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Hutball is broken.


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You should be covering your lines to prevent passing.



The only complaint I have is the 2 man cap team. One is a tank guarding a healer who uses a knock back to send everyone off the ledge into the pit and you can't charge back up to them because they go LOS.

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Hutball rocks. I think all this crying comes from PUG vs Premade whining. 4 organised people with 4 other puggers to help out will stomp 8 disorganised people anyway of the week because the organised one will work together to pass the ball open themselves aup or down obstacles while the puggers will simply deathmatch each other in some insignificant corner of the map and then come on the forums crying "we got rolled 10:0 by a premade. nerf premades...QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ"


In the future I would like Hutball to be more like WoW Arenas but maybe add a wager option. so people that WANT to play competitively can put in an amount they ofer for a win and anyone willing to challenge them needs to put in the same amount to match. kinda like pub pool :)


maybe even have special season gear for playing in the competition :)


then when the season finishes all Season winners per server can play round robin with all other servers winers and have a Grand champion team that gets super cool gear :) :)

Edited by Fonitrus
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this warzone is so broken it's not even funny. It requires 0 dps, 2-4 healers and 2-4 tanks who can (i apologize for WoW terminology) death grip your players completely away from the in-zone and life grip themselves to a team member(s) in your own in-zone and or ANY CHOKE POINT!! Being as a person who ALWAYS has a premade w/ me (most of us were seasoned glads in WoW so we're not incompetent) we still lose! It's not due to lack of skill but it's because we dont have the correct group composition. Hutball is all about group composition and nothing else. We shouldn't lose the game because our composition isn't catered to this specific warzone. but hey, you win some, you lose some.
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You should be covering your lines to prevent passing.



The only complaint I have is the 2 man cap team. One is a tank guarding a healer who uses a knock back to send everyone off the ledge into the pit and you can't charge back up to them because they go LOS.


Covering your lines is useless vs shielded +force running sorcs... or leaping jedi/war

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An effective defense when the enemy has ball past even one fire trap is very hard, which is why the most effective defense in Huttball is kill the enemy carrier at mid field. Here DPS classes are quite useful.


A lot of people make the mistake of attacking the ball carrier first if he's a tank. You're not going to take down a tank (who might even be guarded by another tank) with a healer behind him by focusing on him. You got to at least remove the healer first to have a shot at stopping him unless your team greatly outclasses the enemy.

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Covering your lines is useless vs shielded +force running sorcs... or leaping jedi/war


Those Force running jedi can still be stunned in fire, also, the stun lasts the duration of the speed boost.


Those leaping Jedi, yea those guys can be pulled back down to the pit.


Those shielded jedi those guys can be knocked back.'

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this warzone is so broken it's not even funny. It requires 0 dps, 2-4 healers and 2-4 tanks who can (i apologize for WoW terminology) death grip your players completely away from the in-zone and life grip themselves to a team member(s) in your own in-zone and or ANY CHOKE POINT!! Being as a person who ALWAYS has a premade w/ me (most of us were seasoned glads in WoW so we're not incompetent) we still lose! It's not due to lack of skill but it's because we dont have the correct group composition. Hutball is all about group composition and nothing else. We shouldn't lose the game because our composition isn't catered to this specific warzone. but hey, you win some, you lose some.


If you're getting beat as a premade, the problems between the chair and the keyboard, no matter the comp if you have any brains at all you'll beat an unorganized pug.

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As is stands now abilities that allow the ball carrier to bypass choke points and blatantly broken.


While the imbalance leans heavily to force users other classes are left to wonder why.


A force user can jump across fire with the ball or out of the pit.


A force user can force run across fire or away from people they are in combat with while holding the ball.


A sorc can pull a ball carrier across fire or up a cliff.


A sorc shield protects you from knock back, making a force running shielded sorc equal a free cap.


Mean while Agents and BH have to wait for the hazards.


so.... what is the point of agents and BH to play huttball?


Mark my words.. when you can que for individual pvp zones huttball will only be force users.


They really need to make using using these broken abilities force you to drop the ball.


Roll a different class.

On my server for the last 2 weeks we've been doing that to republic.

Last night republic FINALLY figured it out and their combos started doing it to us.


Also the people who do this well tend to be in premades, last night we won a match in 3 and a half minutes, things like that are going to have to wait for the patch that splits us 50's from the lower levels.


Also, theres this nifty thing called Resolve. I'm a tank and if one of my healer buddies i like to roll with is near ill just train the ball through, you guys stun me 4 times quickly and then you cant stun me for 10seconds. Everyone has it, matter is whether you live long enough for it to happen.

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As a Sniper, I strongly feel Huttball sucks hard as I do not in any shape or form have the same advantages some other classes have. I don't think anyone is OP as a class, just certain abilities that clearly caters the battlefield in their favor. Sure, I can stun or snare. But what does it matter when they can immediately leap/grapple/charge long distances across hazards while I have to foot it.


I shouldn't be placing myself in cover in places where they can "charge me" and borrow a lift to victory.... so what is the point of playing if I have to position myself out of the battle or the mid area? I can't carry the ball. I can't cover in the good location for fear of giving the other team a huge advantage. Why am I even bothering playing Huttball?


While it's a question who's got the better Juggernaut and is most likely to win, the worst I feel by far are the Powertech tank geared players. I cannot be the only one who feels this way. They have by far the most useful abilities in this encounter that makes the point of trying to take them down, pointless.


I LOVE Alderaan and like Void Star. I feel these are REAL PVP BGS. I have to PVP, I have to win and they are forced to fight me. Their charges, grapples and knockbacks aren't game breaking. They are forced to use their skills and beat me in duels or in group combat. I find it very fun.


Personally? I think ball carriers should actually pass the ball and specific skills shouldn't be available to the ball carrier and it'll make it a whole lot better for EVERYONE and require some actual PVP instead of whoever has got the most useful skill wins. I'm sure many people don't want that, mostly people who have these skills but you have to look at the overall picture Bioware.


Until then, I'll automatically leave the queue for all Huttball BGs (which are 72% of all BGs, I kept stats) and requeue in hope of actually PVPing for a change. One thing is for sure though, once some sort of BG selection is implemented, many.... many people will NOT queue up for Huttball. This is a very popular sentiment.


Along with the bad conception of "random champion bags", this must be looked at to bring some sort of balance.

Edited by Menyu
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As is stands now abilities that allow the ball carrier to bypass choke points and blatantly broken.


While the imbalance leans heavily to force users other classes are left to wonder why.


A force user can jump across fire with the ball or out of the pit.


A force user can force run across fire or away from people they are in combat with while holding the ball.


A sorc can pull a ball carrier across fire or up a cliff.


A sorc shield protects you from knock back, making a force running shielded sorc equal a free cap.


Mean while Agents and BH have to wait for the hazards.


so.... what is the point of agents and BH to play huttball?


Mark my words.. when you can que for individual pvp zones huttball will only be force users.


They really need to make using using these broken abilities force you to drop the ball.


If you have a good team you'd know that the BH/Imperial Agents are meant to intercept the balls and/or defenders protecting the carrier and the Force users are suppose to run the ball. EVERYONE HAS A ROLE They just need to learn how to play and/or co-operate with others in implimenting tactical manuvers!

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I think huttball is actually a well designed zone, but they need to prevent movement speed buffs from affecting the ball carrier, in order to make the game pace better.


Currently, you control the centre, have 3 cappers running the ball (3 forcespeeds, 2 jedi/sith tanks + healer) and cap every 20-30 seconds.


If people want to use their movement speed buffs they should have to pass the ball off, sprint/charge ahead then have someone pass the ball back.


Passing directly into the endzone also needs to be removed.


Yes, its impressive enough the first time you see it, then you emulate it and with a competent group of friends it becomes completely faceroll.

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As a Sniper, I strongly feel Huttball sucks hard as I do not in any shape or form have the same advantages some other classes have. I don't think anyone is OP as a class, just certain abilities that clearly caters the battlefield in their favor. Sure, I can stun or snare. But what does it matter when they can immediately leap/grapple/charge long distances across hazards while I have to foot it.


I shouldn't be placing myself in cover in places where they can "charge me" and borrow a lift to victory.... so what is the point of playing if I have to position myself out of the battle or the mid area? I can't carry the ball. I can't cover in the good location for fear of giving the other team a huge advantage. Why am I even bothering playing Huttball?


While it's a question who's got the better Juggernaut and is most likely to win, the worst I feel by far are the Powertech tank geared players. I cannot be the only one who feels this way. They have by far the most useful abilities in this encounter that makes the point of trying to take them down, pointless.


I LOVE Alderaan and like Void Star. I feel these are REAL PVP BGS. I have to PVP, I have to win and they are forced to fight me. Their charges, grapples and knockbacks aren't game breaking. They are forced to use their skills and beat me in duels or in group combat. I find it very fun.


Personally? I think ball carriers should actually pass the ball and specific skills shouldn't be available to the ball carrier and it'll make it a whole lot better for EVERYONE and require some actual PVP instead of whoever has got the most useful skill wins. I'm sure many people don't want that, mostly people who have these skills but you have to look at the overall picture Bioware.


Until then, I'll automatically leave the queue for all Huttball BGs (which are 72% of all BGs, I kept stats) and requeue in hope of actually PVPing for a change. One thing is for sure though, once some sort of BG selection is implemented, many.... many people will NOT queue up for Huttball. This is a very popular sentiment.


Along with the bad conception of "random champion bags", this must be looked at to bring some sort of balance.


I'm a sniper and i agree. We dont want a nerf of some classes, its all about the mechanics of huttball : some classes are just too well designed to win it, meanwhile some cant do as well because they dont have the tools for


already said but its no fun when a tank is under immunity to all cc's and is takin ridiculus damage, and bump/dash/charge/grappin making this modjust too easy, so i'm with the idea of an handicap on the ball keeper (even if it wont resolve everything, you can still rush at lightspeed the opponent team side and receive the ball, or charge w/o the ball and then receive it, etc)


ps : fuk the huttball.

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I think huttball is actually a well designed zone, but they need to prevent movement speed buffs from affecting the ball carrier, in order to make the game pace better.


Currently, you control the centre, have 3 cappers running the ball (3 forcespeeds, 2 jedi/sith tanks + healer) and cap every 20-30 seconds.


If people want to use their movement speed buffs they should have to pass the ball off, sprint/charge ahead then have someone pass the ball back.


Passing directly into the endzone also needs to be removed.


Yes, its impressive enough the first time you see it, then you emulate it and with a competent group of friends it becomes completely faceroll.


I'm a guardian, and force leap is pretty good in there, as is guardian leap (if the enemy are positioned badly/my team positioned well), but if giving up using those with the ball would mean sorcs/sages and assassins/shadows would no longer be able to charge through the fire bubbled and knock anyone who chases them off, I'm all for it.


I honestly believe the inquisitor/consular classes are the main problem in this WZ, since their utilities can be used at any time they like and don't rely on other players positioning and being able to target them quickly, but if leap has to go too so be it. Just fix it.


I don't even think this would slow down the game that much, just stop certain classes being able to do it all without much teamwork. Passing goes a long way (literally :p).

Edited by Prav
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As a Sniper, I strongly feel Huttball sucks hard as I do not in any shape or form have the same advantages some other classes have. I don't think anyone is OP as a class, just certain abilities that clearly caters the battlefield in their favor. Sure, I can stun or snare. But what does it matter when they can immediately leap/grapple/charge long distances across hazards while I have to foot it.


I shouldn't be placing myself in cover in places where they can "charge me" and borrow a lift to victory.... so what is the point of playing if I have to position myself out of the battle or the mid area? I can't carry the ball. I can't cover in the good location for fear of giving the other team a huge advantage. Why am I even bothering playing Huttball?


While it's a question who's got the better Juggernaut and is most likely to win, the worst I feel by far are the Powertech tank geared players. I cannot be the only one who feels this way. They have by far the most useful abilities in this encounter that makes the point of trying to take them down, pointless.


I LOVE Alderaan and like Void Star. I feel these are REAL PVP BGS. I have to PVP, I have to win and they are forced to fight me. Their charges, grapples and knockbacks aren't game breaking. They are forced to use their skills and beat me in duels or in group combat. I find it very fun.


Personally? I think ball carriers should actually pass the ball and specific skills shouldn't be available to the ball carrier and it'll make it a whole lot better for EVERYONE and require some actual PVP instead of whoever has got the most useful skill wins. I'm sure many people don't want that, mostly people who have these skills but you have to look at the overall picture Bioware.


Until then, I'll automatically leave the queue for all Huttball BGs (which are 72% of all BGs, I kept stats) and requeue in hope of actually PVPing for a change. One thing is for sure though, once some sort of BG selection is implemented, many.... many people will NOT queue up for Huttball. This is a very popular sentiment.


Along with the bad conception of "random champion bags", this must be looked at to bring some sort of balance.



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when abilities complete negate most aspects of the game there's something wrong. Fire traps are pointless with a shield (sorc only) or pulls. Taking the upper scaffolding severely benefits classes with knockbacks, 1 cc move completely removing any attackers from the ball carrier doesn't help things either. There's no point to having cc that prevents people getting away from you, when theres a deus ex machina move that cancels it all out that can be used repeatedly and rapidly.


when the vast majority of games are decided by which team has the most of the classses that cancel out everything else somethings off. i cant tell you how many times i've seen a sorc/sage get the ball, hit their shield and sprint and score in 5 seconds from the time they got the ball.

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If you spec'd powertech instead of loldps tracer missile spam, you'd realize that BH's can charge over hazards on top of being able to pull enemies off catwalks and into the pit with grapple.


I agree with the Sorc part, though.

That **** needs to be fixed. Make both the pull and the shield high level healing tree talents, imo.


THIS! BTW a sith sorc can't withstand being pulled through a pit of acid or fire pit.

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As a Sniper, I strongly feel Huttball sucks hard as I do not in any shape or form have the same advantages some other classes have. I don't think anyone is OP as a class, just certain abilities that clearly caters the battlefield in their favor. Sure, I can stun or snare. But what does it matter when they can immediately leap/grapple/charge long distances across hazards while I have to foot it.


I shouldn't be placing myself in cover in places where they can "charge me" and borrow a lift to victory.... so what is the point of playing if I have to position myself out of the battle or the mid area? I can't carry the ball. I can't cover in the good location for fear of giving the other team a huge advantage. Why am I even bothering playing Huttball?


While it's a question who's got the better Juggernaut and is most likely to win, the worst I feel by far are the Powertech tank geared players. I cannot be the only one who feels this way. They have by far the most useful abilities in this encounter that makes the point of trying to take them down, pointless.


I LOVE Alderaan and like Void Star. I feel these are REAL PVP BGS. I have to PVP, I have to win and they are forced to fight me. Their charges, grapples and knockbacks aren't game breaking. They are forced to use their skills and beat me in duels or in group combat. I find it very fun.


Personally? I think ball carriers should actually pass the ball and specific skills shouldn't be available to the ball carrier and it'll make it a whole lot better for EVERYONE and require some actual PVP instead of whoever has got the most useful skill wins. I'm sure many people don't want that, mostly people who have these skills but you have to look at the overall picture Bioware.


Until then, I'll automatically leave the queue for all Huttball BGs (which are 72% of all BGs, I kept stats) and requeue in hope of actually PVPing for a change. One thing is for sure though, once some sort of BG selection is implemented, many.... many people will NOT queue up for Huttball. This is a very popular sentiment.


Along with the bad conception of "random champion bags", this must be looked at to bring some sort of balance.


I play an Immortal Jug pretty damn well.


Snipers behind cover can't be charged to....... just saying.

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Right now Huttball hugely favours classes with leap, pull or sprint abilities. When playing Huttball on my agent. I simply feel useless. Getting knocked into the pit all the time, basically being unable to do anything against it.


I've had loads of games so far, where basically no side would be able to score. Because of players using their knockbacks wisely ( Really, what's up with basically every class having a knockback? Melee classes do not need knockbacks imo, but that's a different thing ). The only point scored in these games, were because of Inquisitors managing to survive till their resolve bar was full. Then instantly sprinting off, over the fire leaving basically every other class behind. Or because of a Juggernaut/Marauder managing to charge a badly positioned teammate.


The whole principle of huttball is quite fun if you ask me. But the current map it's played on is flawed in every way and hugely favours classes with a leap, sprint or pull. Ever tried scoring the ball as an agent? I usually get slowed/stunned till my resolve bar is full. Then after waiting for the last fire to go out. My resolve bar is empty again and I get knocked into the pitt, being unable to do anything at all.


+1 from a frustrated Imperial Agent Sniper. My lack of utility becomes all the more prevalent here than the other warzones and while the occasional cover pulse on unaware melee is entertaining, I feel completely useless here, as I imagine BH's feel as well.

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Huttball is going to become a joke next patch once the Force Leap changes are put in. If your team tries to defend (how dare they!) Juggernauts/Guardians will just leapfrog their way to the endzone by chaining Force Leap/Force Push/Force Leap, with Intervene thrown in as necessary.

Edited by raelimar
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I do enjoy Huttball... would like to have a few new voice-announcements (I like that they are there, but there are not enough different ones). But, when you get put into numerous back-to-back-to-back-to-back Huttball matches, it does a few things:


1) Shows you how imbalanced your Republic/Sith ratio is

2) Drives you insane

3) Nerd rage when you keep getting on the "losing" team

4) Loves life when you keep getting on the rolfcoptor-win team


I think ally/self abilities that move the ball carrier should at least have a chance of causing a fumble. Or, as others have suggested, cause the ball carrier to outright lose the ball.

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operatives and scoundrels all have various speed increases.

I'm just going to enlighten people here for a second. These are the "speed increases" Scoundrels and Operatives have.


We have the Flee the Scene talent in Scrapper Tree that increases our movement speed by 50% when we use Disappearing Act. Our vanish ability. This movement increase lasts 6 seconds. Disappearing Act has a 2 minute cooldown.


We have in the Sawbones Tree the talent "Scramble". Which increases our movement speed by... 20% I think it is. When we use Dodge. That lasts 3 seconds. Dodge has a 1 minute Cooldown.


I'll sum up a Scoundrel match from a Sawbones AND Scrapper point of view for you.


Scrapper: Sit in stealth at midfield, attempt to burst/slow the enemy ball carrier. Spend the rest of the match chasing after him while he flies over fire pits.


Sawbones: Follow around teammates and heal them. Spend the rest of the match trying to keep up with them while they fly over fire pits and run at high speeds out of range/sight.


More on Topic:


The simple fact is people with higher mobility and more Pulls/Knock Backs are more useful in Huttball than those few classes that have neither. It's extremely annoying to anyone who doesn't have the level of mobility that Force Users have.


(And *NO* I am *NOT* saying that only Force Users have good mobility, i am aware a number of BH/Trooper specs have a large level of mobility and a few knock backs. But they don't compare to Sith/Jedi. ( especially not with the Force Leap buff coming up in a new patch. ))


Does it make Force Users the "IWIN" of Huttball? No.

Does it make Huttball the ultimate in no-skill sprint to the finish warzones? No.


Having the ability to Jump or Pull around is a given for Force User classes, and no one wants those abilities to be removed. But the simple fact is it is an extremely large advantage to those classes and the only way to remove that insane advantage is to disallow Pulls/Jumps with a Ball Carrier.


Disallowing Ball Carriers to Jump multiple times, or be Pulled multiple times, puts the entire Warzone squarely back into "Pass to Play". As was originally intended for it.

Edited by Avianpixie
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As is stands now abilities that allow the ball carrier to bypass choke points and blatantly broken.


While the imbalance leans heavily to force users other classes are left to wonder why.


A force user can jump across fire with the ball or out of the pit.


A force user can force run across fire or away from people they are in combat with while holding the ball.


A sorc can pull a ball carrier across fire or up a cliff.


A sorc shield protects you from knock back, making a force running shielded sorc equal a free cap.


Mean while Agents and BH have to wait for the hazards.


so.... what is the point of agents and BH to play huttball?


Mark my words.. when you can que for individual pvp zones huttball will only be force users.


They really need to make using using these broken abilities force you to drop the ball.


So there is finnaly something that favours melee classes...



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