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Everything posted by Callmeswarly

  1. This kind of sums up why I think this is silly. The game isn't designed for an individual, it's designed for everyone, and for probably 99% of player base this is an awesome thing. I guarantee the main reason they don't have a toggle for double XP is because of technical reasons. Considering the percentage of the playerbase that would even consider utilizing such a thing and the cost associated with developing it you can imagine why it's not an option. I'll also add that while over leveling content may make it somewhat boring it does not in any way bar you from actually doing the content, meanwhile players who are struggling to level up fast enough now would be barred from taking part in the XPAC should they not hit 50 by it's release.
  2. Not to be rude but feeling like you are forced to level the reputation just because it's there is obsessive. I'm pretty sure that problem extends beyond the design of this rep system and currently exists between your chair and keyboard.
  3. Forgive me if I don't take you at your word. If you want to believe you got nerfed of course you would think that, but the tooltip and anecdotal evidence from other people who HAVE paid attention say that it's working just fine. Does it require more effort on your part? Yes. Is that a nerf? Up for debate. Certainly doesn't mean it's not working.
  4. Except it is a 45 second cooldown... http://www.torhead.com/ability/4tsPP3G/burst-volley
  5. 3D ship battles is basically space combat. Capital ship battles would be more like Star Destroyer vs Star Destroyer. Kind of like the different between two warplanes dog fighting and the game Battleship.
  6. The other thing to remember is that these aren't soldiers fighting in some great war, they are soldiers who have been stationed on a back water planet filled with blood thirsty zombies who can literally kill them by inflicting a single scratch. Beyond that they've been kept for years beyond what they were supposed to, are surrounded by corruption, and have no foreseeable end in site. All this and for what? So Governor Saresh can build up her political image and eventually become Supreme Chancellor?
  7. It's not really a plot hole. Visions can easily be misinterpreted, it's actually a pretty common occurrence in the Star Wars universe (Darth Vader says hello) and it wouldn't be at all surprising if Scourge misinterpreted his own vision. He's a Sith, he saw the vision and acted on it out of impulse, even after being told specifically by Revan towards the end of the book that the future is always in motion, be mindful of visions but it's best not to act on them. There's no real way for Scourge to tell during a vision that it was truly the Emperor and not just his voice, much in the way that we the player have no true way to tell if any of the "Emperors" we confronted in game were the true one. In fact at the end of Act III (I don't know if it's different for Dark Side) he specifically says "I felt nothing, you haven't killed him". The way I read it was that Scourge's vision did come to pass but not in the way he originally perceived it as the Emperor is still alive in some capacity.
  8. There a couple of errors in the way you're thinking. First up, part of the problem you're having is in that you're looking for each Act to be like a chapter in a book, when they're more like their own separate books. That's not to say there can't or shouldn't be a strong overarching story, but not all the class stories necessarily follow that guideline. Part of the reason for that is that each different class story can really be put into it's own genre category. Playing through the Trooper is like playing an action movie, and as such part 2 is very different in tone/setting/villains than part 1 (much like pretty much any action movie sequel you've ever seen). While I haven't played the Agent, I could probably say the same thing as it relates to a James Bond/spy story. Maybe some things remain the same between acts, but for the most part you're looking at a totally new story. Is that very Star Warsy? No not necessarily, but it does provide plenty of variety in the stories. They aren't all about the heroes journey, nor should they be. That said, the Jedi Knight storyline pretty much follows your outline of the heroes journey. It has the initial build up of the hero and his companions over time, his eventual defeat at the hands of his enemy, and his overcoming that in order to defeat the one main baddie who's present pretty much throughout the entire story. The only thing I think was lacking was a central theme, but maybe that depends on how you play out the ending. I'm not gonna say it was perfect, but it literally follows the exact outline you said was not in game, which to me says you either don't know what you're talking about or you just disliked it so much that you choose to ignore it. Regardless, you're talking like that stuff isn't in game at all, when it absolutely is. It isn't present in every story because every story is different. Some of them follow a traditional heroes journey, some of them don't, and that's OK. Just because the Trooper story has more themes in common with the movie "Commando" than it does with KOTOR doesn't make it bad, it just makes it different.
  9. You can think about his "turn" to the darkside a couple of ways. Any way, to mention some in game references to KOTOR, one that people have hinted at, on Corellia as Republic there's a mission to plant beacons on 8 different statues. There's one for every one of the crew members from KOTOR with the exception of HK-47. When you turn them on the light up but you unfortunately can't see the holo image they supposedly project. During the mission that takes place on the wrecked Endar Spire on Taris the loading screen music (or main theme, whatever you want to call it) for KOTOR plays during the cutscenes. One of the areas on Taris is called "Brejik's Run". That's about all I can remember off the top of my head.
  10. Certain classes get knockback or controlling immunity. Off the top of my head I know that JK/Jugg get a talent that makes them immune following a force leap, though I'm sure there are others.
  11. This video is from his first incarnation in beta. As I remember the majority of his abilities were broken and he was for the most part unable to do so much as move, let alone run around chasing people. So yeah, not a good indication of how the fight actually works.
  12. All of the FP's that have hard modes have plenty of dialogue and story, which is 6 in total at lvl 50. Esseles/BT Maelstrom Prison/Foundry Taral V/Boarding Party Directive 7 Battle of Ilum False Emperor The leveling ones (IE all the ones you enter through the Dropship hangar) are really just there to fill the gaps in the leveling process.
  13. My take on this (without giving anything away hopefully)... The trash clear to him was rough but manageable. That said I had made it a priority to gear up T7 at least a little bit through quest rewards, so he wasn't totally undergeared. That said I still died plenty of times. The bigger issue to me was the final fight. Some of the difficulty lay simply in having to initially figure out the mechanics of the fight, but even once I figured it out I still had plenty of attempts where I was flattened almost instantaneously. I was eventually able to solo it, however I had probably less than 5% health left (if that) and I only really won because I took major advantage of LoS when he went to use his final move. Without abusing LoS it may be soloable, but I certainly couldn't do it. Other issues I had... *Ability responsiveness made things more difficult, between timing interrupts and getting the shadows down quickly, this was a major issue. *The circles on the ground almost always persisted through attempts, making it pretty difficult to determine exactly where he was targeting. They continued to persist after I eventually beat it. *After I beat him I ran into an invisible wall preventing me from speaking to him to finish the quest. It also prevented me from leaving. Relogging fixed it, however a lot of instanced areas will send you to the start point upon relogging so I was VERY wary of trying it. (Related note, in game supports response to this was to use the /stuck command. Sorry, but that's a freaking joke). *I had at least one guildie (and he reported other people having the same "issue") who left the instance and came back the next day. When he returned the boss had 500 HP and was one shot by force leap. Not sure what that is about but figured it was worth pointing out. I'm glad the fight is difficult, but it wasn't the fun kind of difficulty, it was the "pounding your head against a wall" type of difficulty. Just, wasn't that fun, which is a shame for such an important part of the class story.
  14. 3 times. I was having horrible vid lag the first two attempts, once that cleared up simply popped all my cool downs and interrupted/CCed as needed, killed him with ease. For those dying multiple times, you are popping all your CDs and using a Medpac right?
  15. Why is nobody really mentioning Call on the Force? Generally for most Elite quest mobs, Praven included, I rush in and just start burning them down as quickly as possible, pop saber ward early, then pop CotF when it runs out and hit SW again. When that runs out use a Medpac and Enure as needed. Obviously interrupt when needed, CC with Stasis/Push, etc. The only boss I've died on is Angral and that was due to crippling vid lag causing my DPS to suffer.
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