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  1. je serais a priori pour, a condition que : 1) on ne puisse pas changer de spé en WZ/BG/zone pvp genre ilum 2) on ne puisse pas changer de spé en instance/raid 3) le fait de respé ai un cooldown d'au moins 10 à 15 minutes sans ce genre de choses, c'est la porte ouverte aux farmeurs de médailles en BG ou "d'adaptation éclaire" un peu débile (que ce soit dps/tank ou dps/heal) sachant que de base la "double spé" comme les gens la demande ne serait qu'un développement de l'outil qui existe déja (c'est à dire, re spé au npc) mais en version "lazy ***" le seul réel profit que je vois, serais pour les tanks comme moi qui sont axé tanking pve et un peu plus dps pour pvp, car le reset du prix de re spé est hedbo et ca couterait chère de re spé 2 fois par jour pour admetons donjon + BG), mais je fais avec alors pourquoi pas les autres hein ... m'enfin ca c'est personnellement encore un gadget pour les joueurs occidentaux, je suis moi même pas fan des mmos avec arbres de talents, mais c'est un autre débat (le fait que certaines spé soient quoiqu'on en dise + viable et du coup force parfois un certain gameplay, autant qu'il n'y ai pas de choix, et ca eviterait de voir des classes spé DPS qui peuvent néanmoins se heal, ou des spé DPS qui ont des skills défensif de tank ... )
  2. you rly don't get the point, it's not about wanting to do something else from the sniper, it's more like if you had alot of space in your car, but the constructor would fill this space with retarded things while you could have put something more useful (or just kept the space to be more comfortable, like when going into vacation) as previously said, cover would be a great idea if it was worth it - like more range, real bonus defense, etc, w/o those ugly problems you can sometime get about re-entering cover after a bump/cc (once i was also kinda stuck in a "jump" stance, i was "in movement" while not moving, happened more than once) no one here want to play as a merc (god, i aint launching rocket from my ***), but alot of ppl feel like we have less mobility to do our channeled skills while some classes can do the same (and for example with more mobility and armor penetration)) also, i'm sry but our skills make us easily noticieable (and i wont talk about our screen ...) so anyway while cover is intended to be a long rang ability, it's questionnable
  3. implying it's not a lethality sniper and you, sir, would be kinda dead by then always fun to see merc/sorc not understanding their hp dissapearing from poisons/exploding prob/cull then takedown (and this in ONLY 4 sec bro, do i win ?)
  4. I'm quite ok with cover, even if it makes us often less efficient than some other classes (in MM spec), because the sniper's gameplay was designed to work this way BUT i dont understand why we dont have more range than 35m (for main skills) Rly, its only 5m more than sorc/merc, meaning its almost not a real and viable "bonus" Because i agree we have alot of tools for melees classes (stun, leg shot, cover impulse, ambush if you got the ability as an MM, flash), and even this is sometime not so true, meanwhile we can't use those tools against sorc/merc (they are both having a ranged stun) and while they can freely move to hide/show up whenever they want (or just flee away), and since they are already at almost our max range (in theory), have fun to leg shot If you ever got to exit cover, you expose yourself to alot of things, and despit some ppl are arguing we can 1v1 for example a tank, it's very rare on WZ and you are most likely about to be charged by a juggernaut or a ravageur if a rogue class isnt already coming for you And keep it real, if you arent focused in huttball, its because : your team is dominating; your team is in defense and you are trying to kill leftovers from middle (so you are also exposed to leftovers or respawning ppl coming to help the attack) There is no "smart way" to play sniper, here we arent at 200m from the battleground, trying to HS ppl like in BF3, being undercover on a high building or an hill Anyway, i switched to lethality, then tried again MM, and just switched back to lethality + eng hybrid, while our burst as an MM is nice, i still prefer being to setup healers in order to harass them and be able to wound tanks or melee who could run away because of their own defensif skills
  5. Etant donnés que nos skills genre snipe/ambush/followthrough/takedown sont des skills physiques, la plupart des tanks peuvent réduire les dégats, les parrer ... Ensuite, il y a beaucoup de classe qui ont un self shield (comme notre prob par exemple, ou celui des sorc) et donc forcément ca absorbe si votre spé précision vous frustre, passez en spé fatalité, retournez en pvp, placer votre dart corrosif, bombe poison, tir affaiblissant, puis cull (j'connais pas la traduction ) et voyez les hp de la cible fondre ... voila et ca sans avoir besoin d'être en cover
  6. Well, i disagree. You can't say that as an MM sniper its not a huge problem having to be in cover, when sometime pressing your key to be in cover : 1) dont put you in cover 2) root and cant go in cover 3) failling skill if you do them too fast when you go into cover let's say you get in cover, you can then again be bump (cuz even if you do entrench all the time, there is this 20sec when no entrench and on cover, or ppl will move, etc ...) this is only for the sniper part, now when you look at some classes, you just wont all the time have the tool or it will put you on CD on almost all skills to survive, and i'm sorry but its not up to "improvise", being skilled wont make you shoot through walls/pillars/etc when ppl know that they can abort alot of your skills and ppl saying you need to learn how to stay away and etc from pvp, until its chaotic mess (and still, some operative or assassin will go focus on you) but here all ranged classes are great on chaotic mess going lethality isnt a matter of "going easy", it's a matter to use the best tool to face some classes that have also got spec (or more than their others spec) its a bit like juggernauts, alot of ppl think vengeance is the way when rage is just "the" damage dealer spec (even if some says it's boring, others dat its easy ...) but as some ppl said, its also about tastes, i like the cover things, but while we are a class that should use the environnement to be at our advantage, its often is a disadvantage
  7. go lethality spec >> never play MM sniper ever
  8. specialist - there is some cheated builds, its underestimated and still very nice tanks and hybrid tank/damage dealer sniper - ok its not the less played, but face to maradeurs/operatives/sorcerer/merc... it's at least those 2 classes the less played on my serv
  9. Alors déja, calmos avec "on regrette de ne pas avoir plus de cd défensif", car entre la forme "tank", le vanish, le sprint, le bump de zone, un stun, la tornade, un slow qui peut être chain, le skill dont j'ai oublié le nom qui augmente la chance de parré ou d'éviter les attaques distances/corps à corps, jpense que c'est bon niveau "cd défensif" vu le dps qu'ils peuvent produire Pour l'assa, c'est effectivement fun à jouer en spé furtive, tout autant que la spé commune qui permet un peu plus d'aoe et qui base ses dégats sur les magies (même si avec la spé pvp furtives tu comptes aussi pas mal sur la magie) D'un autre côté, le sorcier se joue soit sur les dots/slow (et tu dois pas mal contrôler tes trigger passif) ou un peu plus spé aoe, dans les deux cas tu récup les bonus du healeur (bouclier + skill de heal) tout en ayant comme l'assa la tornade, le stun, le bump, le sprint ... J'parle pas de la spé heal, t'auras de quoi faire rager pas mal de monde avec, après j'sais pas si c'est super fun mais bon =d Depends du fun que tu recherches, l'assa peut être jouer en gros burst ou tank, et le sorc plutot que du gros chiffre ca sera des dots qui font mal/aoe ou rôle de support
  10. pour le tank, faudrait qu'ils aient un skill qui puisse virer le target des gens pour les faire criser, et pouvoir mieux remplir leur rôle de disabler (c'est deja simpa de pouvoir slow/taunt qui réduit les dégats/etc, mais concrêtement, certian DPS le font aussi) par contre le point des scripts plus poussés, dsl mais tu sais sur les mmo tu fais pas des trucs de ouf hein, c'est très limités l'IA que peuvent avoir les boss, ou la complexité de leurs phases Perso, ce qui m'intrigue c'est le "Le système héritage permet à tous vos nouveaux personnages de rejoindre un arbre généalogique [...]" Cela veut-il dire que nos perso déja 50 ne pourront pas être affilié à un arbre ? Cela veut-il dire que seul les nouveaux personnages aurront les bonus lié à l'héritage ? Car perso j'ai déja mon sniper + ravageur 50, mon assassin lvl 25, et je voulais faire un healeur, je sais pas si je devrais attendre cette mise à jour ou reroll encore maintenant ...
  11. Maybe, but be sure that if they got too much tools in order to survive, it means finishing frags and then ultra high possibility to flee away, get hp up and go back in stealth to do the same and almost "never" die ? cuz for me, skills to detect stealth or instant aoe are just not reliable to work nicely they still got evade, flash, stun, vanish, shield prob, i doubt about leg shot ?, and so far i dont know by heart their skills and the problem of ops/scoundrel is more about the armor penetration, meaning they kill easily "robes", "medium" AND heavy armor, all tanks are crying about this i maybe rushed too fast the subject, but anyway i would agree that merc need some change to be more than a stationnary turret, but i still think it's some classes that are too op, more than merc gimped and/or w/o enough tools
  12. i didnt explaned myself very well here the point is, ope and scoundrel got high burst, but after that, you lose the invisibility start and your dps drop drastically, when the dps of a merc is constant if i'm wrong, then i give you the point about 2v2, but here again, there is too much about placement, and hazard about the mez/cc of the 2 groups (merc+sorc vs ope+sorc), so you cant determine the output and end of this pvp and my biggest point was not just like 2v2, merc and ope with a heal, but a fairly 3+ vs 3+ like in huttball or voidstar, alderan ... both of you turned it this way yet you would argue about "what if a group assist" but its just another point, if it's well prepared team, they will know which target to protect, meaning strategy can evolve or be different for each pvp (which is natural on a new game) so yes it's sad, and i think that ope should have less tools, but its intended that they should be superior on 1v1 or while opening a pvp, its just the meaning of this class, there is nothing to argue, its a rogue cause yet, i dont think its up to ppl that havent à whole sight of the game to decide if either some class need to get some skills/tools or either some class to have less skills/tools dont think i'm not getting your frustration, i had also plenty as a MM sniper (yes i know its still different than a merc, still) also, be sure it's hard to explain a whole idea due to : troll, fact that ppl dont read all post and whole posts, etc, and that anyway we cant fix shlt ourselves and some people are just not fair about they point of view
  13. Aren't you missing the point here ? If you were playing a scoundrel, im sure you would be saying something like "***, its nice to be able to burst someone and kill it, but each time we expose ourselves, its high chance to die or we have to flee away, cuz vanish is nice but there are dots and aoe/etc, and we should not rely only on 1v1 for pvp !" do you get it ? i swear to god, ope and scoundrel's weakness are "group" pvp until they got a support to heal or mez other classes in order to cover them (like all classes afaik), otherwise its gang bang (and i know it because I am the one killing them like nothing if they pop out near an ally w/o back up) on em if its not too much chaos So this last statement was just false and wrong, sry about sorc's tornado, get yourself a sorc to cleanse you and put tornado on others support ... ? BUT i agree too that they could have improved a bit your tools, face to what others classes have, but for me it's only cuz the sorc (and maybe some others) got too much of em, this game will end up with all classes having cc/mez/bump/self shield/speed boost/stun/immune cc/etc period.
  14. Man, 1v1 just CANT be balanced, otherwise, all classes just would have the same skills and stats. You must accept that at some point of the game, if you want FAIR and/or balanced 1v1, you must do mirror 1v1 (and here, the skill + luck + gear will tell who wins) its just not possible that in a game X class could kill every other class just because "well played" MEANWHILE, there is always in a game some classes OP and some a bit UNDER i was alot thinking the same about my sniper you know, like, im not mobile at all (on MM spec), i do same damage as other Damage Dealer classes but ive to be under stupid cover + only 20% penetration armor and damage based on power, reduced by alot of things in this game (just for the story, i switch to lethality spec and im now ultra fine, almost 90% of the time top damage of my WZ and able to help alot by slowing/killing opponent (even tanks) and helping the ball carryier back to merc, i dont know everything yet but still play alot with one, and he is just fine so more than MERC being GIMP and w/o tools, its maybe sorc with too much of em.
  15. What's terrible is that ppl dont get that it is an mmo, all classes arent meant to play alone or 1v1 for example, some classes will be better than others for 1v1, but you could find better combo of classes when starting a 2v2 or 3v3 you need to learn that some classes are just meant to kill yours, its like ****** pokemon fire/water/plant, easy as dat shlt even when im playing alone in WZs, im always ready to back up ppl against op/scoundrel/assassins and i figured that im often helped too, and you wont be targeted by an op/etc if you are with another ranged - its just too risky for him, so maybe start sticking as much as possible to what ever ranged class you could find and able to see you if you are attacked by a melee while main pvp is at 20/30m they just profit of single ppl dont knowing that the game is based on teamplay - even when playin between ****** randomz i'm sorry gentlemen but face to your "aoe" spec, its just normal to have low mobility and to die from assist if no one is helping you - no pvp is fair until its a prepared one with both team able to put out the best setup they think it would be
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