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The Leveling Grind Is Dead! All Hail SWTOR!!!


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Totally agreed with this 100%. I'm nearing 50 on my Jedi Sentinel and the only thing I can think of is: "Can't wait to start a new character."




I currently have 3 chars going. They each have their own personalities and it's just amazing to me. Bioware really stuck that foot in dis game and made some good gravy baby!!!

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Totally agreed with this 100%. I'm nearing 50 on my Jedi Sentinel and the only thing I can think of is: "Can't wait to start a new character."




For those new to the MMO genre, and there appears to be more than I thought there would be, a "Grind" in MMO lingo is where you stay on the same spot and pull the same grouping of mobs for hours and hours all in order to get the exp for each kill. FFXI and AION are good examples of MMOs that are heavy on Grind. WoW and LOTRO would be examples of MMO's with some grind. SWTOR would be an example of zero grind.


Yes, The Grind is very much dead.


All Hail SWTOR!

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The OP must be under level 30 and still on his first toon...


There are very few quest types and these tend to be repeated, over and over. The VO stuff was great the first time, but by the 2nd or 3rd toon, trust me it gets old.


But what really gets old is every character has to advanced in the same order of planets, doing the same quests.

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For those new to the MMO genre, and there appears to be more than I thought there would be, a "Grind" in MMO lingo is where you stay on the same spot and pull the same grouping of mobs for hours and hours all in order to get the exp for each kill. FFXI and AION are good examples of MMOs that are heavy on Grind. WoW and LOTRO would be examples of MMO's with some grind. SWTOR would be an example of zero grind.


Yes, The Grind is very much dead.


All Hail SWTOR!


Actually no. In MMO lingo a "Grind" is any action that must be done over and over again to progress. It has nothing to do with staying in one spot and pulling mobs (that is known as farming, no matter if it's for money, xp, loot, etc...). The "Grind" is still very much alive in SWTOR. Questing over and over again is a grind, it does not matter that it's voice acted. I can't speak for every class quest or side quest in the game, but the ones I have experienced myself thus far are thinly veiled copies of the one before it.


Normally I really enjoy the story telling abilities of bioware games, but so far it has been severely lacking in the quests I've had to endure. That's not to say that I might not change my mind as I get more into the game, just that it isn't there yet for me.

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Yeah I don't understand people that dub any and every repetitive task a grind, who then log in to play their 'favorite' MMO. By their very nature, gameplay is designed around a 'grind' because the game company wants you to keep paying to play.


If you think x, y, z is a grind, you're playing the wrong GENRE of game.

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How is the grind dead? they have just hidden it with a voice acted story, you still need to kill x number of y, or travel to one person to speak to them then travel back to another to speak to them, or hack 3 terminals guarded by mobs at each point which is then a bonus mission of killing x number of that mob.

Grind is still there just harder to see


Give me an idea of what a non-grind level experience would consist of. I hear people saying that "it's kill x for y rewards" but never give a better alternative.

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The worst grind in this game is moving from point A to point B to point c to point d... all game and to realise that a+b+c+d are the only points in the game... wasn't so bad till i got to hoth on main and tried to reroll on opposite faction.. thats when it hits you.. there's huge zone with mostly nothing in it..
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Give me an idea of what a non-grind level experience would consist of. I hear people saying that "it's kill x for y rewards" but never give a better alternative.


because MMOs and the grind go hand in hand. its how they make money.

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5/5 Flesh Raiders killed.






BONUS QUEST! 0/45 Flesh Raiders killed


Welcome to your grind-free experience.


LoL! I love it.


SWTOR is a grindfest, dressed up as something else. Dont fall for the dressup.

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Thank Gawd! Someone has finally designed an MMO with Gamers in mind. With the Voice Acted missions -- yes, even the side quest are voice acted, the grinding for levels is officially dead!


Thank you SWTOR for killing this beast by making leveling fun, engaging, and very immersive. I actually look forward to leveling. Its no longer just a race to the highest level to begin the "real" game. In SWTOR the "real" game starts at level 1 with your very first mission and your very first dialogue decision!




And that's a good thing?

We're all 50 in 2 - 4 weeks with no content.


1-49 can be just as fun as 50, and I don't mean story. I'll hail the MMO that gets that right.

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How is the grind dead? they have just hidden it with a voice acted story, you still need to kill x number of y, or travel to one person to speak to them then travel back to another to speak to them, or hack 3 terminals guarded by mobs at each point which is then a bonus mission of killing x number of that mob.

Grind is still there just harder to see


Aren't those elements that u quote the things that distinct an RPG from a sh*t?

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How is the grind dead? they have just hidden it with a voice acted story, you still need to kill x number of y, or travel to one person to speak to them then travel back to another to speak to them, or hack 3 terminals guarded by mobs at each point which is then a bonus mission of killing x number of that mob.

Grind is still there just harder to see


Im sorry but I dont notice any of that at all. I personally dont even watch my EXP bar at all and havnt since the first day I logged in. In wow, I didnt read ANY quest boxes, just looked at my map and followed the arrows and cared about leveing up and leveling up ONLY.


In SWTOR, I dont give a crap about leveling up or gear. I care about each planets story and why the empire is their. I care about my class story and what my character is doing and whet he needs to do next.


The kill x number of y bonus missions is fun to me and is somthing I set my mind to complete every one available to me because, its a bonus and not required. If I wanted, I wouldnt have to complete ANY bonus missions at all, and it wouldnt affect me in the slightest. Its a bonus for a reason.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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