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This game has more performance-issues than any MMO ever.


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For me, this game has the worst performance of any game, MMO or single player, that I've ever played going back to the Apple II. I'm not talking server side issues or client stability, just performance on my desktop. I've spent the last three weeks tuning and tweaking the game just to get better than 4 FPS in fights. It's still hit or miss and even when it works I get hit by memory leaks sooner or later.


I'm glad so many have zero issues with game, but for me it really hard to get excited about a game that's barely playable and I have to spend hours getting to the 'barely' level. I know everyone will be quick to tell me it's: my disk, my cpu, my video card, my memory, my drivers, my network, my fan, my power supply, solar flares, etc... It's not any of those. The game doesn't come close to using my system resources and if it did I expect I would see some decent performance. I've also been able to play any other game without performance issues and my most recent games include Witcher 2, Skyrim, Starcraft 2, Deux Ex: HR, and Rift.

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That's funny because I remember wow doing all these things at release.


Random crashes, random freezes, couple BSOD's due to video drive issues, falling through the world, loot bugs, unfinished talent trees, unfinished quest lines the list goes on.


To this day WOW was by far one of the worst and buggiest game releases I have participated. They have managed to absolutely dominate the field since then but that's after 7 years of development.


Anyone that actually played WoW at release knows it was buggy as hell and you're just lying if you think otherwise.


that's odd because the only bug i can remember from wow beta and on was the stuck in loot position until you died bug ... I guess your computer just sucked bad back then...

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Yeah... but thats because:




Its kinda hard to compare something when this is the only MMO you've ever played.

Unless I'm reading this wrong?


No.. this isn't my first MMO, but it's the first MMO that I have had issues to where I can't play longer than 30 minutes. This is happening now after the last update.

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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...



Well that's every MMO ever released. Your experience is so extensive it certainly justifies the use of the phrase "any MMO ever" in your chosen thread title. In another universe, Anarchy Online was almost completely unplayable for over a month and Vanguard SOH had the beefiest PCs getting 5 fps in cities with no one around but hey and Star Wars Galaxies averaged about 10 bugs per day for average users but there is no sense in letting that other universe get in the way of your statement.

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AMD Phenom II X6 1090T,

XFX HD6870 Dual Fan,

8 GigByte DDR Ram.


Thats enough for you hardware troll to stop, really.


SOrry, but playing wow-warzons and BF3 multiplayer with constant 70FPS and more clearly indicated this game has severe performance-issues.



If you have problems running the game with that setup then there's something else going on in your machine. You have a severe bottleneck somewhere. Maybe try bringing your computer back to best buy or have someone look at it for you. My system runs the game on max settings and I have less that.

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If you have problems running the game with that setup then there's something else going on in your machine. You have a severe bottleneck somewhere. Maybe try bringing your computer back to best buy or have someone look at it for you. My system runs the game on max settings and I have less that.


i have the exact system ( except my video card is a 6850 single fan) and i have the exact same issue as he describe .. i can run BF3 and all other game at 70fps without ever dropping but TOR is a roller coaster from 110 fps when nothing happens to a 20-30 fps in pvp..

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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-




You are a liar. Entering Ironforge automatically meant a 10x increase in lag and a good chance of the game turning into a slide show. This went on for months.



How desperate and pathetic are some people to make up lies?

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that's odd because the only bug i can remember from wow beta and on was the stuck in loot position until you died bug ... I guess your computer just sucked bad back then...



Stuck on loot bug persisted through all of vanilla so saying that's all you remember is a bit facetious.



I'm sure you don't remember the Tarren Mill battles that caused server instability to the point where you would log in only to be immediatly rebooted.


Falling through the world? That was one of the biggest bugs at release that caused all kinds of issues, people were stuck falling and had to have GM's teleport them around.


Unfinished skills trees - you can't argue, this is just fact.


FPS issues in Ironforge and Ogrimar which is where the only faction auction houses were. Running 60+ fps all around the world dropping to 6 as soon as you hit IF with frequent crashes and disconnects.


You can try and blame it on my computer if you want but some of us ACTUALLY PLAYED AT RELEASE.

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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-


If it looks like BS, smells like BS, I gots ta say its prolly BS.


Yeah, been there done that, got the crappy T-shirt. SWTOR has been pretty smooth for me, better than WoW, WHO, AoC, and a couple others. Your memory is like your man parts, not nearly long enough. You seem to forget WoW having servers down for DAYS even months after launch, or the refresh around the BC launch. Not to mention Lagforge and Orgrilag.


Go update your drivers skippy.

Edited by Evangelist
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I think there's no question that SWTOR has had one of the better MMO releases. Perhaps only Rift's was better?


However, the performance issues are very real for many people. Generally, I get 60-100 FPS on high settings throughout quest areas and Flashpoints, but as soon as I go to the Fleet or play in Warzones it goes right down to about 14-25 FPS, and hardly any higher if I lower the settings from High to Low. What's even worse is the stutter that happens in the Fleet. Clearly, there are optimization issues here. My rig consists of:


Intel Core i5 760 @ 3.8GHz

Corsair 8GB DDR3 1600MHz

AMD Radeon HD5870 (similar in performance to nVidia GTX 560Ti)

14MB broadband line speed


Surely, the above specs are enough to get decent frame rates in the fleet and Warzones? For reference, BF3 causes no problems on High settings on 64 player maps with my FPS generally staying around 60 FPS.


Obviously we all have to be patient as undoubtedly the updates and optimizations are coming, but I really don't know why people keep comparing this game to WoW's release seven years ago. They need to compare the game to what WoW is like now and that, unfortunately, is why many other MMOs have failed.

Edited by decampo
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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-


This imbecile doesn't know what they're talking about.

Edited by MegaG
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I think I might make a video showcasing me playing other recent MMOs and comparing the performance to TOR.


I find it absolutely silly that I can run TERA and the B&S private server at max (both completely dwarfing TOR in everyway and form graphically) with great performance.

But TOR is like a wild rollercoaster of frames where I can hit 100+ in certain zones, but drop down to 20ish in others.



This whole issue kind of reminds me of the FFXIV beta. Where you have one group screaming "this game is unoptimized as ****!", while you have the opposing group screaming "[insert dev here] didn't do anything wrong. Your collective computers just suck!"

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Complaints aren't "unfounded" when thousands of users are having problems with poor performance due to a poorly optimized engine. Knock off the fanboy garbage for two seconds and acknowledge that this game has pretty severe technical issues.


Your post is dripping with hyperbole.


And anyone complaining about it be the worst at anything MMO related has obviously never truly tested that many mmo's nor have they been at a truly dismal launch (AoC).


It's not "fanboy"ism. It's merely experience over loud mouthed entitlement.

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Wow didnt drop my FPS in random-areas by 50% oder 90% while the CPU is only adressed by 50%,

WOW didnt cause my CPU Heat going to 100 degrees celcius just after downloading a patch,

WoW didnt lag the **** out off battlegroundservers when they integrated battlegrounds when FPS and MS are both high/low,

WoW as a didn´t make my pc reboot or hardcrash in any of the 7 years I´ve played it,

WoW didn´t came out in 2004 with a game-engine that was designed in 1994, like SWTors Hero-Engine is from 1990/2000.


CPUs have a built in shutoff when they hit a certain degree. It's usually 72 degrees. 100 would blow your CPU. You should probably invest in a better fan.

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Since my early access started 16th December I've crashed twice, and I have had minor lag maybe... 3 times or so. And I've played every day, some days more, some days less. None of my (granted, not very many!) guildies have said anything about it either.


So, sorry to say, but it seems these technical issues aren't a problem for very many people. Of course it's a shame that ANYone has problems with this, but please don't make it sound like it affects everyone.

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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-




Yeah there are some people with some issues, but hardly as you portrayed it. You need to stop reading the troll threads, IMO.

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I have found it very smooth, but it does seem to eat memory, esp on later planets.


Doesn't effect me much as I have plenty installed, but I can see that being a real issue for anyone still running 32bit OS with 1GB allready reserved for hardware. Would cause pretty bad VM paging, which could explain some of the stuttering ppl have been reporting(Not all, but some at least).

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If a game where I have to go through 8 loading screens every 10 minutes was not stable with servers crashing, then I wouldn't not know to say tbh. This game is as instanced as it can get, it being stable compared to mmos with seamless worlds is not really a good comparison in the first place. I can write a game that will have 1 room in it and it will be very stable. My awesome game will have THE MOST SUCCESFULL LAUNCH IN THE HISTORY OF GAMES, just you watch.
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And most of those complaints are unfounded since they are purely a user system issue.


I love this one: "I am a fan of this company and therefore you need to re-engineer PC design to accommodate this game"


Awesome stuff.


If a software developer comes to me as an electrical engineer and tells me that I need to re-engineer a hardware design because his software doesn't like my current, established one. I know which one of us is going to be looking for a job next week.


Pro Tip: It isn't me.

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I think there's no question that SWTOR has had one of the better MMO releases. Perhaps only Rift's was better?


However, the performance issues are very real for many people. Generally, I get 60-100 FPS on high settings throughout quest areas and Flashpoints, but as soon as I go to the Fleet or play in Warzones it goes right down to about 14-25 FPS, and hardly any higher if I lower the settings from High to Low. What's even worse is the stutter that happens in the Fleet. Clearly, there are optimization issues here. My rig consists of:


Intel Core i5 760 @ 3.8GHz

Corsair 8GB DDR3 1600MHz

AMD Radeon HD5870 (similar in performance to nVidia GTX 560Ti)

14MB broadband line speed


Surely, the above specs are enough to get decent frame rates in the fleet and Warzones? For reference, BF3 causes no problems on High settings on 64 player maps with my FPS generally staying around 60 FPS.


Obviously we all have to be patient as undoubtedly the updates and optimizations are coming, but I really don't know why people keep comparing this game to WoW's release seven years ago. They need to compare the game to what WoW is like now and that, unfortunately, is why many other MMOs have failed.


Running it on a one year old ASUS gaming laptop here, high settings, no performance issues whatsoever. Stock everything, no over clocking, not even a recent graphics driver update. Graphics runs great (50-70 FPS), processors hums along at ~30% utilized, and thermals on processor and graphics card are almost identical to results from playing WoW.


Some hardware seems to struggle with the game, most does not. That's some form of dependency between graphics hardware, drivers, and the game engine. FRANKLY, the way people like to tinker with their graphics drivers all the freaking time to eeek out a little more performance on a particular game, it would not surprise me that more then half the problems are unstable drivers.


Post release is the real test and refine for MMO on stuff like this. Give it time. Anything that is at all a dependency on the game engine will get fixed. Dependencies on the user side, not so much though... that's on the user.

Edited by Andryah
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SWTOR has had the smoothest launch of any mmo I have played (I didn't play Rift at launch). It is also the largest MMO launch ever.


The game runs smooth and for 99.9% of players does not lag, crash, have a delay, or anything. I play on the highest possible settings and my computer is nearly 3 years old. I have friends that play on laptops that weren't even designed for games... I don't know how it is possible, but it works.


It is an amazing accomplishment and no amount of trolling on these forums will change that.

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