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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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No, I'm done.


I resubscribed for this month because I wanted to get in a few more hard mode ops, but I can't even bring myself to log in anymore. Especially after seeing all the new GW2 gameplay, logging onto SWTOR is painful.


Decent game while it lasted (way longer than Rift I might add, which held me for about 2 weeks lol) but there are a lot of fundamentally flawed issues with this game including the developers who seem to have little clue as to what's going on. 1.2 isn't going to change any of this, unfortunately.

Edited by Esaru
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My sub is cancelled for now. Maybe later in the year I'll assess how far along the game has come.


And yes, I am sensitive to the difficulties of launching an MMO. I've launched 7, 4 of those kept me around for years without a lapse in subscription. People are either damning the came for no reason or defending it for no reason. At the middle of the road, reasonable people can understand the difficulties faced by the developer, but glaring oversight on simple choices makes this launch particularly unforgiveable despite the nature of MMO launches.

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1. I'm having fun.


2. BioWare is getting on top of bugs and issuing regular updates.


Of course I'll resubscribe.





"2. BioWare is getting on top of bugs and issuing regular updates."


are you serious here? are we even playing the same game?

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I will not resubscribe until the legacy feature is released and if any of those "Legacy Character Creation Options" should make me want to delete on of my 8 already made characters, I will not resubscribe because that will ruin it for me. Again hope someone that matters at Bio is paying attention to all the Legacy related posts...

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I'll continue to subscribe because I'm having fun :D




I'm really not getting why so many TOR players seem so clueless. It's like people have never played MMORPGs, especialyl at release, before, and have these completely unrealistic expectations and desires.


Just play and have fun. If you're not having fun, then go away - quietly, without whining, exit polls, crying, complaining, or otherwise yapping.

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I'll continue to subscribe, but I want Bioware to start taking serious note of the criticisms their game is getting. I want this game to succeed, but there are other games looming on the horizon that could sway me away if things don't improve here.
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Not really sure yet. I did the 3month subscription.


Of all the "MMOs" I have played TOR has given me the most enjoyable leveling experience.


That said, of all the ";MMOs" I have played I have never lost interest in continuing to play/progress my character after hitting level cap as fast as I have in TOR.


I am leveling up another toon on the opposing faction but he is almost at cap as well.


While a part of me wants to see the stories of the other 6 classes, I just cannot bring myself to seeing the same content in pretty much the same exact order again.


Most likely I will let it renew ....the game has a lot of potential but if after six months I am feeling like I do now I will move on.

Edited by Draylore
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Close to R65.

Cleared KP/EV on NMM.


What's left?

Chasing datacrons?

Doing some dailies on Ilum/Belsavis for daily tokens and cash?

Pvp dailies for the ever so eluding BM commendations?


Game Over.


The 1.2 patch still hasn't adressed the issues at hand.


* Servers are dying, need either forced merges to make a playerbase or faction/server change.


* Cross server battlegroups.


* Cross server LFG tool.


* And bug fixes that should have been ages ago.




1.2 better be amazing or I think i'm not the only one throwing in the towel.


(Hiring people from Mythic that produced a game that flopped was the best move EA/BW could do to SWTOR!)

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Hell yeah I'll keep playing !


Having waaaay too much fun with this game :D


I don't care that my guild have cleared most content (just some nightmares missing, but we're getting there), or that I don't PvP so there's not much left for me, when I do play I am having a blast, and that's all that matters.


Plus, every patch has been a money shot so far in my opinion, always adding something I looked forward to (well maybe except 1.1.3 which was nothing hot). I like it now, I'll keep liking and maybe love it later ;)

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I level one toon at a time and try to max his equipment and whatnot before I run another.. aside from flashpoints, hardmodes and these idiotic dailies there's practically nothing to grind or do for a full time player...


I catch as many HM's and whatnot as I can but still after finishing them all in one day what's left?


You can que warzones which are pretty cool, huttball for teh wen, and grants warzone comms... but the ONLY ways to get Merc comms is to 30-10 ratio trade in bulls4it and the tatooine place where the timers are like world bosses...


honestly if something is not done to keep players playing endgame content, and i've already seen ALOT leave cause of nothing to do, i doubt many will keep subs going.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


I hit cancel few days ago - good thing my 6 month subscription had just been billed eh:mad:


Why do I quit?


  • Insanely restricted weapon system - why can my vanguard only use assault rifles?
  • Too long instances
  • Inability to keybind target icons (I had "skull" bound to my ' key in wow and it worked wonders)
  • Crafting is a leveling skill - useless at max level
  • Dailies - did my share in WoW and they weren't fun back then neither
  • "Bonus mission" popup on every 2nd normal mission I'm doing - at that rate it isn't a bonus, its a penalty (yes I know, you do not HAVE to do the quest - said to MMO people)
  • Annoyingly long travel times between planets (and fleet) due to no speeders in spaceports and the numerous orbital space stations that act as inbetweens
  • Dissappointed with planets: Hoth and Tattooine were special (and spacy), but the rest are too large and common. Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa (in small parts Taris) has a spacy feeling to it at least.


In short, game felt grindy right from the beginning due to the many bonus missions that constantly pop up. The majority of the world areas feel too common - not spacy sci-fi'ish enough.

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I'm really not getting why so many TOR players seem so clueless. It's like people have never played MMORPGs, especialyl at release, before, and have these completely unrealistic expectations and desires.


Just play and have fun. If you're not having fun, then go away - quietly, without whining, exit polls, crying, complaining, or otherwise yapping.


Actually that's exactly what we should do, how else is Bioware going to know this game hasn't met basic MMO standards and has disappointed many players for a variety of good reasons? (funny how you mention that when they don't even have a roll system or combat logs - and somehow wanting these is unrealistic according to you)

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