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Nar Shaddaa is Appaling


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You get what you give.


Overly prideful, (and hence) chronically dissatisfied people tend to be chronically "unimpressed" because they think they are wiser than everyone else. Selective testing shows that their IQs are actually below average.


So when you see some dolt blathering as if his negative opinion was scripture, bear in mind that he (or she) may have an overblown self-image.

Edited by KippTabor
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Overly prideful, (and hence) chronically dissatisfied people tend to be chronically "unimpressed" because they think they are wiser than everyone else.


What if we find the game unimpressive because there's another game out there called WoW that does almost everything this game does but better?

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You get what you give.


Overly prideful, (and hence) chronically dissatisfied people tend to be chronically "unimpressed" because they think they are wiser than everyone else. Selective testing shows that their IQs are actually below average.


So when you see some dolt blathering as if his negative opinion was scripture, bear in mind that he (or she) may have an overblown self-image.


How was it overly prideful - just because I tried to reason out my argument?

Why is voicing concern or having a negative opinion blathering? That's how stuff improves


And why do you feel I am chronically dissatisfied/unimpressed?

If that were the case, I wouldn't bother providing feedback, I would just quit. But as I frankly stated, there's is a lot I really like, but the mechanical level design of certain zones is not one of them.

Edited by Faztastic
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Nar Shaddaa gah, glad i skipped it. I was outleveled for it anyway when i got there to do my class quest. It looked nice thats all. Anyway wait till you get to Taris, the never ending Taris... Edited by Merihim
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Nar Shaddaa gah, glad i skipped it. I was outleveled for it anyway when i got there to do my class quest. It looked nice thats all. Anyway wait till you get to Taris, the never ending Taris...


At least Taris was all one planet and seperated. I even got to see the Endar Spire again.

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I thought Nar Shadda was brilliantly done. The way that every thing was so tight a close together gave you the feeling of a planet that is over-run with Tech and over populated.


I think this was a great addition to all the other open world experiences.

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How was it overly prideful - just because I tried to reason out my argument?

Why is voicing concern or having a negative opinion blathering? That's how stuff improves


And why do you feel I am chronically dissatisfied/unimpressed?

If that were the case, I wouldn't bother providing feedback, I would just quit. But as I frankly stated, there's is a lot I really like, but the mechanical level design of certain zones is not one of them.


It may have started with: "it broke my spirit". Drama, FTW!

Edited by KippTabor
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As much as I am enjoying this game, Nar Shaddaa nearly broke my spirit, it has probably the worst level design in any MMO I have played.


The quests are in all four corners of the main map, and when you travel to each corner, the mission objectives are invariably at the end of the section with long, winding claustrophobic corridors in between, and mostly unavoidable trash.

To make it worse, you usually visit the zone before getting your Speeder, so must travel around on foot, and there is usually nothing to do on the way to your objective except kill random mobs.

It's a bit tragic, because the planet itself is quite beautifully rendered, if a little bit too dark.


Fortunately, with the right balance of Space battles, PvP and Heroics in previous zones, you can skip a lot of Nar Shadaa and move on to somewhere more interesting.


I'm hoping at the very least, Bioware puts more minor missions in each section so you have more to do than run and gun from one end of the corridor to the other.


I don't have a problem with the missions or travel distance but more with the overall planet design. Nar Shadaa being very similar to Coruscant but more flashy like vegas, I simply don't see how this could be called a "planet" in part of a Star Wars MMORPG. It is nothing more than corridors separated into sectors which requires a taxi to travel back and forth.


While I agree about the long, winding claustrophobic corridors in between, and mostly unavoidable trash. I find it very easy not to aggro mobs in this game and can usually avoid just about any mob that isn't located in long tight corridors. For example in some situations especially on Nar Shadda I've managed to slip by a fair amount of mobs undetected whereas in other games like WoW I would of had a whole stampede of mobs up my ***. I like the toned down aggro though, makes it less tedious.

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Levels I have played


Start zone - Horrible, mountains forcing me down a linear path

Coruscant - Horrible, Corridoors forcing me down a linear path

Taris - Horrible, debris forcing me down a linear path

Nar Shaddaa - Abomination, corridors forcing me down a linear path

Tatooine - mildly better, invisible walls forcing me down a linear path

Alderaan - Much better, I enjoyed that level.

Quesh - utterly horrible, Mountains, high walls forcing me down a linear path.


Yeah let me guess, the next planet has something forcing me down a linear path :rolleyes:


EDIT: Missed a few out but they were linear too :p


I Couldn't have put it better myself although I have only played up to Nar Shadda and was very much looking forward to Tatooine but invisible walls?? Not sounding good.


In BETA I played Korriban and Dromund Kaas and didn't like any of the planets for the very reasons you mentioned. I found Tython to be a little better though and did quite enjoy it.


Players should be allowed to fall off the face of the planet if they wanted to, far too many restrictions in this game which is why Star Wars suits sandbox...


I'll take a high tech city world over a generic forest/jungle world I can see in any game ever.



If I wanted to run through a forest killing large animals, I'd play WoW.


That is all fine and dandy but wouldn't you prefer a high tech city suited more for a MMORPG and not a single player game? For example maybe a few larger scale and more open sectors and maybe some access tunnels leading through all the sectors so you can actually travel by foot and not restricted to a taxi with the same route! Obviously the taxi would be quicker but it leaves the option and a little more freedom, these tunnels could also be good for some PVP.

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I've been through Nar Shaddaa about 4 times now, and I still love it.


The atmosphere and layout is spot-on when it comes to lore, and it forces you to kill most mobs on your way, resulting in lots of xp.


The trick is to make sure you have all quests for an area, and don't go to turn in before you've done them all - then again, that counts for every planet and every zone.


Part of the challenge here is that many times you will unlock additional quests at some point, or have a follow up which means having to reclear a whole heap of trash from a corridor before you can proceed. I can't remember the amount of times where I've finished an area, came back to my hub, found a new quest that meant clearing the whole area again.


Fair enough, I feel like I'm running in corridors the whole game, but Nar Shaddaa just makes it obnoxiously obvious.

Edited by Scelerant
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Exactly. Kind of tough to make it feel "open" when the whole planet is a giant city.


Ever played GTA. It's a city too, but that's a level design I would expect from a modern MMO. Nar Shadda is not a giant city it's a giant junk yard.

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Ever played GTA. It's a city too, but that's a level design I would expect from a modern MMO. Nar Shadda is not a giant city it's a giant junk yard.


This.. I could accept the linearity and all that, but I hate that it doesn't even look like a city. The backdrop looks great (as long as you don't look down.. ***?) but the play area is just a bunch of corridors and giant rooms, like a formula oldschool RPG dungeon. Feels more like being in the maintenance access tunnels of a city, than actually being in the city itself.


The world design in this game is just terrible. It's like they didn't even try to make it look like real places, at all.

Edited by Vihazur
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This.. I could accept the linearity and all that, but I hate that it doesn't even look like a city. The backdrop looks great (as long as you don't look down.. ***?) but the play area is just a bunch of corridors and giant rooms, like a formula oldschool RPG dungeon. Feels more like being in the maintenance access tunnels of a city, than actually being in the city itself.


The world design in this game is just terrible. It's like they didn't even try to make it look like real places, at all.


Its a better then ff13. Boy was that a huge let down. There was less linearity in that game then halo.

Edited by Kabloosh
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Actually, nar shaddaa looks alot like it has done in other games and imagry from earlier products in star wars.


just check out the imagry on the wookieepedia site.




or just a quick image search and you'll see it doesnt stray too far from the EU portrayals of the smugglers moon.



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