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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I only really log on to pvp a bit. I randomly get kicked off and thus out of pvp.


I really can't see continuing - I bought a new gaming desktop pc just so I was "sure" I'd never have these issues (on my side) but it seems from the mountain of posts that I'm not the only one getting these huge lag spikes.


I might try again in a few months if they clear up bugs and game play issues.

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I unsubscribed, the game was made for reviewers, not players.


First few hours were great, fast combat, few skills, story seemed to go somewhere.


Later you have to smash a mob 50 times before he dies, 4 full bars of redundant skills and storyline is so weak it I can't imagine how it could come from the same people who made Baldur's Gate and Mass Effect.


Additionally the game looks so-so and at the same time runs slower than Crysis or Battlefield 3 :]


Seriously, where all that money went...?

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Unless something changes and changes fast.


I was all for this game, I mean, come on, we all are or we wouldn't be here.


But tonight, I've just had enough.


BW released a small update, my comp goes through everything, I log in.. And typical of ALL the patches/updates, the intro scene plays and all that jazz.. Everything has been reset, all my preferences and settings. FINE, wahtever, I can deal with that.. AGAIN (this happens after EVERY Patch).


It loads....... Loads... O.k. done loading, oh not! After the loading screen another loading screen!!! Loads... Loads... I get into the game and graphics look like kitty barf.. Check out the settings, change everything back to the way I like it.. graphics still look unusually bad. But whatever, I can deal with that, I JUST WANT TO PLAY.


SO I try... I Q up for a PvP match... EVERYTHING is unusually slow. the lag is nearly unbarable.... By this point I've sat at the comp for 20+ mins and i'm STILL WAITING to play..


Get into a match, only for that match to FINISH before I even Load in.. it loads me out.. Waiting.. Loading.. Waiting.. Loading..


Finally get out.. Still laggy as mollasses going up hill. Queue up again.. Loading.. Loading.. Loading..


OMG! I'm IN! And the match hasn't started yet!!!


....what? the match is going to close because only 4 people are on my team counting me...... oh, well I guess that's good since it's more like 3 people because whatever BW did has messed up the game SO SEVERELY that the game no longer functions the way it did when I last logged on..



W. T. F.


Will I renew my subscription when it runs out???


NOT A CHANCE. Not if it keeps up like this, I wont waste another dime on a game that I can barely play and that instead of improving just has gotten worse and WORSE.


And for the record.. I don't have a ****** comp. I have a pretty sweet lap top that at one point ran this game FINE, but with each update BW releases it's just gone down hill.

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Not me. Canceled my sub after my last friend and guildmate quit. PvP is the #1 factor for me in an MMO, but RP is right there behind it. So, as you can imagine, we play on RP/PvP servers.


As to immersion on RP servers, unfortunately, despite the size of the budget spent on the voice acting in this game, the legacy system, sections of the forums devoted to story, and several servers set aside for RP (3 of the US ones, RP/PvP which used to have a queue to get in), EA/BW dropped the ball due to sheer laziness by not enforcing a simple naming policy like pretty much any other MMO out there with RP servers. Without, at the very least, a naming policy, why even bother tagging a server with "RP"? It's no different than any other ruleset.


So, from the beginning, there was constant bickering in chat about RP, and lot of non RP players taunting RP'ers. With no policy, the non RPer's just flaunted the same old poor attempt at wit names you see on all the other servers. To each his own, I've always believed. You pay your sub like everyone else. And a lot of people see RP as silly and goofy. That's fine, and there are LOTS of servers for those types. EA/BW failed to support the RP community here in TOR though, even in the simplest way, such as a naming policy. Which may not seem like much to many who play, but to a lot of RP'ers, it means a lot.


So now we're all back at AoC awaiting "Secret World" and "Guild Wars 2". It's a shame too, becuase it seems that we all liked the gameplay of TOR, but there was just no real RP community here. The population on the east cost RP/PvP servers dropped from queue times in the late night and early morning to "low" and "standard". It's a shame. Just a simple thing like a naming policy is all we asked for. If EA/BW can't do that much for the RP community, we'll just give our money to someone who will.

Edited by Krynos_Pentegarn
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Yes, I like the base of the game and the Idea behind it, some things need done better, but they seem like they really want to do right by the game from the continued interviews etc. So I'm willing to see where they go.


Plus I'm genuinely having fun.

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No. Already canceled.


Everything is the end-game. The fact is that if they make a true MMO, the end-game is a distant goal that you know you'll get to but there just is no rush. There is so much more content getting there that you are ok to pause for days or weeks at a time at level 20 let's say and just explore, build, camp, fish, craft, decorate, fish some more, talk to friends, cook, milk an animal to make some awesome drink, train a pet so that one day you can ride it or use it in battle. Oh wait wrong game.


Needs more sandbox elements.


  • Add Planets with no specific level range. Just a very mysterious Star Wars planet where you can run into mobs that are level 1 or level 50. All levels are there, low and high. Be Careful
  • No yellow brick road quests where you literally follow a road and questline like a robot to the next quest line or area. It works in other games because they are much more open
  • No exhaustion from running into the desert
  • More mystery. You know, like Star Wars. Ambience.
  • More immersion
  • More in-depth crafting - Crafting that YOU as the player actually have to do and not only your Companion
  • Crafted Gear that matters. How about just gear that matters period.
  • Player Housing on a planet that's non-instanced. No there would not be a blight if they just added rent with limits on how much you could pre-pay.
  • Chat Bubbles
  • Scalable UI
  • Movable UI (not the UI they're promising as we haven't seen it yet. I'm not sure it will fully deliver)
  • Pet Mounts, like the movies.
  • Vehicle Mounts that actually work and feel right. In TOR they just don't feel right. The vehicles in TOR feel and drive like a hula skirt that you're wearing. It feels very fake
  • Community
  • More People - Stop the Sharding/Instancing
  • Pets that are not Companions. That can fight for you. Beasts.
  • Less Gated Gameplay
  • True Open Worlds
  • More in-depth Meaningful Harvesting
  • Remove the mountain Walls, regular walls. Stop making me run 5 miles in one direction to get to an objective that is just on the other side of another wall
  • Broker that works
  • Guild Halls - Non-Instanced
  • No Mobs on every single node and every single path. It's ridiculous
  • No Combat Delay - Still not fluid even after fix.
  • Better Textures. Really bad here. Everything is muddy.
  • Food with Stats crafted by Players
  • Moddable Orange Armor that has a base stat so that it is actually worth something more than appearance.
  • Open World PvP with actual rewards so that everyone isn't always in WZ's on PvP Servers. And NO NOT JUST ILUM
  • Slow level progression down with sandbox elements that would make people slow down because they desire to.



Also, it just seems that nothing you do in the SWTOR world really matters.

BW's almost doctrinal stance on the solo story design is a mistake. Their stance on solo gameplay as a whole, in an MMO, is a mistake.


SWTOR's group content is INCONSEQUENTIAL. If I did 5 fp's total, that would be a lot. There is no need to do them. You do not need to do them to advance in any way. I made it to 50 on one toon and 20 on another in 30 days without them. You say I missed out on great gear??? Really and with what consequence? NONE! And I was constantly ahead of the leveling curve right up to Corellia which is 47-49.


The group content is fun that being FP's and Op's but it's old and tired and in the end doesn't matter as everyone will get good enough gear or better gear without trying so there is no point to it.


People on the forums tell you do the FP's, OP's, crafting and such but none of it really matters in the end. Crafting : you will loot better gear while PvPing or running regular quests , fps or ops, so no point. Gear is easy to get so everyone will have it so again no point to ops or fp.

At end game the game really becomes pointless especially on Ilum as Republic.


That's one of the biggest things I come away with is that the game is too easy, too much good gear drops for nothing, no one needs you and you need no one. No middle game content that would make someone slow down. No real Epic questing going on. It's just more like doing assignments. You will get everything you want guaranteed. No risk whatsoever. It's epically boring.

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[*]Vehicle Mounts that actually work and feel right. In TOR they just don't feel right. The vehicles in TOR feel and drive like a hula skirt that you're wearing. It feels very fake


Yesterday when I was playing I summoned my speeder, it appeared on my head. I just drove/walked/floated around at speed with a giant speeder hat.....

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No - Cancelled Sub - bought C.E. and cancelled already


So did my 2 SWTOR preorder kids


Love Star Wars - KOTOR1&2 and Books, enjoyed ME1&2, enjoyed the Single-Player storyline aspect of this game, but bleh. alts are boring. endgame PVP needs revamped completely, not just more "content"...


wish the best for all you who are staying, but our entire household said bleh, and we cancelled.

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I'm still subscribing and don't intend to stop in the immediate future, but my long term staying power here is in question.


I'm *really* getting annoyed with operation bugs. When we have to wipe or reset and clear trash again that kills the evening for me and my raiding friends.


Crafting is just bleh. It's something I typically put a lot of time into. I keep getting operation patterns that I'm just annoyed by. Many crafted patterns are the exact same pieces of gear that drop in the raids I'm doing, so I can make the same pieces I'm getting from bosses. And those patterns make bop gear so I can't make it for another person. Some of the gear is okay for crafting for people not doing operations, but the market is pretty slim as the gear is worse than easily attained pvp gear anyways. And the fact that patterns won't give an error message, "you already know this pattern" they'll just consume the schematic regardless is such a bad system. On my alts I've given up crafting as a viable method of entertainment or progression. I usually level up every profession and at least tinker with it just to see how it works. Since crafted items are terrible I don't really see a point in investing any further time into it. I could pick up biochem for every one of my alts, but that's just boring. I really want crafting to be more important than it is currently so that there's a market for the products I've spent my time skilling up for. As it is, I've crafted no gear for anyone in my guild. I've sold 3 belts for around 200k total. These are things that require raid dropped items to get and are easily replaced by pvp gear.


I really like the companion system. What I want there is more. More companions options. More companion quests. The option to reject companion offers, or even kill them. Though I'm content to give them time on this one. It's something they did well that I want more of that can come at a later date.


PvP I find fun to level up. I'm not particularly happy with the balance. I want less crowd control. I want resolve to actually work. I want resolve to limit the cc that fills my bar so that I can't be a tiny sliver under and take a full 5 second stun. It should be done by %. Whatever % of the bar left is what % is taken of the crowd control. I have serious issues with the way medals work. Tanks get an excessive amount of medals because they often times deal rather high damage. Healers get almost no medals in comparison. This dramatically impacts the time it takes to level in the valor system.


PvE I enjoy. The fights are interesting. The mechanics are common for most and innovative for others. I have a huge feeling in the pit of my stomach that some classes and specs vastly outperform others in various roles, and once we have damage/healing meters or combat logging we're going to see drastic balance changes to compensate. As an easy example, sorcerer healing seems extremely powerful in comparison to operative or mercenary healing. This can easily be mathed out by looking at the various abilities. In particular, the sorcerer has higher single target healing base resulting in larger heals, a larger variety of healing abilities, and unlimited group healing in comparison to the mercenary. The only mercenary aoe heal is ground targeted and limited to 3 targets. The sorcerer in comparison just heals everyone in the area, the area is larger, and it persists and heals over time to those who remain in the aura. This is just one example that I look at and see a huge disparity in role performance. I don't mind some specs being better at certain situations than others, but having one just be all around superior is an issue. It's masked right now because we can't actually see the numbers.

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No - Cancelled Sub - bought C.E. and cancelled already


So did my 2 SWTOR preorder kids


Love Star Wars - KOTOR1&2 and Books, enjoyed ME1&2, enjoyed the Single-Player storyline aspect of this game, but bleh. alts are boring. endgame PVP needs revamped completely, not just more "content"...


wish the best for all you who are staying, but our entire household said bleh, and we cancelled.


I did the same exxept I bought 2 CE's and 2 Kids. Thought this would be a family game.


Instead it turned out to be a game for the comatose.

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