotta ask.


I did a few tries but eventualy left the area so I could search for

strategies. Is that nasty trash respawning when I return? lol


Also, are the other classes having this much problem to solo their final quest?

(I have a Jedi Shadow that Im leveling. :( )

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I am almost to the end of the story, and if it really is this hard a nerf could be good. However, BioWare please keep it hard. Most of the bosses have been really easy, i think the final one should be difficult. So PLEASE do not over nerf it.
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I beat it today solo. No throwing the old man down a flight of stairs and no LOS using the pillars. Just sheer determination and a bit of luck. I was micromanaging T-7 and using his EMP to wipe out the adds. 1st shot I got with T-7 surviving to the 3rd round of adds I managed to kill him easy enough. Massive sense of achievment to get him down before the nerf and it is doable. I'm a full tank spec Guard by the way.
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I beat this solo last week on a 50 sentinel 5th try - Correllia/ Crafted gear (blues mostly 0 purples at the time). I made sure T7 was updated with lvl 50 moddable (greens mostly and a few blue mods). Admitedly I was the first of my guild to beat it solo on a Sentinel but a guard had beaten it solo before and 1 has done so since, so definitely doable and I must admit the sense of elation in beating one of the hardest solo fights (when still a new lvl 50 and not geared to max) was significant. I personally think the JK story line is awesome and the quest should be left as is in terms of difficulty, considering who it is you're fighting and what you've been asked to do. JK's/ SW's are awesome when played properly. The only thing lacking is the responsivness to key taps, with that sorted this should be quite doable.

Most Sentinels seem to have a problem with this more than guardians however as I think it's geared more towards Guardians than Sents but still doable and should stay as is.

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I really dont know how ppl soloed this mission without a healer, its incredible the lvl of difficulty, i had a 50 lvl healer and a 50 lvl sage with me and we were on ts like wow ! the emperor himself wasnt so difficult but getting there was outright devastating


I found it totally out of context and inexplicable that you as a sentinel have to have a healer companion for 10 lvls, you get your combat rotation in place with him, you learn to fight mobs and captains with him and on the final mision you cant do it with him and on top of that you get to spend 50 k on repairs and at the end you get 10 k in credits back and a medal that you cant wear, c'on !


Cheers and im glad i did it as it is, hopefully the rest wont have that problem :)


Anyone that claims to have beaten the emperor solo is either :


1. Lying

2. Using a glitch to bug the Emperor out.



I tried again today with t7 geared up properly and myself wearing at least level 50 purples with several pieces of champ gear, got him to 25% before getting overwelmed by 15 clones.


The problem is not the emperors damage, it's the frequency and number of the clones spawning and how long they remain in the field, if anything his damage is like Angrals which is managable.


Now 2-3 clones that would dissipate once hit at a time would be much better, letting them wrack up to 15 with a timer on them, definatley no that's why everyone is getting hammered on that fight.



I know you said no spoilers, but it's kinda impossible to not include them when you are describing the symptoms of the problem.

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I'll admit that this has nothing to do with balance, but I didn't get to fight the Emperor at all. I died on the pack of mobs at the temple entrance, and chose to return to medcenter (I didn't want to wait 10 minutes to ress on the spot). I ended up inside the temple at the medical droid, on the wrong side of the force shield. I can not turn it off and progress with the mission. I ran up to the Emperor, but he is not eligible for conversation.


Anyone else had this bug? I have 14 hours left on my emergency fleet pass cooldown, so I have to give it a try tomorrow instead. =(

Edited by erokris
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Yeah I pretty much decided to gave up. It basically came down to RNG for me but even on my best attempts I could only get him down to like 30% before I simply ran out of CDs and health. The RNG being how long T7 could live because sometimes he'd die really fast and other times he'd live through the first wave of clones.


Went back and hit 50 doing Warzones, I'll probably go back and finish this once they rebalance it or if I can get a group of friends to join me. Even the trash was a pain in the ***, and I had no problems with any JK questing up to this point.

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Finished my class story today, solo. Guardian, tank spec.


Had a really rough time getting through all the trash mobs, but I have been using T7 all the way, so he had decent gear.

I have found aggro juggling with T7 by using his taunt manually to be a lot stronger then having Doc around or using a damage dealer. T7's comments are just brilliant as well =D


I loved how hard it was though. Most games nowadays are too much of a walk in the park. This actually made me have to pay some real attention to what was going on.


The boss might have been a bit overtuned. The first few rounds he just blew me up, I had no chance.

Winning that fight was awesome though. Sense of accomplishment etc...

I am very glad I got a chance to do it before they nerf him.


Here's to hoping they don't overnerf him to not make him feel like a boss at all. A hard fight is a great finishing touch on the story.

Edited by Jihaw
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The ability delay is killing us sentinels, especially when combined with server lag. I mean, the force kick animation takes what, nearly a second to actually do its interupt. Add that to the lag between you clicking the button and the server recognizing it and executing the move. That added time can be the difference between winning and losing. A lot of the moves are bugged too with resetting animations or just don't work sometimes due to problems with the GCD. Its just really annoying to have to deal with all of it and its really gimping us as a class.
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I finished this last night (Guardian Tank), after hearing what a pain this quest was. I had not upgraded my T7...at all. So I was very pleased to find out I'd be stuck with him.


Anyways, I didn't find the trash pulls leading up to him to be too difficult. I skipped most pulls with 2 strong mobs, but it didn't take me long to reach him.


Fight details in the spoiler!


The fight itself was a real pain, T7 was useless and they kept charging him for some reason. The clones would disappear after a couple of hits each (Force Sweep + Strike), and he only does it 3 times max it seems.


A lot of it came down to luck for me though. If I was able to get them nicely clumped up, I could get them down before they all cast on me, and I tried to time my CD's as best I could. It did take a number of attempts so I probably got lucky, but I got it down.




I take it I missed a chest in there? What's that all about :(.


Also, apparently saving the galaxy nets you a pair of legs and 9000 credits!

Edited by Kabbeh
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For those of you who brought friends, how did you do that? I tried to bring along a lvl 50 Sage guildie (grouped with him) and Dromund Kass wouldn't even show up on the list of planets in his ship. Edited by Cimbar
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