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Everything posted by Auralias

  1. Just buy alot of sniper rifles remove the mod and equip it on ur armor LAWL! Thats how I insta kill ppl in PVP!
  2. In pvp ppl want **** done right if you don't follow directions ofc ppl will rage.
  3. I was excited about Starwars till I saw "EA" label pop up. they are notorius for poor customer support/ and they like to kill there games once they milked it. Btw I have 1 ticket still open since last week and not answered. lololol
  4. You heard right! @ The same time pissed at the many bugs I found in Starwars and pissed @ the gameplay and false advertisement, and poor description of some items, and poor organization of items on vendors and StarFox Space fight -.- and Pissed about the "balancing" system for pvp (Stats in pvp sanctioned matches don't mean anything.) Just stack alot of expertise lawl
  5. Game As is with the Bugs, Bugs bugs bugs and low res armor detail and poor gameplay is kinda not what I consider "Best design" Oh not to mention 3 maps for pvp... and open pvp with no objective just a ganking spree. WTB Planetary Conquest on pvp server plox
  6. What Starwars Environment should look like: What Starwars PVP should Look like: What Aerial Fighting should look like:
  7. When will we bable to see new Pvp maps coming into game? is it in 1-2 weeks? or next month or year?
  8. Auralias

    500k+ DMG Club!

    Its quit obvious someone is cheating.... Or he was playing aganist a grp of lvl 10s... Or he was picking off other ppl kills (but won't explain how he has 8 medals, 4800 pts on objectivve) What ever suspicious reason it may be. Good job.
  9. Nope I didnt know in fact thanks for telling me +1 PS I don't read fourms everyday.... I actually play the game n' not troll here ^_^
  10. If you have a good team you'd know that the BH/Imperial Agents are meant to intercept the balls and/or defenders protecting the carrier and the Force users are suppose to run the ball. EVERYONE HAS A ROLE They just need to learn how to play and/or co-operate with others in implimenting tactical manuvers!
  11. These are some serious horror stores makes me want to not buy those backpacks and settle with orange gear ;o
  12. What happen to the promise of same sex relationship? Will we in the future be able to pick and choose our companions kinda like GuildWars?
  13. Agreed 10-29 30-39 40-50 I think its lame how I get grped up as a 50 with a bunch of baddies who are below 30. Even if you get everyone equal stats they don't have Equal skills. Heck I no longer add endurance since the stat thing will just "balance" it out. Please fix your game, kthxbai
  14. When you play HuttBall, Doesn't the annoucer say cheating is allowed? If your implying afking = cheating then I guess its allowed.
  15. 1) Can we Namechange our Legacy Name (Description wasn't clear) 2) What items will we be getting from legacy? 3) Will we be able to get new companions, upgrade existing companion appearance? 4) Will we be able to access new vendors which give new companion appearances? 5) Cna we change the race of our companions?
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